SEPTEMBER 2006 I out In the mountains 1 The Washington Supreme Court Decision ' The “activist judge” accusations of the religious and political right must be hitting home. The Supreme Court decision against marriage wrote, “while same-sex marriage may be the law at a fu- ture time, it will be because the people declare it to be, not be- cause five members of the court have dictated it.” If the courts of the 1960s had followed this logic, we might still be waiting on civil rights legislation. As much as I wish the court had decided for sarne-gender - marriage, I still appreciate their truth that marriage equality will become law when “the people declare it to be.” Last summer I unicycled for five weeks and 1,000 miles to gather stories of gay, and lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. I also asked hundreds of straight people what they thought of equal rights. Even for those who thought homosexu- _ ality was a sin, when I told about specific couples, and the specific hardships which the Supreme Court noted in last weeks deci- sion, almost to a person, people responded, “Yes, they should have those rights." The fastest way to the privileges and responsibilities of same-gender marriage is to recognize that that ' we’re talking about real people, and real gay and lesbian families that already exist. A young gay man dur- ing my tour last summer defined an A ally for me. “Allies listen. And they believe what they hear.” Getting beyond political and religious po- larization will require us to tell our stories, listen to one another, and believe what we hear. As soon as we act, as soon as declare it to be, we can achieve marriage Straight into Gay America: My Unicycle Journey for Equal Rights has just been released. It's my way ofadding a voice to the equal rights movement. A neigh- bor who is reading my book ad- dressed me with some frustration, “You’re making me think about things I’ve never thought about before.” “Good,” I replied to this moth- er of two young girls, “Ifyoiir ' daughters grow up lesbian, now you’ll be ready to keep loving them." So many gay and lesbian, bisexual, and transgender families have been torn apart by hatred of homosexuality. Real family values don’t tear families apart. Marriage equality will give dignity to all families. Let's do what the cdurt says, and “declare it to be." LARS CLAUSEN Chelan, Washington Pride from . Rehoboth Beach to Burlington The weather is mighty hot and hu- mid this time of year in the quaint town of Rehoboth, Delaware. As I chat to another member of the Rehoboth Writers Guild,.we shared thoughts of Burlington, Vermont. Mine being the most recent and first time ever, I glowed like a lightning bug in the still of the night as I plummeted scenarios, adventures, people met, and the Pride Fest of Burlington. I explod- ed with joy about the nature of the people I met and the at-home feeling I possessed While in town. From the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the view of Lake Cham- plain, the Pride Fest was solid and liquefied the need to be out ' through personal expression in the mountains and by the ocean, Wherever. As I was leaving town, I W|TT'S E N D BY LEAH WITTENBERG ')0°‘~'®9:asr«ai1'c'r £1: Breathe Free 0*‘ Die stumbled upon the Pride Fest and the personalityof Lynn and could not leave the rainbow flag or the event itself. We express the same attitude and charisma here in Rehoboth Beach. Although the sights of nature may differ, the heart of , our annual Pride Fest carries the same respectful support of com- munity and those whom ‘embark upon. We here in Rehoboth Beach Want to thank you and yours for ' being especially open and recep- tive to out-of-town “family.” And We invite you for a taste of Atlan- tic serenity as your lovely town of Burlington has done and will continue to for many road trips to come. Keep in mind that a few of us locals do rent rooms to those who visit ( Thanks for the opportunity to share these thoughts in 01 TM. I am looking forward to writing again, possibly in the future of political stands and rights (VT/ DE), national issues and articles ’ of community connection: PAMELA J. BERGMANN Rehoboth, Delaware. Cfiended at Defense of Mary Cheney’s Book What is it with these Gold Coast Log Cabin Republicans in Miami? Another letter targeted at OITM. This time it's the’ Mary Cheney opus. Obviously the book is not selling. Uncle Tom to the rescue! ALBERT SANTERRE Salem, New Hampshire (Editor's note: the letter Mr. San- terre is referring to (July ‘O6. OITM) was distributed to a. num- ber of gay publications, OITM being one of them. I included it in the letters as representative of another viewpoint from the gay community). Correction The correct email for Queer So- cial Space is qssvermont@gmail. com. There was an incorrect list- ing in the August issue.