Democrat Hopes to Oust Republican Governor GOP Chairman Jim Barnett will do the same to you? Parker: I have no idea what they will do. What. I am doing is speaking my mind and my conscience. on this. This OITM: What is your posi- tion on Vermont's civil union compromise? Parker: The stated purpose , of the civil union compro- mise was to provide full that the HRC is no longer an independent body that can give an ear in govern- ment to the voice of people who are seeking justice and antidiscrimination recourse. BY PAUL OLSEN BURLINGTON — If elected Governor, Democrat Scudder Parker promises to provide Vermonters with bold leader- inthe IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS VERMONT'S VOICE FOR THE LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL 8: TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 economy; and a concern OITM: Chuck Kletecka, the Parker: What-,we need to Ias has refused to issue for the spectrum of hu- only openly gay mem- do now is address a point a proclamation recogniz- ‘ man services that focuses ber of the Human Rights of confusion in the ongoing ing Vermont’: Pride Day on making investments in Commission, resigned discussion about marriage. I celebration. Would you people. F|mdamentally,I to protest Gov. Douglas’ think civil marriage is sorne- issue such a proclamation? think it is the same reason veto of H.865. As Gover- thing the state olfers as a way Parker: Yes. I think it is an everybody else should be nor, would you appoint of recognmng and support- appropriate and wonder- supportive of my campaign. openly gay men, lesbians, ing committed relationships ful celebration of a part of Specifically, I have a long bisexual and transgen- between two loving partners the richness of Vermont history of commitment to der Vermonters to state and that’s what civil marriage and our nation's culture. social justice and am com- boards and commissions? should be. It should give to mitted to equal rights for Parker: One of the privileges gay and lesbian relationships OITM: What other message all Vermonters. That really that a Governor has is the op- as well as to heterosexual do you have for readers is one of the fundar_nental portunity to put people with relationships the status of of Out in the Mountains? pieces of building a healthy a breadth of perspectives marriage. It should not try to Parker: There is an enormous society, a strong commu- into a whole range of ap- tell the churches what mar- amount of opportunity in this nity, and a great economy. pointed positions. Last year riage is, but on the other hand, state right now. We have 21 ~ the Legislature had to take the state should not let any society that has a commitment Ol_TM: Gov. Douglas legislative action to make’ church dictate what marriage to a tradition of justice, in- ‘ recently vetoed |egis|a- sure Governor Douglas ap‘- is for the purposes of the state. novation, economic diversity, tion banning discrimina- pointed a person of color. As and to building creative new tion in Vermont on the Governor, [will bring a pas- OITM: So you are sup- institutions. Ibelieve we have ‘basis of gender identity or sion for making sure there is portive of the movement a governor who is not helping? expression. What is your real representation from la- to pursue full marriage to create those institutions an position‘ on H.865? bor, people of color, and the rights for gay and lesbian is not responding to the very ship on a variety of issues, including issues of concern to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Parker, a minister raised in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, represented Caledonia County in the state Senate for eight years. Most recently, he worked as an energy consultant and for Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility. Parker met with Out in the Mountains to discuss his campaign against incumbent Republican Governor Jim Douglas. The interview: OITM: Why should GLBT Vermonters sup- port your candidacy? Parker: I will be an effective Governor on a whole bunch of issues that all Vermont- ers care about: a secure energy future; building a stable, affordable health care system; building a strong Parker: I was astonished by the Govemor’s veto of what they were doing was providing cover for him. I’m concerned about what we’re seeingwith his appointees to that commission. That kind of behavior suggests OITM: Would you have signed H.865? Parker: I absolutely would have signed the bill. If there were any questions about it, the Governor was capable of having his staff address them in the course of the legislative process. It was not a bill that moved swiftly, it was around for two years. gay and lesbian community. tices, in state govemmenti We’d get the bill (H.865) through as fast as possible, but as an interim, sure. and equal rights to gay and lesbian couples. What we know now is that outside of Vermont those rights are jeopardized. The reality is we have a compromise that was regarded as a bold step when it was passed, but it did not provide full equality to gay and lesbian couples. OITM: Gay marriage? couples in Vermont. Parker: Yes, civil mamage. former Lieutenant Gov. Doug Racine, Jim Doug- las’ campaign gay-baited using the issue of gay marriage. Are you con- cerned that Douglas and I have a long history of commitment to social justice and am committed to equal rights for all Vemnonters. SCUDDER PARKER is not even an issue for me. it is a matter of protecting members of my family and respecting their right to have respected by the law their very clear, committed, stable relationships. How could I possibly, as a person of faith or as a member of my family, do anything else? OITM: To date, Gov. Doug- real crises we face from the national government and the it and frankly appalled. I OITM: Would you is- There are many religious policies it is putting in place. think it was the first piece sue an Executive Order definitions of what marriage My message to Vermonters is , 1 of civil rights legislation prohibiting discrimination is. Some of them say gay and if you want to put in place a ‘ that has been vetoed by a on the basis of gender lesbian couples can be mar- governor who will stand up «i: ' (Vermont) governor. Iwas identity and expression ried and others say no. The for justice, build a sustain- 55, ” also perturbed by the Way in state government? state should never be trying able energy policy, make 5 he appears to have drawn Parker: Of course. We to tell a religious tradition affordable housing available, , ' ' the Human Rights Commis-. wouldn't want any kind that you have to do this. build a strong and vibrant sion (HRC) into a§itua- of discrimination, even as » , economy, and get universal tion where it looked like passively accepted prac- OITM: in his race against health care system in place, then work hard to elect me. V Paul Olsen is the Ver- mont correspondent for Boston's in newsweekly. -~.