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Mitch Rosengarten Financial Adviser (802) 775-4371 90 Merchants Row, Rutland, VT 05701 Q. citiqroupl SMITHBARNEY IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: Citigroup, Inc., its affiliates, and its employees are not in the business of providing tax or legal advice. These materials and any tax-related statements are not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used or relied upon, by any such taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties. Tax-related statements, if any, may have been written in connection with the "promotion or marketing" of the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed by these materials, to the extent allowed by applicable law. Any such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayer's particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. ©2006 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Member SIPC. Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its affiliates and is used and registered throughout the world. Cl'|'lGROUP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world. ..—-I2 nlltln the mountains | NOVEMBER 2006 I MOUNTAlNPR|DEMEDIA.ORG TRANSGENDER fl The Uncertainty of My Certainty BY TOBIAS NOVAK In my dream-life, I have the body and the chemistry 1, well, dream of. In my dreams Iamthe guylamso certa.inIam.Awake,I remember how good my dreams felt, and am calmed. Movement, fluid in its certainty, self-assured in its presentation. I wake up in the morning, and there are my breasts. There is my female body; behold its in- congruency. I immediately have this disconnect, not only between the waking and dream states, but also between my desired body and actual body. Heaviness, freed by bondage. I used to sleep naked when I was disconnect- ed from my body — when I walked the world as a woman. The woman-actor was convincing, but never so self-assured as the man I am becoming. Now that I am connected to my body, I can no longer ‘sleep naked comfortably. Underdeveloped maleness floating through’ an overdeveloped female body, breasts heavy, ready to fall at any moment with the weight of their inconvenience. I don’t hate my body; I have a beautiful fe- male body, but I’m'not a woman. Trapped in this body, familiar, yet so unfamiliar. I stare at my breasts before my morning shower, defiantly holding my hands over them, imagining a male chest there instead. V We are given a body to walk the world with, and sometimes it is not our own. As I prepare for my shower each morning, this anomaly of magical incongruency, right before my eyes. I can’t be blind to the fact that it's there. I look in the mirror and I see you, unwelcome but unable to leave. My body is undeniably female - to outsiders. What a sacred thing, I think to myself, that I can see something in such a magical way. Things are not always what they seem. I see you‘ as you really are; can you see me? ' I have no plans for bottom surgery — the cre- ation of a penis that may never work, may not look convincing, and costs money I don’t have. Top surgery, on the other hand, is not something I can live without. My vagina doesn’t hang be- tween my legs as the breasts hang from off my chest. How I wish that you co11ld dangle there, in concrete certainty. Alas, your invisibility must suffice. I know there is a male chest under there, spiritually, and I can't wait to see it after top sur- gery. I’ve been looking at lots of pictures lately, researching surgeons, wondering who would do the best job; will I ever have nipple sensation again? ' You are there, but you are not really there. I will acknowledge you only for brief moments of incongruency. To allow another to cut into to your body is a huge decision; as much as I want to see the male chest I have underneath, I know that I must I ’ve been dreaming of T for over a year now. decide carefully, as surrendering your body to another is never an easy decision. Surrendering your breasts to a surgeon's knife is an act that changes the rest of your life. I must trust this surgeon, and they must honor me, in much the way that lovers honor each other’s bodies when they surrender to intimacy. I lay before you, naked in my honesty, the stillness of my surrender on display. I imagine myself unbound, breasts gone for- ever, the male chest I have underneath finally free. I see you, body of my dreams, and I long for you stronger than you comprehend. Or do you comprehend? Afterl showered this morning, I had a sudden realization — oh my god, I’m going to do this. I’m a boy-man, wanting to make his way into man- hood - ready for the challenge, the unexpected, the unfamiliar. I felt a surge of energy in my body. Sudderrchills, ravenous hunger for maleness. This comforted me at first, and then I was ter- rifled. I started to think about life. Employment. Discrimination. Lovers. My life will be so differ- ent. There will be no going back once I do this. The uncertainty of my certainty overwhelms ' me. I've put off getting a tattoo for twenty—five years now, despite wanting one for spiritual reasons. Why? Because its permanent. Once you get the tattoo, there’s no going back. You’ve got it for life. Well that’s what I’m going through with my gender transition. Once I start the T, that’s it. My voice will be changed forever. — We have a voice for solong; we know it so well. Then, we realize it was never our voice to begin with. I almost changed my name recently. I stood there in the courthouse, got the forms, talked with the receptionist about changing my name and gender. But the cost was $50. I didn’t have it. I couldn’t change my name then, but I had the desire, so strong, to finally part with my birth name for good. You can change your name back again, or forward, but once you change your body, there is no return. I don’t do anything permanent. Yet I want desperately to changeithis fundamental essence of my body from female to male - to go through with transition completely. Complete me in your cycles of rebirth. So how is it that I won’t get a tattoo, yet I want nothing more than to change my body and brain chemistry permanently? I am waiting in line for the roller coaster. I am so ready for the ride. But my stomach turns at the thought of actually getting on and being strapped down, unable to get off the ride ifl change my mind. Yet, I am still waiting in line, ready to begin all that I simultaneously dream of ‘ and fear. I'm a free spirit. A traveler, a transient, a hip- pie if you will. I don’t do forevers. This is the one ' thing in my life I can do for real - permanently. I want this forever with everything. How can a CONTlNUED NEXT PAGE 9 //////////////////////A RIM )lOCl 5O_l.‘(-.)‘Hcl