zs nut‘-in the9inIiIiIItiIins' l‘ NOVEMBER-2005 l MOUNTA|NPRIDEMEDlA.ORG our daily age Prnmnte our event are! Send your event listings to calendar@mountaln pridemediaorg, or write to OITM, PO Box ‘I122, Burlington VT 05402 Wednesday 01 CLAREMONT, NH - Claremont Opera House - La Boheme. The modern musical Rent is based on the beauti- ful story La Boheme. La Boheme has . a 32 piece orchestra, 30 member chorus, 7 soloists, elaborate cos- tumes and sets, and English super titles. Tickets are $35, $32, and $22. Call the Claremont Opera House box office at 603-542-4433 or order tick- ets online at claremontoperahouse. corn. - ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont CARES - Oral HIV Testing. Free Walk in Anonymous Oral HIV testing avail- able every Wednesday 3-6pm. at Vermont CARES 1235 Hospital Drive Suite two. Other times are available by appointment. For more info call Penni at 802-748-9061. ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont CARES - Needle Exchange. Walk in hours every Wednesday 3-6pm at Vermont CARES 1235 Hospital Drive Suite two. For more info call Penni at 802- 748-9061. Thursday 02 RUTLAND - VTCARES - Oral HIV Testing. Free & anonymous. First Thursday of Every Month from 12 noon to 4pm. At Asa Bloomer State Office Building (On Merchants Row, Rutland) 1st Floor Clinic provided by VTCARES. Be Safe. Be Smart. Get Tested. Knowledge is Power. No needles! Walk-in testing hours at VT- CARES every Wednesday 10am-1pm 27 South Main Street 775-5884. Friday 03 BETHLEHEM, NH - Highlands Inn - Christine Martucci. These concerts are FREE to guests. FMI: www. highlandsinn-nh.com or 1-877-LES-B- INN (537-2466). The Highlands Inn, Bethlehem, NH. BRATTLEBORO — HomoHaI|oween. Dance Party for LGBTQ: 9pm-1 am, American Legion, top of Main Street, ‘ Brattleboro. The folks who brought you the great Pride Dance this last June — The Queer Community Proj- ect, The Men's Program, and Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area — have come together to bring you a HomoHa|loween. Costumes optional. $5 admission, DJ, cash bar. FMI: 254-4444. BURLINGTON - First Friday Art Walk. 5-8PM. Over forty galleries and art venues stay open late to welcome walkers andshare Bur|ington's incredible, year—round art scene. Take a guided tour or make your own. Pick up your copy of Art Map Burlington, First Friday Art Wa|k's official publication, and your guide to art in Burlington or check out w. artmapbur|ington.com to see a list of participating venues. First Friday Art Walk and Art Map Burlington is sponsored by Art's Alive, Burlington City Arts, Kasini House, Robert Hull Fleming Museum, and the South End Arts and Business Association. Got questions? Call 802-264-4839 or email info@artmapburIington.com. BURLINGTON - Outright VT - Friday Night Group. From 7-8:30pm at 241 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. Our youth social/support group that meets every Friday evening no matter the weather or holiday. Free pizza 1st Fri- days! Come meet other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered & question- ing youth ages 22 and under! FMI visit www.outrightvt.org or call 800. GLB.CHAT. Saturday 04 BETHLEHEM, NH - Highlands Inn - Christine Martucci. See Friday 3rd FMI. BURLINGTON - Outright VT J Sex wl Dan & Katherine. 7-8:30 p.m. 241 N. Winooski Ave, Burlington This pro- gram is Outright Vermont's monthly discussion where queer sexualities and bodies are affirmed, celebrated, and discussed with the purpose of preventing the spread of HIV. This is a sex-positive discussion guided by youth with input from Dan (our long- time sex-ed volunteer) and Katherine (our Health & Wellness Coordina- tor). We emphasize the importance of being comfortable with your own body, setting and understanding your ' own limits, and open communication with relationship and sexual partners. Come by to chat from 7-8:30 p.m. and for free pizza! Content is age ap- propriate for anyone in high school or beyond. For ages 22 and under. FMI visit www.outrightvt.org or call 800. GLB.CHAT. Sunday 05 BETHLEHEM, NH - Highlands Inn - Christine Martucci. See Friday 3rd FMI. BURLINGTON - Green Party - Greens Come Together. Grassroots activists hang out with the Green Party in the Pickering Room at the Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1pm-2:30pm. Free. Info: bur|vtgreens@yahoo.com. BURLINGTON - VGSA - Volleyball: @ Christ the King School, 136 Locust St. (upper Shelburne Rd.) 6-8pm, $5/members, $10/non-members. Save Money- VGSA membership only $20.00. Come for an evening of challenging (yet low-key and fun!) volleyball. We have a great time, and welcome new players. FMI contact Guy @802 272-2000. BURLINGTON - American Catholic Church Eucharist. Join us for an affirming LGBT Catholic liturgy and sharing. First Sunday of the follow- ing months Sept 2006 - May 2007, 7:00 pm. Call 660-7175 for directions, questions. Monday 06 ARLINGTON - Alcoholics Anonymous - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgen- der Meeting. Every Monday from 7:00-8:00 PM. At the Turning Point Club, 465 Main St., Bennington. FMI 802-442-9700. Open meeting of AA, meaning that anyone with a desire to stop drinking can attend. BRATTLEBORO - The Men's Program - Boy's Bowling Night. 7pm at Brattle- boro Bowl, Putney Road. Join The Men's Program for a new outing at Brattleboro Bowl on Putney Road. No talent necessary... HONEST! Just a desire to get together and have some fun. FMI: 254-4444. BURLINGTON - Ohavi Zedek Synagogue - Bubbles, Babies and Bagels. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue is sponsoring a free Jewish playgroup for families of all backgrounds for parents/grandparents and children between the ages of birth through three years old. It meets every Mon- day from 10:00-11:00AM at 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington. The first half hour is filled with Jewish songs and stories followed by noshing and shmoozing. For more information, call Sarah Klionsky 864-0218 ext 26.. MONTPELIER - Survivors of Incest Anonymous — Meeting. 6:00 PM. At the UCC Bethany Church in Montpe- lier on Main Street (on the right, just past Ben & Jerry's if you are coming from the interstate). Every Monday in the Blue Door Room, come in front door go to the Basement,'stairs on left, then to the end of the hall to the room with the blue door. FMI: 229- 2153 or 454-7822 for more info. Tuesday 07 BENNINGTON - Bennington "Pride - Community Chat. 6:30 to 8 pm, open Community Chat at the South Street Cafe. Come join Bennington Pride folks for fellowship and conversation. Want to know more? Go to the Ben- ningtonpride.org or email bennpride@ gmai|.com., or write us at Bennington Pride Coalition, PO Box 25, Benning- ton, VT 05201. BENNINGTON - The Turning Point Club — Overeaters Anonymous. For more information, go to: www.oa.org - ...Or come and check out the meet- ing for yourself Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Turning Point Club, 465 Main Street, Bennington, VT. Or call 442-9700 for more infor- mation and/or to be connected with someone from OA. BURLINGTON - Turning Point Center - Proud & Sober Meeting. 7-8:30pm every Tuesday, Turning Point Center, 61 Main St (entrance on Champlain St.), Burlington. Wednesday 08 ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont CARES - Needle Exchange. See Wednesday 1st FMI. ST JOHNSBURY - Vennont CARES - Oral HIV Testing. See Wednesday 1st FMI. Friday 10. . BRATTLEBORO - The Men's Program - Gayme Night. 7pm at Howie's Place Bring your favorite board game and join The Men's Program for great company at Howie's place. FMI: 254-4444. BURLINGTON - Outright VT - Friday Night Group. See Friday 3rd FMI. Saturday 1 1 BURLINGTON - Outright VT - Sex. Proud. 7-8:30 p.m. 241 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Come by for Outright Verrnont’s monthly HIV-specific work- shop series encouraging young, queer people to interact and talk about how to stay safe from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Each month we focus on a new topic. The first 5 youth to show up get $10 and will be entered in a $50 cash prize drawing at the end of the year! Content is appropriate for anyone in middle school, high school or beyond. For ages 22 and under._ FMI visit www.outrightvt.org or call 800. GLB.CHAT. MONTAGUE, MA - LGBT Contra Dance. 7—10pm, Montague Grange, Montague MA. TGender role free contra dances. For more information and directions, go to wvvw.|cfd.org and click on Western Massachusetts Dances, or call Arlene at 860-749- 3863 or Eleanor at 413-247-9604. For more detailed, up-to-the—minute listings, check out our web calendar at: wvvw.mountainpridemedia.org/calendar_index.htm