24 uiltlntln inoilntillns l AUGUST 2006 l MOUNTAlNPRIDEMED|A.ORG tnmmunitv tnmpuss S Pulitzer and Tony-Winning Play Offers Vermont,Premiere in Weston The award-winning IAm My Own Wife is playing at the Weston Playhouse from July 26 - August 13. Doug Wright's play tells the true story of German cross-dresser Charlotte von Mahlsdorf who eluded both Nazis and Communists with a combination of cleverness and deceit. Director Hal Brooks will be at the helm of the Weston Playhouse production, and actor Brad Heberlee plays the charac- ter Charlotte. V Reservations are available by phone at 802-824-5288 or at www.westonplayhouse.org. Ask about Vermont resident, youth and student discounts. Kate's Send-Off Party and Grand Opening of New Outright Space "Celebrate Good Times - COME ON!” There is a lot to celebrate at Outright Vermont this summer and we thought it was time to throw a PARTY! Our fabulous Kate Jerman is leaving Outright; we are finally getting settled into our HUGE new space at the McClure Multi-Generational Center in Burlington's Old North End (next to Dairy Queen); and thanks to the new Queer Youth Fund, a Children's Trust Fund Grant and a bunch of other foundation support, we will be doubling our staff this fall with a new Americorps VISTA, an Education & Outreach Coordinator and a Health & Wellness Coordinator. Party details: Thursday, August 3rd 5-8pm for Outright supporters, donors, staff, volun- teers and youth! at 241 North Winooski Ave., Burlington, in the McClure Multi-Gen Center next to Dairy Queen. Womyn's Night Relocates to Higher Ground Now that 135 Pearl is closed, Womyn's Night, or First Friday, . will happen each month at High- er Ground in South Burlington. Steph Pappas, Antara and Karen Grenier will share the stage for the first time in a Round Robin this First Friday, August 4th, from 8 to 10 pm at Higher Ground. They will be followed by DJs Llu and Pre- cious. Get your S5 tickets early (strongly recommended) at www. highergroundmusic.com, or buy them for $10 at the door. 1st Annual Kopkind Grassroots Film Festival Brought to you by John Sca- gliotti, who has helped launch two gay film festivals this sum- mer, and fellow organizers, the Kopkind festival will be held in the Organ Barn at Treefrog Farm in Guilford, Vermont. From August 10-12, the festival will offer the following films: Anti-Nuclear Films from an Anti-Nuclear Family, films about nuclear weapons and energy; Cruel and Unusual, a movie about transgender women in men's prisons; The Peace Patri- ots, about New England activ- ists; and The Devils Miner, a film portraying teenagers working in the silver mines of Bolivia. Go to www.netvenders. com/blogs/kipkind.php for more information. Reservations are encouraged for members. C. Cambrea Surreal Art Show at Phoenix Rising Cristine Cambrea Stone, prolific local artist and former owner of Montpe|ier’s Karma Imports, will feature her original artwork at Phoenix Rising, a metaphysical gift store located at 34 State Street in Montpelier. The show, which continues through August, is Cristine's first major public showing and fea- tures abstract art in canvas and wood. For more information, call 802-229-0522. Public TV Special A special TV program of interest to our community will air on Sat- urday, August 12th, at 11 p.m. "The Power of Harmony" takes an intimate look at the struggle for acceptance and other issues facing the gay com- munity, through the personal experiences of men who find inspiration and courage in The Turtle Creek Chorale, a gay men's chorale that manages to thrive in the heart of America's Bible Belt. For more information, call 802-655-4800 or check the web at vpt.org. Mass Red Ribbon Ride On August 12th and 13th, Evan Spigelman will be bicycling 175 miles from the Berkshires to Boston as part of the Mass Red Ribbon Ride. The event will raise funds for "some of the most incredibly effective HIV/AIDS advocacy and support agencies throughout Massachusetts," Spigelman says. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the recogni- tion of AIDS and as Spigelman notes, U.S. residents continue to contract the disease at a rate of about 40,000 a year. He hopes to raise $2,500 to help the cause. Spigelman can be reached through the website at massredribbonrideorg. Outright Wants YOU Outright wants YOU to volunteer with us! Be part of the really cool group of folks who help keep Outright Vermont's programs going. We are currently seeking queer or LGBTQ adults, ages 23 and older, to become facilitators for our Friday Night Group or to become volunteers for our Saturday Night Drop-Ins. If you are interested check out further details on our website at: www. outrightvt.org or call the office: 802-865-9677 and ask for Llu. Twist Week at World Outgames in Montreal July 30th through August 7th is Twist Week at the Outgames; including a parade and party on July 30th, Official Twist Dinner on August 2nd, Sun Dance on August 3rd, Leather & Jeans Twist party and Twist Party Main Event on August 4th, Gay Day at the Beach on August 5th, Brunch, dance and encore on August 6th, and Morning Party (Twist Week closing event) on August 7th. For more information, please ’ visit www.bbcm.org. XVI International AIDS Conference in Toronto The world's largest AIDS/HIV conference will take place August 13-18 at the Metro To- ronto Convention Centre, where 20,000 worldwide participants will convene. Those attending will include scientists, health care providers, political, community and business leaders, journalists, government leaders and people living with HIV and AIDS. The program includes sympo- siums and skills building work- shops intended to help reach out to those in the developing world where the epidemic is most entrenched, and will include cultural and youth programs. For more information, check the web at aids2006.org. Congressional Summer School National Center for Transgender Equality's 3rd Annual Congres- sional Summer School takes place this month. Educating members of Congress might not be the first activity that comes to mind when you think of summer, but the August Congressional recess is actually one of the best times to meet with your elected officials while they're back in their home districts. The campaign takes place in Congressional district of- fices across the country during August, to educate members of Congress about transgender issues and to build legislative support for the transgender- inclusive Employment Non-Dis- crimination Act (ENDA). To request a Congressional Summer School Kit, contact Simon Aronoff at saronoff@ nctequality.org. ‘TOAS Schedules August Play Reading Group TOAS will hold its next Play Reading Group on Wednesday, August 23 at 7 pm at Ed Levin's home on lris Lane in South Burlington. This is a fun evening - of reading different plays in a comfortable, safe, and non- competitive environment. Please RSVP no later than Monday, August 21st by emailing us at playreading@theatreshoe.com or by calling toll free at 888-212- 5884. , If you would like to host a meeting or have a play sug- gestion, please contact TOAS President Dean Pratt via e-mail at president@theatreshoe.com. A copy of the script can also be mailed to TOAS Play Reading Group, PO Box 1012, Burlington, VT 05402-1012. We like to re- ceive potential scripts to be read at least one week in advance of the meeting. Gay Teens and the Church Are Subject of New Play Rehearsals began in Burlington last month on a new play by Bur- lington playwright, James Lantz. The Bus is set to be staged at Bur|ington's F|ynnSpace, September 12 - 17, and will be directed by Seth Jarvis. Set in small-town America, The Bus is the story of two gay teens caught in the middle of a dispute between the owner of a small gas station and a large church. The play addresses several themes, including com- munity tensions caused by a large church and small-town homophobia. An official selection of the 2006 New York International Fringe Festival, Lantz and Jarvis declined their invitation to the prestigious festival in order to premiere the play in Burlington. More information is available on the production's website at www.TheBusThePlay.com Transcending Boundafies Makes Plans for October Less than three months away, planning is going great! This year's Transcending Boundar- ies Conference, in alliance with the PFLAG Northeast Regional Conference, is going to be held at the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts, October 27-29. We are very excited to an- nounce the keynote speaker line-up: Jenny Finney Boylan, M- to-F author of She's Not There; Lani Ka'ahumanu, bi-activist and editor of Bi Any Other Name; Sam Thoron, national president of PFLAG; and Matt Kailey, F-to-M, author of Just Add Hormones. Registration online is now available at www.transcend- ingboundaries.org. Transitions in Academia Increasing transgender inclu- siveness on campus: a one-day Student Affairs conference for faculty, staff, and students at the Stony Brook University campus 60 miles east of New York City on October 20th. Please check the Stony Brook University Wo/Men's Center website at studentaffairs. stonybrook.edu/wom/ for more information. - . Creating Change Conference in November The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has opened registra- tion for the 19th Annual Creating Change Conference to be held in Kansas City, Missouri from Nov. 8th to the 12th. Early registration is avail- able until September 7th, and reduced prices are available to those with limited income. The conference, which attracts thou- sands of activists nationwide, will be held in the heartland this year "to help build a movement in an increasingly LGBT-unfriendly area." Contact thetaskforce.org for more information. Government Association Also Sponsored Ad In July's Out in the Mountains, a number of University of Ver- mont offices sponsored an ad celebrating LGBT community and pride. inadvertently _the Student Government Association (SGA) was left off the ad. Please know that the SGA joined with 33 other UVM departments and groups in sponsoring this ad and supporting LGBT peoples. Our apologies for this mistake, Dorothea Brauer and Eli Clare of LGBTQA Services. Interactive Website Pinpoints Progress A new website launched in May provides state—by-state informa- tion on GLBT rights, a first-of- its-kind site. The Advocate says "mappingourrights" also ranks states as to their relative pro- gressiveness. Set up by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and lpas, a woman's health rights organi-_ zation, the site can be found at mappingourrights.org, or look for the link at www.ipas.org.