n Ilulintllemnllntllins l OCTOBER 2006 I MOUNTAINPRIDEMEDIAORG firms: RE-.--::' Coop Your Community—Owned Grocery Store Open 7' a.m. — ll p.m. every day ' 802-863-3659 82 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington \\"'e welcome EBT, CATSCL-arch, Knight 8: CCCasI1 Cards and manufacturers‘ coupons. Psychoanalysis Pastoral Counseling Individuals & Couples Jungian orientation 9 Center Court River Road, Northampton MA Putney VT 802-387-5547.. Janet Langdon, Mdiv, NCPsyA j|iesI@sover.ne1' ]0i—iN’s FURNITURE REFINISHING SHOP Quality Repairs, Stripping and Finishing 11B Howe Center, Rutiand, VT 802-786-2250 l’<\ulll.lIl‘1 H Susan McKenzie MS. Jungian Psychoanaiyst Licensed Psychologist —- Master Specializing in issues of Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered individuals and couples Quechee —— White River Junction (802) 295-5533 insurance Accepted BUILDING COMMUNITY _ ' //////////////// ///////// ////// ///////////////////////////////////// # These /Feopl They Doing? Who Are and What Are They're Out for Good! BY BARBARA Dozsros oin Out For Good at Ver- J mont Public Radio’s fall pledge drive (Oct. 18-27). We’ll be in their Colchester stu- dio to answer phones and take pledge information from VPR supporters during the follow- ing hours: 0 Thursday, October 19, 4pm - 7pm 0 Saturday, October 21, 7:45am—noon and noon - 5pm It's great fun and great visi- bility for our community. You’1l spend a few hours with fun people doing good work and getting fed well, too! ‘Everyone is welcome to par- ticipate, but we need to hear from you in advance so we can tell the VPR staff how many people we’re bringing. Please send an email to Out for Good at outforgood@glfundvt.org to register. Be sure to include email and mailing address information and a daytime tele- phone number. Out for Good is a program of the Gay & Lesbian Fund of Vermont (www.glfundvt.org) that coordinates the valuable (L. to r.) Gus Nasmith, David Hooks. and Trevor Law answer phones PHOTO COURTESY OF THE GAY & LESBIAN FUND OF VERMONT at VPR. time that LGBTQIA Vermont- ers donate to the causes they support. Just as the Fund works to make our monetary contribu- tions count twice, so Out for Good does with our volunteer time and efforts. By donating our time together, we show that members of our communi- ty care about many of the same causes as our neighbors. Further, it makes others aware of how much work we do to foster improvements in all our lives. We can all have fun together while making the world at large aware of the positive difference we make. When the time we give is or- ganized through Out for Good, specific attention is drawn to the-‘value of LGBTQIA people in our society. Find out more about Out for Good and the Gay & Lesbian Fund of Vermont at wvvw.g1- fundVt.org.V Out for Good founder Barbara Dozetos is a forrner editor of OITM. ## Wflfl flflfl W%W#%#flflflfl C O R U 1.2‘? Announces OpenHouse .U.1.2? invites you to our Open House on Tuesday, October 10 from 5 to 8 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to come see the new Safespace ofifice, meet the staff and learn about our programs and activities. We are thrilled to have Kara DeLeonardis as our new Executive Director. She will of course be in at- tendance and happy to talk with you about the joining of Sa.feSpace and R.U.1.2? and answer any other questions you might have. Refresh- ‘ ments will be provided and we promise you a good time! We are located at 34 Elmwood Ave. in Burlington, Vermont. Call 802.860.RU12 with any questions. We hope to see you there! Volunteers Wanted! There is a wide variety of volunteer oppor- tunities available at the R.U.l.2? Community Center. We are committed to making this your community center and encourage everyone tovcome and be a part of it. Some of the posi- tions available are -working at the front desk, organizing the library, sitting on the Annual Dinner committee, creating archives, working on the Safespace Support Line, providing di- (I. t r.) R.U.1.2? Eecutive Director,‘ Kara Deleon- ardis and Americorps*VlSTA Eliza Heppner PHOTO PROVIDED BY R.U.127 rect services, outreach, fundraising and more. Eliza Heppner, our new Americorps VISTA will be coordinating our volunteer program. If you would like to be involved please contact her at e1iza@ru12.org or call her at 802.860.7812. She is open to new ideas ' and would like the volunteers to be truly in- vested in their volunteer position. Let’s work together and make your volunteer experience unique!V — Press release from Eliza Heppner.