as nutlntliamnuntnins I SEPTEMBER 2006 l MOUNTAINPR|DEMEDIA.ORG Friday 01 BRATTLEBORO - Menspace - ICE CREAM SOCIAL OPEN HOUSE: 6pm. Menspace, 50 Elliot Street. We'll be holding our popular open social evening on Gallery Walk night, with ice cream. Check out the art then drop in to taste the whipped cream. BURLINGTON - First Friday Art Walk. Over forty galleries and art venues stay open late to welcome walkers‘ and share Burlington’s incredible art scene. Take a guided tour or make your own. Pick up your copy of Art Map Burlington, First Friday Art Walk's official publication, and your guide to art in Burlington or check out wvvw. artmapbur| to see a list of participating venues. Got questions? Call 802-264-4839 or send email to info@artmapbur| BURLINGTON — Outright VT - Friday Night Group. From 7—8:30pm at 241 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. Ayouth social/support group that meets no matter the weather or holiday. Come meet other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & questioning youth ages 22 and under! FMI call: 800-GLB-CHAT or check out our website at: www. Saturday 02 BURLINGTON — Outright VT — Saturday Night Socials. From 7—8:30pm at 241 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. A youth social/hang out group that meets every Saturday featuring movie nights, board games, outdoor adventures & more! Come meet other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & questioning youth ages 22 and under! FMI call: 800- GLB-CHAT or check out our website at: RUTLAND — Barony of all Vermont - Monarchs Ball, ”An Evening On Broadway", performance/benefit for The Barony of All Vermont, Holiday Inn, Rutland, This is a benefit for SafeSpace! Sunday 03 BURLINGTON - Christ Church Presby- teriah - Sunday Service. Every Sunday from 9‘:3t:Al'vI_ CO’ is a "More Light" ichurrsih. We welcome alll persons. regardless of sexual‘ o.rientat' on, into fulll oarticifpati the llife, member- ship, arid lea ere p of this church, and striiue, as part ' the Body of Christ. to readh out in: rrriirii y to liesbiari, gar ,'l:;i- semi all, and trahsgehdered pecipie both within and of our congregation. Christ Church Presbyterian iiCCPl« is located on Lll»/llvl Redstone Campus be- tween the water tower and the Catholic Center. BURLINGTON - American Catholic Church Eucharist. Join us for an affirm- ing LGBT Catholic liturgy and sharing. First Sunday of the following months Sept 2006 - May 2007, 7:00 pm. Call 660-7175 for directions, questions. CALLICOON CENTER, NY — CDCLCC - Day to Be Gay In the Catskills 6. 2-6 pm (plus an "After Party"). Callicoon Center, NY. or PISGAH STATE PARK, NH — ‘RETURN TO’ PISGAH STATE PARK’ MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDE. Come join Brad for another afternoon of Mountain Bike riding in NH’s largest state park! This is an in- termediate ride, with some moderately technical riding and short climbs. Lasts about 4 hours, with a long lunch break included in that time frame. Bring lunch to enjoy along the way and plenty of water. Although this is an intermediate level ride, please don't feel intimidated! Don't underestimate your ability: if you are in reasonably good shape and are not a first-time rider, you should do fine. Our goal is to have a fun, relaxing ride. Ride starts at 11:00 am sharp. RSVP Brad - Monday 04 ARLINGTON - Alcoholics Anonymous - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Meeting. Every Monday from 7:00-8:00 -PM. At the Turning Point Club, 465 Main St., Bennington. FMI 802-442- 9700. Open meeting of AA, meaning that anyone with a desire to stop drink- . ing can attend. MONTPELIER - Survivors of Incest Anonymous —- Meeting. 6:00 PM. At the UCC Bethany Church in Montpelier on Main Street (on the right, just past Ben & Jerry's if you are coming from the interstate). Every Monday in the Blue Door Room, come in front door go to the Basement,-stairs on left, then to the end of the hall to the room with the blue door. FMI: 229-2153 or 454-7822 for more info. BURLINGTON - Ohavi Zedek Syna- gogue - Bubbies, Babies and Bagels. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue is sponsoring a free Jewish playgroup for families of all backgrounds for parents/grandpar- ents and children between the ages of birth through three years old. It meets every Monday from 10:00-11:00AM at 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington. The first half hour is filled with Jewish songs and stories followed by noshing and shmoozing. FMI call Sarah Klionsky 864-0218 ext 26. SHARON — Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) Meeting: Support meeting to help those with exces- sive weight, bulimia and anorexia. 7-8:30pm. @Sharon Congregational Church at Jct of Rtes. 14 & 132. FMI: (866) 977-4700. Tuesday 05 BENNINGTON — BENNINGTON PRIDE COALITION - 6:30 to 8 pm, open Community Chat at the South Street Cafe. Come join Bennington Pride folks for fellowship and con- versation. Want to know more’? Go to the or email,or write us at Bennington Pride Coalition, PO Box 25, Bennington, VT 05201 . Every Tuesday in September. BENNINGTON - The Turning Point Club — Overeaters Anonymous. For more information, go to: ...Or come and check out the meet- ing for yourself Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Turning Point Club, 465 Main Street, Bennington, VT. Or call 442-9700 for more information and/or to be connected with someone from OA. BENNINGTON - American Cancer Society - Look Good Feel Better Program. The first Tuesday of every 1 month from 1:30-2:30PM. At the South- west Medical Center in Bennington. Sponsored by the American Cancer So- ciety, Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, and National Cosmetol- ogy Association. First Tuesday of each month. Please register in advance by « calling 802 447-1403 or 802 447-3587. BURLINGTON - Turning Point Center — Proud & Sober Meeting. 7-8:30pm every Tuesday, Turning Point Center, 61 Main St (entrance on Champlain St.), Burlington. - FLORENCE, MA — Men's Volleyball. ”The Dune Boys" volleyball games will take place every Tuesday evening through the summer, starting at 7pm, at Maines Field in Florence, MA. The games are played on outdoor sand courts. Basic volleyball rules will be followed, but these are not competi- tive games. There are no set teams or formal league standings, so whoever shows up can play. All gay men are welcome to play and no experience is necessary. Maines Field is located on Riverside Drive in Florence, just off Nonotuck Street. For more information, call Mark at 584-3145. HANOVER/LEBANON NH - American Cancer Society - Look Good Feel Better Program.. 10:00-11:00 AM At the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Leba- non, NH. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, and National Cosmetology Association. First Tuesday of each month. Please register in advance by calling Doris Watson at 603 448-6417. ‘ Wednesday 06 ALBANY, NY — CDG LCC — Board Meet- ing. 6pm - Open to the community. BURLINGTON - RU12? - VT Trans Support Group. RU12? Vermont Trans Support Group meets first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, RU12 Community Center, 34 Burling- ton. Confidential support for wherever you are in the journey. You don't need to be alone, come be with friends who understand and may be able to help. HANOVER, NH — Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA). Meeting: Support meeting to help those with excessive weight, bulimia and anorexia. 7-8:30pm. @Hanover Friends Meet- ing House (next door to Hanover High School). FMI: (866) 977-4700. ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont CARES - Oral HIV Testing. Free Walk in Anony- mous Oral HIV testing available every Wednesday 3-6pm. at Vermont CARES 1235 Hospital Drive Suite two. Other times are available by appointment. FMI call Penni at 802-748-9061. ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont CARES -‘ Needle Exchange. Needle exchange walk in hours every Wednesday 3-6pm at Vermont CARES 1235 Hospital Drive Suite two. FMI call Penni at 802-748- 9061. Thursday 07 BRATTLEBORO — MenSpace - MOVIE NIGHT: 7pm, 'We Were One Man’. Popcorn and soda provided by the Men's Program. RUTLAND - VTCARES - Oral HIV Testing. FREE & ANONY- MOUS. First Thursday of Every Month from 12 noon to 4pm. At Asa Bloomer State Office Building (On Merchants Row, Rutland) 1st Floor Clinic provided by VTCARES. Be Safe. Be Smart. Get Tested. Knowledge is Power. No nee- dles! Walk-in testing hours at VTCARES every Wednesday 10am-1pm 27 South Main Street 775-5884. Friday 08 BURLINGTON - Outright VT - Friday Night'Group. See Friday 1st FMI. BURLINGTON - 14th Annual South End Art Hop. September 8th & 9th, 2006. South End, Burlington. Explore Burlington’s eclectic South End and see the work by over 300 regional artists during this annual event. Highlights include outdoor sculpture exhibits, juried art shows, block parties, music performances, family activities, and much, much more. Visit www.seaba. com for more information or call (802) 859-9222. BURLINGTON — Kasini House ~ ART PORTICO at Red Concrete, 180 Flynn Avenue, during the South End Art Hop Friday 5-9PM; Saturday 10AM to 5PM. FMI, contact Kasini House at 802-264- 4839 or email Saturday 09 BENNINGTON — BENNINGTON PRIDE COALITION - 5pm to 9pm, Ben- nington Pride Coaliton will be having a "Farewell to Summer" BBQ Potluck. Bring Grilling items, other items and folding chairs. FMI email BennPride@, or write to Bennington Pride Coalition, PO Box 25, Benning- ton, VT 05201. BRATTLEBORO — POTLUCK: 6pm, at Craig Wells. Bring a dish to share and come enjoy the company! For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at: