FAMILY RIGHTS Pediatricians Applaud Report Professional Group Backs Same-Sex Marriage and Parenting 0 WASHINGTON, D.C. - A study published in the July issue ofPedz'at1"ics, the journal of the Ameri- can Academy of Pediatrics," finds that marriage can enrich the lives of children being raised by gay or lesbian parents. “The Effects of Marriage, Civil Union, and Domestic Pa.rtnership Laws on the Health and Well-Being of Children," written by Jim Pawelski, director of the American Academy dangerous legislation aimed at banning marriage for same-gender couples and instead advance pub- lic policies that benefit all children and families.”' The 2000 Census found that same-sex couples are raising children together in 96 percent of all counties hi the United States. Repeated medical and psychological studies have found no measur- able difference in mental health, socialization" The scientific data overwhelmingly: demonstrate that there; is no relationship between parents’ sexual orientation and any measure of children's emotional, psychosocial, and behavioral adjustment. ;, . ELLEN C. PERRIN, M.D., CHAIR OF PRO-FAMILY PEDlATRlClAN$ of Pediatrics’ Division of State Government Af- fairs, and several other members of the Academy of Pediatrics, supports the position of members of Pro—Family Pediatricians, a national coalition of more than 1,000 pediatricians, that same-sex couples and their children deserve the same pro- tections as other American families. The study comes as the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to take up the discriminatory Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution later this month. The U.S. Senate firmly rejected the amendment in June. Ellen C. Perrin, M.D., one of the authors of the report and Chair of Pro-Family Pediatricians stated, “The scientific data overwhelmingly dem- onstrate that ‘there is no relationship between parents’ sexual orientation and any measure of children’s emotional, psychosocial, and behavior- al adjustment. We conclude that civil marriage is beneficial to children, regardless of the gender of the parents, because it strengthens families and helps foster financial and _legal security, psycho- social stability, and an augmented sense of soci- etal acceptance and support.” Legislation seeking to deny same-sex families and their children the same legal rights and pro- tections guaranteed to all other two-parent fami- lies leads to a host of health care deprivations: limited hospital visitation, inability to authorize treatment, inadequate insurance coverage and other obstacles to health care and financial secu- fity for same-sex parents and their children. “This study reaffinns that hundreds of thou- Sands of American children are thriving in homes headed by same-sex couples and that discrimina- t0ry laws denying marriage and civil unions will Only hurt families, not protect them,” said Dr. Ellen Perrin, “I hope that this scientific, peer-reviewed evidence will encourage lawmakers to abandon ELLEN C PERRIN, M.D. PHOTO COURTESY OF PERRIN or quality of relationships with parents between children raised by same-sex couples and those raised by married heterosexual couples. As such, organizations of health care professionals, such as the American Psychological Association, have adopted measures supporting same-sex marriage and parenting.V Press release from Pro-Family Pediatricians, a national grassroots coalition of more than 1,000 pediatricians who are opposed to the Federal Marriage Amendment due to its po- tential harmful impact on the health and secu- rity of our nation's children. More information is available at profami| SEPTEMBER 2006 l nutintliemounulills 3 Psychoanalysis Pastoral Counseling Individuals & Couples Jungian orientation 9 Center Court River Road, Putney VT Northampton MA . 802-387-5547 Janet Larigdon, Mdiv, NCPsyA good food good things good times A ge1zm'zn' l"’Z’l’III0l‘II‘ country store wit}-1 a contemporaryflair Now serving Sunday brunch. Friday night Tapas bar. Riverside deck is open. montgomery center Vermont 802.326.3058 Susan McKenzie MS. Jungian Psychoanalyst Licensed Psychoiogist -'- Master Specializing in issues of Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered individuals and couples Quechee —— White River Junction (802) 295-5533 insurance Accepted C5‘ 90 Main Street . $9.0. Box 875 BLAC KWOQD Burlington, VT 05402 “'““"""‘-"““““‘”"”'*"""“ 802-863-251 7 8: DANON, PC fax: 802-863-0262 --—--attorneys info@bIackwood! 0 Providing legal services addressing issues important to LGB TIOA individuals and farriilies — adoptions, wills, estate planning, employment and education issues, civil rights, personal injuries, and small business matters.