REVIEW BY GLO DALEY s a person of almost no academic orientation, un- like the editors and some of the writers, I approached _ Lesbian Communities with some wariness, fearing a bit of a dry read. I was, happily, quite wrong in my prejudice. This book presents a broad spectrum of views and experi- ences about what we loosely call “lesbian communities”... and what an amazing, varied Clearly, this can only be a sam- pling of communities. However, it covers many of the possibili- ties and potentialities of old and new ways that lesbians were and are able to cometogether to support living, working, playing and problem-solving. Editors Esther Rothblum and Penny Sablove have gathered the words of women from many diverse lesbian communities including womyn who are ur- ban, country, young, old, radical, conservative, Japanese, African virtual communities. Highlights for me were the surprising piece by Elena, Dyke- woman, in which she draws comparisons between churches and lesbian communities, com- ing up with some specific and down-to-earth ways we might fimction better for the good of the group if we looked to see and colorful spectrum to behold. American, and even a couple of — PhD and Penny Sablove $29.95 soft cover. 189 pages. The Haworth Press 2005 A Lambda Literary Award Finalist what churches might have to of- fer which we (as lesbians) don’t necessarily. That’s a very open- minded and brave proposition for someone who, with a radical feminist reputation, also identi- fies as an atheist and a Jew. In another work by Jane Dickie et al. on the conversa- tions between the 2nd and 3rd Wave feminists, the writers talk of .“Speaking across Genera- tions: A Radical Act.” Rachel Gazda of this group writes, “Traditionally in the patriarchy, generations are not supposed to talk to each other. The younger 5 generation is supposed to rebel lesbian tammunitir.-5 Fesiiunls, lllls, and the Internet‘ against the older generation — that is the response, distance is communicated. We listened to women’s stories; we recorded them. That is a powerful pro- cess. It is intimate and real and so many of us are changed through this way of being.” One group talked of keep- ing their community together through “myth making” and ,“high play,” concepts that seem quite useful and, to my mind, deserve more study, contemplation and checking out Kathleen Liddle wrote about the continuing rele- vance of feminist bookstores and their importance as a center. This book is loaded with im- portant information, ideas, and wisdom. As Susan Krieger says in her article, “there is no one view or definition of lesbian com- munity; there never can be I am grateful to all other women who, - with their lives speak up, who say “here I am,” who attempt to form bonds with other lesbians - both individual couple bonds and social bonds that extend beyond the couple. These are women whose past lovers become friends, who feel a unique and exciting kinship with other women who also love women, who burn with a love that still often dares not speak its name.”V ‘ Glo Daley is a longtime cre- ..; ator and member of lesbian community in Huntington. YOU’VE HAD UNPF-iO’l‘EC2TED SEX OR SHARED A NEEDLE} SINCE YOUR LAST TEST. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET AN HIV TE§T IF YOU'\7 BEEN TESTED. OR IF YOLVVE HAD UNPROT ' SEPTEMBER 2006 l out in the mountain: 2:‘ IF YOLVVE NEVER TESTED. OR IF YOU'VE HAD UN’Pl7(O’I'ECTED SEX OR A N H’: llettrto Imow L531 .1’.$"v"'I H1108 EDMIS 31058 vuu can arr iirsnmi can: llllll rnrnrmrur IF mu rrsr PIISITWE. 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