24.. mil in the mnuntnins .l -NOVEMBER 2006. I MOUNIAINPRIDEMEDJAORG . . . « . — — — — — » — . . - - — - - — - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - — - — - — - - — - « - - — — — - ~ — - - - ~ — — - - - ~ ~ tvmmpuss 5 Friday Night Group at Outright Outright Vermont sponsors this weekly group every Friday eve- ning in November from 7-8:30 pm at 241 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. Our youth social/support group meets every Friday evening no matter the weather or holiday. Free pizza 1st Friday only! Come meet other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and questioning youth ages 22 and under! FMI visit wvvw.outrightvt. org or call 800.GLB.CHAT. Outright Sponsors Sex-Positive Discussions "Sex with Dan and Katherine” will be held on Saturday, Novem- ber 4 from 7-8:30 pm at Outright Vermont, 241 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. . This program is Outright Vermont's monthly discussion where queer sexualities and bod- ies are affirrned, celebrated, and discussed with the purpose of preventing the spread of HIV. This is a sex—positive discussion guided by youth with input from Dan (our long-time sex-ed volunteer) and Katherine (our Health and Well- ness Coordinator). We emphasize the importance of being comfort- able with your own body, setting and understanding your own lim- its, and open communication with relationship and sexual partners. Come by to chat and to share free pizza! Content is age appropri- ate for anyone in high school or beyond. For ages 22 and under. FMI visit www.outrightvt.org or call 800.GLB.CHAT. Sex Proud Talks Up HIV Safety Outright Vermont holds this monthly discussion group on Saturday, November 11 from 7- 8:30 pm at 241 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. ' Come by for Outright Vermont's monthly HIV-specific workshop series encouraging young, queer people to interact and talk about how to stay safe from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Each month we focus on a new topic. The first five youth to show up get $10 and will be entered in a $50 cash prize drawing at the end of the year! Content is ap- propriate for anyone in middle school, high school or beyond. For ages 22 and under. FMI visit www.outrightvt.org or call 800. GLB.CHAT. National MIX It Up Day! On Tuesday, November 14, Mix It Up Day seeks to break down the barriers between students, improve intergroup relations, and help schools create inclusive communities where there are — fewer misunderstandings that can lead to conflicts, bullying or violence. , Mix It Up Day provides tools, resources and ideas to help youth and their adult allies take action. For more information ,visit www.tolerance.org/teach/ mix_it_up/about. Saturday Night Socials Get social at Outright Vermont every Saturdays 7-8:30 pm at Outright Vermont, 241 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. Drop by for Outright Vermont's youth social/hang out group that meets every Saturday and features boi/grrl movie nights, queer crafts and outdoor adven- tures! Come meet other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and questioning youth ages 22 and under! On Saturday, November 25, Outright Vermont's Queer Coffee House features local musicians, slam poets and dis- cussions. It's a chance for older youth to socialize with folks they might not find at a Friday Night ' Group. FMI visit wvvw.outrightvt. org or call 800.GLB.CHAT. Old Dykes Home Meeting Ever wonder what life's going to be like in old age? How will old lesbians relate to one another? Join others on Sunday, Novem- ber 12 to share your thoughts. What kind -of facilities will meet our social, political, and sexual identity needs? Ever thought about the Old Dykes Home or care connection or community? If any of this is on your mind and you would like to join with others to discuss how we want to live out our lives, please come to a discussion that we will call the Old Dykes Horne. Even if you're not thinking about a particular facility but want to think about some of the issues facing old dykes, lesbians, gay women; this is a place to begin that dialogue. The first Old Dykes Home meeting will take place at 2 pm, - Sunday, November 12 at 52 Peru St. FMI please call Peggy Luhrs at 862-9015 or Jean Cass at 363-0591. UVM Hosts Men's Awareness Week Men's Awareness Week will be held November 13-15 at UVM. On Monday, November 13, 7:30 to 9 pm at Ira Allen‘ Chapel, Don McPherson, founder and executive director of the Sports Leadership Institute at Adel- phi University, and one of the nation's leading male advocates for the prevention of male violence against women, will hold a discussion about civility in sports, bullying in schools, and violence prevention. On Tuesday, November 14, from 7:30 to 9 pm, in Water- man 413, Jason Zelesky, M.Ed., will speak on the topic: Well- ness Outreach, regarding the social and cultural influences on the development of masculine identity. On Wednesday, November 15, from 7:30 to 9 pm, in Water- man 413, Tom Schiff, Ed.D., will speak about traditional notions of masculinity and associated health risks. FMI please call Keith E. Smith, Men's Outreach Coordi- nator, at 802-656-3340, or email keith.smith@uvm.edu. Montreal LG BT Film Festival For 10 days in November, Mon- treal will play host to a remark- able number of queer films from around the world for the 19th edition of image+nation, Montreal's International LGBT Film festival. Taking place this year from November 16 to 26, 2006, Canada's first LGBT Film Festival moves to its new home, the majestically restored Imperial Cinema, for an impressive mix of . feature films, shorts, comedies, dramas, documentaries, musi- cals, and video work. Official programming is avail- able at www.image-nation.org starting Nov. 1. Transgender Day of Remembrance The annual Transgender Day of Remembrance will take place on Saturday, November 18 from 7-10 pm. The event will be hosted at _ Magnolia Bistro located at 1 Lawson Lane in Burlington, in the alleyway behind American Flatbread on St. Paul Street. A ‘memorial service will be held to honor transgender individuals who have been murdered in the last year. Also, there will be an art show, free food and nonalco- holic beverages, and a cash bar. Donations welcome. Contact 863-0003 for more information. International I Gay and Lesbian Leadership Conference This conference, to be held in Houston, Texas the weekend of November 16-19, offers openly LGBT elected, appointed and community leaders "a unique opportunity to share ideas and best practices, on the challenges and opportunities they face today," says the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute. Appearing at the conference: Rep. Barney Frank, DNC Chair Howard Dean, Rep. Tammy Bald- win, Volker Beck of the German Green Party, comedian Elvira Kurt and ‘others. FMI please see www.victoryinstitute.org/confer- ence. Public Television Interview with Alison Bechdel Host Fran Stoddard will inter- view cartoonist Alison Bechdel on the show Profile on Vermont Public Television this month. Bechdel is the creator of Dykes to Watch Out For comic strip that OITM runs each month, and wrote the graphic novel Fun Home that was published earlier this year. The Profile interview with Bechdel will air twice: From 7:30- 8 pm on Monday, November 20, and from 1:30-2 pm on Sunday, November 26. New Computer Center Opens for BHA Residents Burlington area residents who receive housing assistance with the Burlington Housing Authority now are able to access computer use and training at the new computer center at 230 St. Paul Street, said project manager Ben Tomko. Eligible residents will be able to use the center free of charge, including training classes and Internet connection. About 2,500 area residents are eligible to use the center, which is open 8 to 4:30 weekdays plus some evening and weekend hours. FMI please call Ben at 264- 0047 or email him at btomko@ burIingtonhousing.org. World AIDS Day - Vermont CARES Turns 20 Join us at the Firehouse Gal- Iery in downtown Burlington on Friday, December 1, from 5 to 7 pm for our reception and reflection. Community members and supporters will share their thoughts on the past 20 years of serving Vermonters affected by HIV and AIDS.>Since 1'986, Ver- mont CARES has been working across the state to better serve people living with, or at risk of, HIV infection. We will also display new quilt panels for Vermont's own quilt j project commemorating those we've lost to HIV/AIDS. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Angela Madonia at 802/863-2437, ext. 24. - Straight into Gay America Film Wins Awards Straight into Gay America, the story of a Lutheran pastor's unicycle trip across America in support of the LGBT com- munity, already published in book form, is now also on film. The premiere showing of Jenny Ting's documentary was held last‘ month at the Lesbian and Gay Film Festival in Seattle, where it won Best Local Film Award and Audience Choice for Best Local Film Award. Lars Clausen, who is hetero- sexual, began his trip~in Bur|ing- A ton, Vermont two years ago and completed his 1,000-mile trek in Virginia. His book was published this year. To find out more, go to www. straightintogayamericacom. Peace Song Writing Contest Hey musicians! Sharpen those pencils and tune those guitars! Come join fellow musicians for Montpelier's first-ever Peace Song Writing Contest. The contest will take place at 7 pm on Thursday, December 7 at the Langdon Street Café in down- town Montpelier. If you think that this an- nouncement is a little too early, don't let the far-away date leave you complacent. You want time to come up with a good song! Your song entry must be your own work. You may perform it by yourself or with friends. Visit www.orca- media.net, look for the contest info and download the entry form. Entry forms must be submitted by Friday, Decem- ber1 and must be mailed to ORCA Media, 89 Main Street, Montpelier, VT 05602, or faxed to (802) 223-0432. FMI call 224-9901. National LGBT Radio Show to Air in January Premiere Radio Networks, the syndication division of Clear Channel Communications, and Wilderness Media & Entertain- ment, the gay media and en- tertainment portfolio company owned by LOGO founder Matt Farber, proudly announce a joint venture to further the distri- bution of Radio With a Twist, the first nationally syndicated commercial radio brand aimed at the LGBT audience, Echelon Intel Newsletter announced last month. Beginning January 1, 2007, Premiere Radio will head up the affiliate distribution and advertising sales efforts. Wilder- ness Media & Entertainment will continue to create and produce the weekly program. Green Mountain Grrrlz Arrives on the Web When Jenn Childers moved to Winooski from Chicago in August, she wondered where the equivalent of a Chicago friend's Web site (dykediva. . com) was. Not finding one, she decided to create her own. Check out www. greenmtngrrr|z.com to see the latest "for lesbians, dykes, queers, bisexuals and transgendered individuals who want to know what is going on in the Grrrlz’ community in and around Burlington, Vermont." World AIDS Day Activities at Keene State College Nov. 16 - Dec. 1 Events to commemorate World AIDS Day in the 25-year land- mark of the pandemic have been organized by AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region with financial support from Planned Parenthood of Keene. Reach ASMR by calling (603) 357-6855, or stop by the office located in The Cleve Jones Well- ness House, 16 High street in Gilsum, 8 miles from Keene on Route 1ON.