he “heartsong” in this, - characteristics of both sexes, poern is my transness, and I do use the label “man” ’ 1 that part of my being and the pronoun “he,” but I am Where rn_y's"ex/gender and . ‘ not meant to do this from With- 'bodylmind do not match. What in a female body. My female dol ‘ transness? The body feels completely wrong to twofold. v. ’ ' - I Fir_st,’l:niean‘trarissexual, or, the -fact that my body-and - ' feel completely transsexualityis the ' feeling that I was “born in the . Wrong body.” It is the Way my - that my does not feel like _ but underrieath I see a male ' body waiting to crawl out fiom u'ndé.meén‘=h- . ' My transsexuality is What me tostart T (testoster- glilfi i1I‘3$(:11:tl;1:er;.pv::’eS;ll;t:rI Tobias Novak biweeklyfortherest ofmylife- « ‘ - , , . , . to make my brain chemisuy me. I desire-to express varied ’ mirror that of a biological male. gender attributes from within It is why I plan on getting top a male body While identifying surgery, or removal of breasts _ as a man. This is why I am tran- and creation of ‘a male'-appear- sitioning, or, changing my sex I nIIt_lnt|iemnuIIt_Iiins I SEPTEMBER 2006 I MOUNTAINPRIDEMEDIIAORG POETRY I I I m "I I Reflections on ‘,‘He That Once Seemed Invisible” ’bre'ast's~h_uri; When I notice or them; it is the -‘fact my own; It is that I look in the rnirjrpnand see a female body, ing chest Bottom surgery refers from male to female. ’I‘ransi— to genital surgeries. For l_?'l‘M’s tioning includes T‘, binding (flat- (female-to-male transsexuals), tening my chest with a special bottom surgery is expensive, V“binding shirt"), name change, takes several surgeries to create top surgery (and bottom sur- one set of genitalia, and does not gery if one chooses it), learn- create a fully frmctional penis. Its ‘ing to pass as a man (passing risks and costs make me want to refers to society vievvingyou waitlfor a better surgery to come as male; people saying, “that along. That’s only my opinion; person there - that’s a man’_’) many FI‘M’s get bottom surgery and wearing male clothing on a and are happy. My transsexuality daily basis (though I do pla.n on is everything female about me wearing drag occasionally once that does not match my male I pass). . ' « 4 self-image. I am a transsexual, two-spir- Second, I am transgen- ited, transgendered man. This dered. This is an umbrella . is my heartsong, and Without it term that covers many types .I would not know how to find of non-gender-conforming my way home.V behaviors and ways of be— ~ ' ing. Some are: transsexual; ’ transvestite (cross—dressing for sexual purposes); cr_oss—dresser (dressing as the opposite sex for fim; drag queens and kings are examples); genderqueer (a Tobias C.D. Novakis a writer, singer-songwriter-pianist and artist, and is a co-orga- 4 nizer of the Transcending Boundaries conference this‘ broad term that usually refers October in Worcester, MA. to people who dress or act in T°bl3-5 VeC9"tlY Started 3 ways “atypical”‘to their birth ’ magazine and Web" C0?"- munity called MGQM that explores issues of gender, sexuality and other forms of identity (www.mgqm— sex); and two-spirit, like myself. What is a two-spirit‘? By certain Native American beliefs, and, in other cultures by other words’ magazine com) He lives in twwspiflts are people who Burlington with his beloved. have Ghaiactefistics of both Bengal cat, Jean-Paul Sartre ' sexes and don’t identify com— ’ ye Deuxieme_ _ pletelylaslone sex or the other. . . ' _ - . Yéu may ask, how can you Photographer Dok Wright's be both transsexual and two- website can be found at ~ l ' .5 spirit? My answer“. I embody dokwright.cor_n. ”