,_/—__4.-'—.-. NOVEMIBVEIRVZOOS | uutlinltlllelmuuntuins 23 working out: no more Excuses BY RONALD BLAKE ’m going to give you five min- utes to come up with all the objections you have for work- ing out. Who am I fooling? You already currently have numerous objections, your honor. You would have just wasted those precious 300 seconds lusting over your new Abercrombie catalog. I have the top four excuses that I hear on a quotidian basis: 1) no money 2) no time 3) not motivated 4) don't like it I shall explore the skinny on all these fascinating obstacles to your health and fitness. Followme and watch where you step. b ’'I just don't have the money to work out." 4 You're right"! You needed it for your manicure and martini lunch, ~ the ten weekly Starbucks lat- , tés, the Betty Boop windshield sunshade, the Casino Arizona slot machines, the commemora- tive Govemor Janet Napolitano av copper coin, the ABBA Greatest Hits CD, and of course the Fancy Feast for little Purrfect. Even with all these essentials recorded and on the ledger, you can still afford fitness. For less than $100, you can go to Target and ‘acquire the necessities for your home workout. You can pur- chase a stability ball, resistance \ bands, and several pairs of various weight- ed dumbbells. These items are space-friendly and they pro- vide an equiva- lent workout to any fitness club. ''I just don't have time to work out." At a minimum, you only need two to three hours per week for your fitness needs. That equates to about one percent of your weekly hours. One idea is to get up with the paperboy and get your workout in be— fore all the day's obligations tsunami upon you. A Buenos Dias workout ' will also give you more energy for your hectic day. That might mean giving up the 11 pm Nick at Nite episode of the Brady Bumrh the evening before. It’s all about priorities. Here’s another free suggestion: keep an exercise ball, resistance bands, and a few sets of dumb- bells in your Work office. Exer- ' cise right after work in your office for 30 minutes. By the time you’re done, rush hour should have eased a bit and you’ll have saved time and sanity from not being stuck in traflic. Use creativity and brainstorming and I’m willing to - bet that you will find some time for a fitness routine. ''I'm just not motivated to workout." Honey, if you were in a burning building, you’d find the motiva- tion to get out. I can hear some of you now. “Yeah, but that’s dif- ferent because a burning building is an emergency and you will do Whatevenit takes to get out.” Oh, really! So you're saying that you’ll wait until your health becomes an emergency before taldng any reactive measures. Discuss this amongst yourselves before mov- ing on.\ ' Here are some great motiva- tional techniques for your fitness program. 0 Find a workout partner. There’s nothing like a true buddy carrying you through those doldrums in life. - Listen to your favorite en- ergizing and inspiring CD’s before, during, and after your workouts._ Do I hear the Rocky soundtrack building momen- tum? _ .0 Place motivational sayings or quotations on slips of paper and strategically position these in conspicuous locations at your work, in your car, and in your home. 0 Write your goals down on paper and place these, too, in conspicuous places. The likeli- hood of achieving your goal increases by 80 percent when it is written down. "| just don't like to workout; It’s too hard. It’s no fim. It hurts. Here are a few more negative, nihil- istic, nay-saying nouns for you ne'er- do-wells: dislike, antipathy, disin- clination, odium, disapprobation, displeasure, repulsion, repugnance, and hate. Hate!! Now that's a pow- erful mean word to bandy around. However, most people have these feelings about fitness. Most people also had those feelings about school whilst they were mere mop- pets. Thank god for recess, “hot for teacher”, and Friday night football games. Most people today have those hateful feelings for their job. Thank god forjean days, potlucks, and the hot blond in cubicle 9A. . You need to find that silver lining go out and chop away at all your obstacles! Bon chance, mon ami!V in your fitness cloud. Is your glass half—empty or half-full?_The answer lies within you, my young Jedi! Excuses are like (fill , in your favorite body part). Ev- erybody has one. I hope I've given you some power to move be— ‘ yond those ubiquitous evildoers. “Christina, bring me the axe!” Now Ron Blake originally wrote this piece for Heatstroke, a bimonthly newspaper serving the GLBT community in ' Phoenix, Arizona. Same Prefer take REVIEW BY YMIKHAEL YOWE can’t find anything good to say about the movie Some Prefer Cake I evencalled a lesbian friend over and we watched it together. She said it was bad, but she’d maybe watch it again sometime. My wife said it was “just ok.” I can’t figure out what either one of them means i by that. The plot of two women fight- ing over what women prefer, sex or chocolate cake, got old very quickly. The movie could have ' been cut in half and been much better. I guess my problem with the movie is that I couldn’t connect with the characters-on. enough levels to like them or even hate them. Kira, (Kathleen Fontaine) is a comedian who isn’t funny. Sydney, (Tara Howley) Kira’s straight best friend, is sexually repressed to the point of annoy- ance. Machiko Saito plays a very convincing role as a dreaded lesbian stalker. I found it dis- turbing - so much for my idea of_ lesbian comedy. ' . I tried very hard to find something good in this movie. I did find two scenes unpredictable enough to make ‘me laugh. The rest of the movie was beyond vanilla. - The acting and camera shots, though stilted at flrst, got better as the movie progressed. The script was plausible as I could see myself in Kltttvkls tun.7rpIxm!IA r:us'.zu’rx ‘ some of the situations, like when Kira meets up with Robin (Desi Del Valle), and doesn’t have a clue about getting into a relationship, much less keeping it from falling apart. There was way too much whining for me, and not enough “testosterone.” (I use the “T” word because I 'don’t think I can get away with any other)’. Yes, it was a lesbian comedy, but lesbians do have “testosterone” and they know how to use it. ‘ I guess you could rent the DVD just because you’re bored or some- thing, but don’t run out and buy it without watching it first.V Mikhael Yowe is a married trans-queer leatherman who lives in Williamstown, Vermont. '