-» 7-r-— Y... -"\n--.,, raw» -... is out In the mountains I NOVEMBER 2006 l MOUNTAlNPRlDEMED|A.ORG 7/ ///I////. S If you're between the ages of 15-25 and have something to say, this page is for YOUR stories, commentary, toons, art and pix. i Contact lynn@mountainpridemedia.org. Students and Faculty Raise Awareness at Coming Out Day in Bennington I Ifl/JWIWWWW reaching out BY WILL HOLDEN 53 1 Dear William, I'm an out gay man in with a new boyfriend. ; We met a few months ago, and really hit it ‘ ‘ BY NICK RE'E_D ‘ W off. He's been great to me, and I couldn't ‘ ' have been happier, but there is one tudems a'nd_facu»lFy from Mount problem. He's not only still in the closet, Anthony Umon Hlgh School’ and but refuses to come out, to anybody but many other members of the Ben- nington—area community, gatheredrat the four corners on October 11 in celebration of National Coming Out Day. Many of the students were members of GLOW-UP (Gay, Lesbian, Or Whatever - United People), the school’s gay-straight alliance. Among the adults were those who had heard of the event and decided to join, most ofwhom were members of the Bennington Pride Coalition, which meets at the South Street‘ Cafe every ’l\1esday night at 6:30. ' National Coming Out Day is a day that has been celebrated over the years in which many members of the LGBT community decide to face their fears and come out with their sexual identity to family, friends, and co-workers. . National Coming Out Day is not spe- cifically a holiday in Bennington, but one that is celebrated all across the country. This is Bennington’s second year of celebration. The gatherings on the four corners first began a year ago when GLOW-UP plarmed out the event; This year's event was, however, organized pri- marily by the Bennington Pride Coalition. The main focus of these celebra- tions is to defeat worldwide ignorance that continually oppresses the LGBT community. It is a day that, for Ben— Nick Reed (pictured with Ashley Bump) is a 16-year-old from Bennington. nington, joins together people of 311 He is an active member of both GLOW-UP and the Bennington Pride Coalition. ages and helps us to forget our diffel-_ Nick can be reached at nicoli80@yahoo.com. ences and work together to create a stronger, more tolerant community.V - me. We met through an online dating site, which is the only place has ever stated (without picture or actual identification) that he is gay. Even though he was timid on the subject, I was still able to manage. That is, until recently. Not only will he not acknowledge our relationship, but now he's taking another step back as well. He has told his family that he has a - girlfriend. I asked him about this, and his only reaction was to kiss me and apolo- gize. We haven't spoken much since. This was about a week ago. What should l do? I think that our relationship could be excellent, if only we could get past this. —23/l\/l/Montpelier In Response: The first thing that you need to do is sit down and talk with your boyfriend. It sounds like there may have been some avoiding in the past few days. Tell him how hurt you were when he lied to his family. Maybe you should ask why he is so afraid to come out. Don't pressure him to. You may be out yourself, but it is a dif- ficult task to handle. Be gentle with him. If he's not ready, then give him time, but tell him how hurt you were when he tried to cover with an imaginary girlfriend. Tell him that if he is willing to come out, he won't have to do it alone. l-lave him do it slowly, starting with people he trusts the most. , accompany him and back him in this. I hope that this helps you, and please update us l'—:iter on. Questions for Will Holden can be sent to PHOTO: MICHEL YAEGER , ‘ _ will@mountainpriclernecliaorg. fifififififififk/////fl’/flfifi’/05M%fi’0$%V»$’»19}’/Afififififi’ Ally Week Highlights Value of Allies in Safe Schools NEW YORK - The Gay, Lesbian and Straight establish the first Gay-Straight Alliance Education Network (GLSEN) sponsored almost 20 years ago, one of my straight the second annual Ally Week in October, students came up with the idea. It’s only a celebration of the important role allies fitting that LGBT students likewise came play in creating safe schools for all stu- up with the idea to recognize allies. dents, regardless of sexual orientation or “As a teacher, I saw firsthand the gender expression or identity. positive and powerful impact as- GLSEN’s student leaders created Ally sociated when one student tells Week last year as a national youth-led another something is not cool.” effort empowering students to be allies An ally is-any non-LGBT student _ against anti—LGBT bullying, harassment who supports ending anti—LGBT bul- and name-calling in K-12 schools. lying and harassment in schools. “Allies have been integral in the effort During Ally Week, students held to make schools safe for all students,” events appropriate to their school said GLSEN founder and executive di- community across the country. The rector Kevin Jennings. “When I helped most common activity ‘was students handing out stickers to allies who sign a pledge card to not use anti—LGBT language and slurs and to intervene physically assaulted because of their sexual orientation, and over a ninth because of their gender expression. when others do use such language. “I’m an ally because I know what a Three out of four LGBT students re- difference it makes to have just one port hearing “faggot” or “dyke” frequently person stand up for you," said Hannah in schools, and nearly nine out of 10 Brown, a 15-year- old straight student report hearing “that's so gay” referring from Doherty Memorial High School in . to something stupid, according to the Worcester, Mass., who is hosting‘ a sum- 2005 National School Climate Survey mit with four area gay-straight alliances More than a third of LGBT students at her public library. “The presence of experienced physical harassment at allies shows that there are legitimate school on the basis of sexual orien— problems with teasing and harass- tation, and more than a quarter on ment that need to be addressed.”Y the basis of their gender expression. Nearly one-fifth of students had been Press release from U.S. Newswire‘ avorammmymmr/at/22»mama»/may/awmwwwwk/zawmmmwikwwm/yywmymm ’ ‘ {MW//M//M//M////wwww/////amwwaww//WW1”