VIEWSFROMVERMONT -BY SKEETER SANDERS ‘Skeeter Bites Chews on Foleygate The following is an excerpt from The ‘Skeeter Bites Re- port. To read the entire col- umn, please go to Skeeter-bites. blogspotcom. DISGRACED FORMER Representative Mark Foley (R-Florida) said through his lawyer in early October that he is “a gay man,” days after revelations that he exchanged sexually explicit Internet instant messages with teenaged male Capitol Hill pages. But contrary to attorney Da- vid Roth’s vehement assertions to reporters that his client “is absolutely, positively not a pe- dophile,” a mounting body of evidence is emerging that the 52-year-old Foley has a pedo- philic, rather than homosexual, orientation. ' While many who knew Fol- ‘ ey had. assumed for years tliat he was gay, they are only now coming to the realization, as the scandal unfolds, that the former six-term congressman never demonstrated behaviors indicative of being attracted t adult males. ’ Nor has anyone, to date, come forward to say defini- tively that Foley is, or has ever been, in a relationship with an adult male, despite a recent Los Angeles Times story in which a former page said he had a sex- ual liaison with Foley in 2000 at the age of 21, after he left the Capitol Hill page program. Several individuals close to‘ Foley told The ‘Skeeter Bites Report on condition of anonym- ity that Foley often attended social fimctions in and around Washington either alone or ac- companied by an adult female companion. While this has often been a tactic taken by closeted gay men in positions of power and influence, none of the individu- als that this blogger spoke with said they could recall Foley even dropping the most subtle of hints that he had any interest at.a.ll'~in adult gay or bisexual men. Yet Foley has on several occasions publicly expressed a deep affection for the young pages - with C-SPAN cameras even "capturing Foley becom- ing unusually emotional during _'[-f- 5535 gl_l_ rtsltlurls oi‘ Vermorvl sho~\\ P°3 l“ px-o‘>aI4‘5'\ ., ——3Tm~TK l?usv~...I _ V Some .‘lcrmorilef$L cm concemd 'fM«'l' ‘la-¥$'i\q —-gégrialrx u)‘i\\ Ai-we -lkem cu-l cl‘ -llm. in-lute.‘ know 'l'l~n'l' vi’ Mk 4: ‘ an) «eating 'b‘\\\t vm~«i"°P° §i°;.».. coiizlfilii‘-oil’. l’ tug-_\\... I'm ho‘l' 9“ \/exmoni. .ro>'i6c~i .' l _. / X Z Dc. ‘Sean Szifio. mo.\<:-.5 o. loco:-¢—¢-0-\\ ..~ v// ¢.)\'\‘\\v Com?a{i5n\hq -gar $30-‘<6 RR"“““\"°'\“le a speech honoring them on the House floor. The Foley scandal is giv- ing the Republican Party ire- mendous grief with its most staunchly loyal constituency: Christian conservatives. At the same time, however, Foley is becoming a pariah in the gay community, which bitterly re- ‘sents conservatives’ longstand- ing assertions associating gay men with pedophilia. [...] The fact that Foley resigned his House seat and claimed days after the fact - through his lawyer - that he's gay is in sharp contrast to Representa- tives Geny Studds (D-Massa- chusetts), Barney Frank (D- Massachusetts) and Jim Kolbe (R-Arizona). They publicly came out of the closet without guilt or shame - and not only stayed in office, they easily won re-election. Kolbe decided in February to retire at the end of the year. Even former Representa- tive David Clarenbach (R-W1s- consin), who waited until after he retired from Congress in 1995 to come out, nonetheless did so with dignity and grace - even introducing his longtime companion to reporters. Four present and former members of Congress — two Democrat, two Republican - came out of the closet as gay men at vari- ous iimes in their lives without , any guilt or shame. Three of the four went on to win re-e1ec- tion. And all four have longtime adult male companions.V ~ Reprinted with permission. = Skeeter Sanders is a former freelance journalist livingin Plainfield. Inthe mlllllltlllllli ~ ~ — — - ~ ~ - - — — — — — — - - - — NOVEMHER -2066; l nutin the mountains -a Don’t let them decide. Vote. Rep. Iason P. Lorber wwwfriendsofiasoiiorg Paid for by Friends of Jason. 231 Park St, Burlington, VT 05401 "One of the most romantic lesbian destinations on the planet." ____ __ -Planet Out 9 Bethlehem, NH 877 LES-B-INN (537-246.6) FROM THE ONNECTICUT RIV R TO THE CANADIAN BORDER REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 179 Main St., Derby - 800-243-2401 (802) 766-2401 - 766-4731 (f) realestatevermont.c0m to View our current listings /Vsafi/\ 6*‘ 90 Main Street ’ PO. Box 875 BL Burlington, Vt 05402 802-863-251 7 & DANON, PC fax: 802-863-0262 -~----- sttameys — infc_i_@biackwoodlaw,org Providing legal services addressing issues important to LGBTIQA 1 individuals and families — adoptions, wills, estate planning, employment and education issues, civii rights, personaiinjuries, and small business matters. 1 “ “.