HEALTH MATTERS / Astragalus from Ancient China, or in Your Backyard Monogram of a Helpful lb-lerb BY RENEE LANG, ND A note to readers: Astragalus has rqiortedly been used for 4, 000 years in China, where by at least one account, people keep the herb in water contain- ersfor the continual tonic ejfect. Dr Lang offers the following morwgmph or description of this herb, also used in North America, where related varieties are lcrwwn as milk vetch. stragalus, Huang chi root (Astragalus membranaceous) _ - Family: Pea Family Part used medicinally: Root Taste: Very bitter General Info: Astragalus, na- tive to China, can now be found in multiple countries around the globe.‘ 'While‘ovér 2000 "spe- cies of Astragalus exist, only 0 16 can be grown in the United States. Astragalus, used medici- nally in China for thousands of years, strengthens weakened individuals on multiple levels. Therapeutic Actions: Astrag- alus enhances immune system fimction by increasing white blood cells. It nourishes the ad- renals, and balances digestive and heart functions. Astragalus also protects the liver from the damaging effects of toxic agents. In short, Astragalus plays a vital role in establishing health in debilitated and weak- ened individuals. Immune system effects: enhancer, restorative, stimula- tor,- and modulator. Anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Adaptogen- system rebalancer and adrenal supportive. Heart protective and hypotensive (decreases blood pressure). Anti-inflarnma- tory and anti-oxidant. Research Supporting the Use of Astragalus: Multiple research studies on the benefits and uses of Astragalus exist. Conditions studied range from hepatitis, cancer, heart disease, fatigue, and immune function. The following examples pro- vide a brief introduction to the information available about Astragalus: *A 2003 Chinese study, using an IV preparation of Astragalus in patients with congestive heart failure, showed an im- provement in heart function, increased T-cell count (CD4), an improved T-cell ratio (CD4/ CD8), and decreased inflamma- tory markers. *Other Chinese studies show that Astragalus plays a key role in complementary can- cer care. It minimizes and protects against chemotherapy toxicity, increase immune func- tion, improve quality of life, and inhibit tumor development. Multiple animal studies show a beneficial effect in asthma and allergies by decreasing the negative effects of histamine. As- tragalus has been shown to improve digestive tone and function in animals. ’ More information may be toyed at-Herbmed=9is: or via search on PubMed, a major source of medi- cal information on the Internet Indicated Condi- tions for Astragalus Use: Lyme disease pre- vention and in early dis- depressed immune - fimction, colds and flus, infections, inflanunation, for 20 minutes, strain and drink. Tincture: 1:5 in 30% alcohol extract. , l ' Capsule: 300-500 mg of herb Astragalus canadensis, Canadian Milkvetch. Photo courtesy: Joe F. Duft @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / USDA NRCS. 1992. Western wetland flora: Field office guide to plant species. West Region, _ _ . Sacramento, CA. Said to have been used easevflepatms B’ fatlguei by the Blackfoot who dug them in the spring for eating and used as a broth. Root is analgesic and antihaemorrhagic. cancer, heart disease, memory problems, al- lergies, congestive heart failure, and liver disease. ‘ Use of Astragalus in persons with HIV/AIDS remains incon- clusive by research standards. Most of the existent studies use Astragalus in combination with other herbs, so its effect as a singular agent is unclear. One such study, (China, 2006) showed a positive effect on immunity, viral load, and symptoms. Non-HIV specific studies dem- onstrate Astragalus’ ability to increase T-cells, specifically CD4 i cells, and to enhance the efficacy of anti-virals. These character- istics provide a basis for the reasonable use ofAstragalus in I-IIV/AIDs health. Again, use un- der the supeivision of a trained healthcare provider. Types 0fMe(12',cinaI Prepara- lions _f01‘ASf'l‘(l_(](ll’l.(S I,/'.s-cs Spe- cific dosages vary depending on severity and condition. Always use herbal products under the, - guidance of a trained physician H or herbalist. Decoction: 3 to 6 g of dried root per 12 oz water. Simmer per capsule. Capsules come in both whole herb and standard- ized preparations. Products are usually standardized to 4- hydroxy-3-methoxy isoflavone, either 0.4% or 0.5%. Most of the Chinese studies done on Astragalus were done on the whole herb. Herb/Drug Interactions: 7 Astragalus may increase or enhance effects of acyclovir and interferon. Astragalus may decrease effects of cyclo- phospharnide. Speak to your herbalist or Naturopath before using Astragalus with the above medications. ‘ Contraindications: Late stage Lyme; organ transplants; if you are pregnant or nursing, consult with your physician or herbalist before using this herb. Toxicity: N 0 lmown to)n‘city.V if you have a specificliealth concern or issue that you would like presented in this article, please email Dr. Lang at dr.rlang@thehealingway. net. The Healing Way is in Brattleboro, VT. SEPTEMBER 2006 l.nutln'tlIe Inlluntulns ll . not wili your legacy e’? 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