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The show _ starts at 8 pm and tickets are $10. Check out their Web page at www. houseoflemay.com. And the tour winds down in Burlington on Sunday, Novem- ber 5 for two shows, at 2 and 6 pm at the St. John's Club, 9 Central Avenue. Tickets are $10 for the first show and $20 for the second show, which includes a spaghetti dinner. To make reservations, click on the Web page or contact houseoflemay@hotmail.com. Coming Out Day is Wednesday, October 1 1 "Talk About It'’ will be the theme Day on October 11, announced the Human Rights Campaign. A 2005 poll showed star- tlingly low numbers of people who are out to their neighbors, bosses and medical providers, HRC reported. ' "By being open with the people around us, we begin to change minds and open the hearts of our family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, or even the local mailman," said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. "When you ‘Talk About It’ with the people in your life, you begin to change minds one at a time, and that's the most lasting kind of change." HRC is now offering its free Coming Out Action Kits, posters, ballons and stickers. Contact www.hrc.org for more information. National Coming Out Day at Bennington Four Corners Bennington Pride Coalition seeks GLBTIQQA friends, along with their non-GLBT allies, to stand visibly on downtown Bennington Four Corners between 4 and 6 pm on October 11 to celebrate National Coming Out Day. Our goal is for visible unity with our non-GLBT community as we try to raise awareness and diminish homophobia on this very special day. Won't you join us? Even for just 30 minutes? Please consider committing to of this year's National Coming Out 1 of the 4 half-hour blocks of time between 4 pm and 6 pm, then RSVP bennpride@gmail. com by October 4, so we can be prepared with signs. See about sign-making potluck on October 6. See our website at www.bennington- pride.org. Pride Vermont: Informational Meeting Oct. 17 Come learn how to get involved in the planning of Vermont's 25th _annual Pride celebration! Good company, free pizza, and lots of opportunities to get involved! Tuesday, October 17 at 7 pm, at R.U.1.2? Community Center at 34 Elmwood Avenue in Burling- ‘ton. For more information, con- tact Chelsea@pridevermont.org. 9th Annual Key4Women Forum The forum on Thursday, October 12, will be held at the Sheraton in Burlington and features Lynn Donohue, founder of Argus Con- struction and author of "Brick by Brick: a Woman's Journey," winner of a best autobiography award. Fee of $25 includes break- fast._FM| please see wvvw.key. com/womensforum. . Healing Laughter Please join us at the Coach- ing Center of Vermont, at the Champlain Mill in Burlington, for the 4th Annual Healing Laughter benefit - a night of queer comedy and music to benefit the R.U.1.2? Queer Community Center. The event will take place on Saturday, October 21 at 6 pm. Tickets are a suggested dona- tion of $15 and can be reserved at R.U.1.2? Come and enjoy special performances by Josie Leavitt, Martha Tormey and Marie Claire. The evening will also include a silent auction, hors d'oeuvres, refreshments and mingling. Please join us and help support your community center. For more information, please contact Eliza Heppner at eliza@ ru12.org or call 802.860.7812. We hope to see you there! Queer Social Space to Meet Queer Social Space will meet at 7:30 pm on Thursday, October 19, at Donny's Pizza in Winooski. We will be drafting a formal mis- sion statement with the help of _ an outside mediator. Anyone interested or need- ing directions should contact qssvermont@gmai|.com, or call 655 4749. Sexual Orientation and the Law Vermont Law School is hosting a conference on International LGBT Rights at the Chase Center in South Royalton on Friday, Oc- tober 20 from 8:30 am to 4 pm. The Keynote Speaker will be Paula Ettelbrick, executive director . of the lntemational Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. The conference is free and open to the public. Breakfast and lunch will be served. FMI please contact Alison Share at ashare@vermont|aw.edu. Transcending Boundafies Conference The Northeast Regional GLBTIQ Conference 2006, together with the Transcending Boundaries Conference, will be held at the DCU Center in Worcester, Mass., the weekend of October 27-29. -The Transcending Boundaries Conference is‘ for bisexual/pan- sexual, trans/genderqueer, and intersex people and their gay, lesbian and straight allies. Workshops, speakers, a youth panel and Halloween party are included. Contact Colleen Har- rington, TB Chair, at transcend- ingboundaries@gmai|.com; Bobbie, PFLAG NE Regional Director at 603-352-6854 or email bbarry29@ne.rr.com; or check out the Web site at www. transcendingboundaries.org. New CDC HIV/ AIDS Hotline The CDC HIV/AIDS Hotline (800-342-2437) is now part of CDC-INFO (800-CDC-INFO or 800-232-4636), the new one source for public health informa- tion from CDC. This new service provides English, Spanish and TIY services (1 -888-232-6348 TTY), 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The email address is cdcinfo@cdc.gov. 2nd Annual lntersex Awareness Day On Thursday, October 26, orga- nizers of lntersex Awareness D_ay plan to bring greater awareness about the struggles of intersex individuals. The website at wvvw.inter- sex-awareness-day.org states: "lntersex Awareness Day is the (inter)nationa| day of grassroots action to end shame,.secrecy and unwanted genital cosmetic surgeries on intersex children. We intend to create a "day of action" similar to Take Back the Night, National Coming Out Day, or International Women's Day in that it will focus on grassroots activism organized by local activists." FMI, please see Web sites at Bodies Like Ours, lntersex Initiative, and lntersex Society of North America. Rose Street Gallery‘ Come check out the happenings at the gallery on Rose Street in Burlington: October 6: Birth, immortal- ity and remembrance. Several pieces that blend form and tex- ture by Leslie Baker and Winnie Looby. Opening reception: Oc- tober 6, from 5 to 8 pm. Gallery hours: Fridays 5-8 pm, Saturdays 12-4 or by appointment (734- 0772). Thru October. ’ October 14: Black Wide vv Belly Dance and Friends present "Nocturnal Rituals" - an evening of Gothic Entertainment. The show starts at 7:30 and admis- sion is $7. FMI call 863-3005. October 21: Rose Street Coffee House. Check out the sounds of the Steph Pappas Experience, Steve Cheever, ‘Sly Dog, Nato, Joe Cannizzaro and _ ore! Coffee, sweets and music ' ' - what more do you need? The show starts at 6 pm. Donations accepted! October 29. A night of comedy with Jason Lorber. More details to follow! Also this fall there is Sat- tva Yoga with Lori Flammer. Universal flow, Resorative Yoga and Kirtan-Bhakti Yoga. Call 802- 324-7137 for more info or go to www.sattvayoga.net. Facing the Media Crisis Media Education for Reform, Justice and Democracy Summit, sponsored by Acme Coalition for Media Education and Cham- plain College, will be held the weekend of October 6-8, at the Wyndham Hotel in Burlington. FMI see www.acmecoalition.org. Renewable Energy Vermont Conference The 9th Annual Renewable Energy conference, "Getting Past the Peak," will be held at Burlington”s Wyndham Hotel on Thursday, October 19. Included will be a debate between Gov. Jim Doug- las and Democratic contender Scudder Parker. Registration is $95 for‘REV members and $135 for nonmem- bers and is available at www. REVermont.org. - Kopkind's Height _of Color Weekend The 9th annual Harvest movie and late brunch is coming up! On Saturday, October 7, at 4 pm, at the Latchis Theater, 50 Main Street in Brattleboro, we'll see the cult film classic Grey Gardens, followed by a discus- sion with one of the filmmakers, Muffie Meyer. Prior to the film will be an art exhibit of Pacifico Pa|umbo's recent oil paintings based on the movie. Tickets are $10 each. On Sunday, October 8, at 2 pm, in the Organ Barn at Tree Frog Farm in Guilford, we'll have tapas and talk. Our late brunch of luscious snacks will be followed by Boston Phoenix cultural critic Michael Bronski, speaking on "The World Turned Upside Down: The Politics of Joy." Tickets for the brunch are $25 per adult and $10 per child. Contact john@afterstonewall. corn or call 802-254-4859. Register to Vote! Then Vote!! This election is an important election for our community, Robyn Maguire of the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force re- minds us. Two important bills are in the Statehouse that specifi- cally focus on the civil rights and protections of GLBT Vermonters: the Gender ID and Marriage Equality bills. Those who are elected to office on November 7 will make decisions on whether or not to enact these bills that would rec- ognize GLBT Vermonters as fully equal. Now is an opportunity for you to vote for candidates and incumbents who support issues that are important to you, your fami|y‘and our community. If you haven't registered to vote, please do today. The dead- ' line to register in Vermont for the general election on Novem- ber 7 is Monday, October 30. It's easy. Here are the steps: 1. Fill out the "Application for Addition to Checklist” form at www.vermont-e|ections.org. 2. If you HAVE NOT voted in Vermont before, be sure to take the voter's oath in front of a ‘notary, and have the notary sign the form. "Once it is completed, you must submit the form to the town or city clerk in the town or city in which you reside. 3. If you have voted in Vermont before, simply submit the form to the town or city ' clerk in the town or city in which you reside. VOTE on Tuesday, November 7. For more information about the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, go to www.vtfreeto— marry.org. ‘ New Grant for Lesbian Media Artists Established A new prize has been created to honor Tee A. Corinne, an artist with bold vision and a fierce dedication to encouraging and preserving lesbian art. The Tee A. Corinne Prize for Lesbian Media Artists, established by Moonforce Media, will award unrestricted grants of up to $1,000 annually. JEB (Joan E. Biren) will choose the inaugural prizewinner. Application guidelines are online at www. jebmedia.com. Applications are due by November 1, 2006. The prize is for artists work- ing in photography, film, video, digital media, new media, or any fusions of these forms and in any genre, including documentary, narrative, experimental, or any other styles or combination of genres. The work may be about any subject. Lesbian media artists are usually excluded from funding opportunities because the form and/or content of their work lie ‘outside the bounds of traditional grants. This prize furthers Tee's wish that individual lesbian art- ists be financially supported to work independently and without censorship. If you wish to add your finan- cial support to help ensure the ongoing success of this grant, you can send a tax-exempt donation to: Moonforce Media, [PO Box 13375, Silver Spring, MD 20911. All checks earmarked for the Tee A. Corinne Prize will go entirely toward funding the ' 1 prize. V