is out in the mountains I NOVEMBER 2006 I MOUNTAINPRIDEMEDIAORG new Illediu Ilenture: BY PEGGY LUHRS ohn Scagliotti has documented our LGBT community’ from Stonewall (1984) and Afier‘St0'n’e’-' wall (1999) are classics of the state of the movement pre- and post- _, Stonewall Rebellion, the 1969 New York riots sparked by police raids on gay bars. Dangerous Living (2003) expands to tell the stories of coming out in the so-called de- veloping world, and including the the beginning. HisfilmsBefo're _ .. backlash as gay and lesbian libera- tion took off in the U._S... ’ Scagliotti_of.Guilford created In The Life, the PBS gay maga- zine program that has had a good 15-year run. His work has led him to support more independent media. He’s found that LOGO and other outlets — while adding to LGBT content on cable TV - still don’t cover the hot topics of politics, sex and religion. Ergo ', a movie rental ‘service he has set up to support 1lIE.P.L0llBElIA EIIAIIBEAR the Independent GLBT Video and Filmmakers Consortium (IGVFC). will use ten per- cent of its revenues to support the consortium, a loosely orga- nized group of film producers. Anxious to get away from cen- sors and aware of the dangers of foundation funding, John has set up this network to make a wide range of lesbian/gay/bisexuaV transgender DVDS available. Following is a conversation we had about J ohn’s new project. lnhnituglintti and En PL: Why do we need a GLB'|'- producing consortium? J S: My work has been censored a little self-censorship here, a lit- tle cutting there. Pulling punches is safe. Iwas happy to see LOGO open, but then I realized they couldn’t do politics, sex and reli- gion. They bought Queer as Folk and then censored it. We need independent gay media to really see what LOGO and In the Life won’t put on such as the politics, sex and religion. segments gm 93:14 __ PL: Why new GLBT producers? JS: Because progressive, thought- ful programs such as “why a Republican Governor in Ver- mont vetoes a Gender Identity Bill” can’t be shown now. We need these programs and these dialogues. Big funders won’t do this stuff. We need to involve the grassroots in the policy discus- sion. When Was the last time you saw a national LGBT organization with a field office? And we should be showing the kind of panels (802) 655-3377 X223 (800) 639-4520 x223 m #1 ¥£E£MAX gioriii JACKIE MAEENO REALYOR RWPX .“.i‘m1it i’ruf4:¢s1'>s‘t;r3'-file‘ : . Prtflfisionais fer 21535.. “tits!” and mrving ear 1 comninniiy ..~sin.ce 1989. J/a(:KlEMA.RiNO@Z'VE . Putney, Padma Healing Azrf-is Bringing Ealanu to You From Nature ‘ Plant Spirit Medicine - Therapuetic Massage 0 Herbal Medicine Adrienne deliuevara PO Box 592 Vermont 05346 802 387 5511 BACK ’C5VERMONT