5. 7". ~ 1 I . C}: :;(\,,_"§‘....'»-Le ‘ ‘-x . www.uvM.epu/~LgBTcea hflp://www.uvmiea:/~iree2i>/ F0 OCTOBER 2006 I nut in the mountains I7 V ’ .- ‘K ’ My odobernh yocto moth fllllfsdgy om‘ Samar W “W5 mm Film Screening of "Paradise Bem, Second Showmg 9' 12%|; 0 . , . . . u . % _ her Ground’ swam % gays vnlifsbg $15 in Smog» Cfods and eqysmdgin . T ,, Rd, South Buriingion Lb3NefSiiYH‘-*9“ A WW‘: - Q-6:30pm mpus Ceflieiiheqteg 6 .9 the G O, 3214 M113 0 rs Sponsored W Ceniei for Ctiiuiai Pixaism Note: the fammuke .’ pm ' “D My tradition coni?”95‘h?E::?m‘§0oy:§w _ V a A questions dlxing 3;: mmv be ClV(]i}qbie for "*9 “W25 PEARL womyns N9 H. be, emu, i The Kinsey Sicks 5P°flS°4ed bvrimnversityp ”°“5°V$hows;g. at 1 home at r?d usic com 1&0 Aien Chmei 8pm with LGBTQA$e:vsces Wm B°°’d ' iw_”gh9yg|fi'oUm- _ ,__’. , ' ‘w§7xw»vwWR°be*‘°m5& W’W”‘“‘°°‘?"’““"°5i»“9‘b""i%‘°"’°°”d““°”“e?°Pdrog. Rhythm md Brew . 4 meshoebaxmeaer sponsoredbv. CW5 9P°“m9“*°i5iUd9niixie 5 C°ii€*ehouse gem . e - W'€”’5’‘k5‘‘°‘“ \ Gregory Douglass mg SW’ Living/Leaning Fifeplqcei Spoesgeedibyt The living - a and: uity Unit - i Divers W Ja; Brunch Fndny oflober 13"‘ W°’9‘mm;f;°gn*i;§°}$ Queer People of Color _ . Free forsiudenis iggo nopm Rsvp bfyOfO§:ofbe:y2rfd0Cfi£n%cU':nErii'Q(::?e gin: Aii ma students, suit. and iocuiiv oi coior ‘ A weicome. Snacks provided. ii ""°""°Y °‘'°h97 9"‘ T Free to Be Dance/Dqsgoshow . i‘ ' /ieanin CenierRoom . Pm. . Aien The °i“'°9UeS Pf0i9€i we&'ii mM r rm‘ 1::/'a1m‘:‘3heF!eeigBeSiLideni aw fora nighi0fdWC9' This art exhibit is :2;f;:3§::ré3::§:t9m-33$ - %. dmgficsnd off:/1‘! ; ?:?fi/ . man experiences posmng qriigm Annud biationai Coningooiwegk hip» www. . % by: mi-2?Ceniei; ,. ~’ . speak 0!” ’ . L Vermont Queer Aithives ‘ Q ‘Rm Me‘ Th§m9§51ep5' upm'2pf,n ‘ ’ . V Grad 7 k ‘V L @959‘? Oiii W?» U5 fer e _ .e in A Shad“ laaie Student Dinner L exciiemeni, mEs§>ibr;1im,ai§emusIc How: me with Pr: . A . ouseko 20 _ Sponso :Freei0. Y qaihennqeoieraduaie . 4: wwwmm.¢€*4/~iee2b/ mslgorm Lounge, 7P’,”A U Commtiniiv Wes K, Spomedgreai conversation. — "Gods md Gays-Brid95fl9 "19 59?” Hear the stories of LGBTGI 9 ac? their id?" M b“GBT°" 5‘~”"i’¢95 oocumentarymdQondAunihii:eii'"‘“‘°"e'5 members who 0“-’ aw’ i A Campus Cenieflheaier, 6pm~8pm _ ioday’sworid 5P°ii30f9d by: Universiiy Praqan Board with iGBiQA SWI95 3 ored W was rérogrcm 9°“ Post Speak-out Open Mic M11 e ’ A Biiings North Lounge, 89m A nighi of music, poeizy aid much more? Sponsored by: Free io 8e