_ have to travel. ‘ COMMUNITY Gay Men’s Chorus Sings its BY LYNN MC_N|COL BARRE — Want to start a new organization? Set up a booth at Pride - and - presto! Your fledg- ling group has begun. That’s exactly how the Gay Men’s Chorus got its start in 7 1998. Rob Larabee, his partner, Yves Morrisette, and former member Tim Menk set up a booth at Pride that summer to sign up interested men, and did so well that they held their first ~ performance a few months later. Tim Tavcar has been the direc- tor for all but one year. . -People drive from the North- east Kingdom, Hinesburg, and Wells River to take part in the group. Practices are held at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Barre to accommodate the distances many of the members Anyone can join the group who’s interested, Tavcar said. There is a wide range of backgrounds, from profes- sional musicians to those who don’t read music. The chorus has ranged from six to eight core members and as many as 20 memberslat a time. Men ranging in age from early twenties to late sixties have joined up. The group practiced songs such as “525,600 Minutes,” “Dreams,” and “Shenandoah” at _a recent rehearsal. This was an extra session prior to the last two performances of the sea; son this month. N orrnally they practice just once a wggl:c"I'he -::;'( I again in September. Last month, the chorus performed at the gay-friendly Barre church where the men rehearse. On this Sunday, Beth Robinson, chair of the Vermont group will take=a.br:eak-for «tire»-t.—. . . . .. ' ‘summer and begin‘-rehearsals * “ PHOTO: LYN MNCQL Way Across Vermont w Often; people from-the-audi- ' ence will talk to chorus mem- bers after the performance, and say that they didn’t know the music or words were written by gay men or lesbians, Tavcar said. Some of the composers include Aaron Copland, Langs- Often, people from the audience willtalk to chorus members after the performance, and say that they didn't'~know the music‘ orwords were written bygay men or lesbians. lFreedom to Task Force, spoke at the service attended . by many others involved in the civil union and marriage issues. _ Tavcar said he was moved by the service held in June, which is Pride month for many across V the country. “The more of our stories -we can get out, the better it is,” Tavcar said. . r The Gay Men’s Chorus. has performed many benefit con- - certs, including for Outright 3 4 Vermont, Habitat for Humanity, , and the R.U.1.2? Queer Commu- nity Center. For the third year in a row, they have accepted the Legislature's invitation to sing at Farmer’s Night, a series of weekly performances by vari- ous groups at the Statehouse. At Farmer's Night this year, the chorus sang songs written sole- ly by gay or lesbian composers or lyricists. “It's one more step towards V, equality,” Tavcar said. = ton Hughes, Leonard Bernstein, Walt Whitman, or Steven Sond- heim, who wrote the lyrics for West Side Story. ' The social aspect of the group is wonderful, Tavcar said. Each year chorus members discuss their plans at potlucks, and they typically serve a buffet after performances. There has been talk of ma.k- g ing a CD, as the chorus has received requests for one. Cho- _ rus members also pay $24 dues each year. They use the income to pay the churches where they practice, and for expenses such as sheet music. The Gay Men’s Chorus typi- cally asks for a $10 donation for admission; V For more information, call Rob and Yves at 802- 633-3605, email robnyves@ hotmai|.com, or go to wvvw.vtpwac.org JULY 2006 I out In the mountains I5 ~ Terry Light was 84 Usasmg Consultant teny@buriingboncars.oom 1.800.833.5945 802.660.8099 X107 999.7351. See Subaru J bvfisurlirigton .53ubaru 333 Shelbume Road, Burlington, VT, 05401 , Nuuéi» 5'1;/3r_,,...,,...‘;, [(802)655-3377 X223 (800) 639-4520 X223 " ' JuckieMurino'@verizan.noi 4.‘. ¢:«:i.?.»'V,i \\ \ ii I‘ . , i"».'~;r}.Ir.»:.n-tan.-nixAw :--.M«. "€7w.M*‘ .-am)‘: wi ~i!./W.-, -".M$.‘f.FI ; r.v..>.-.r».AwA.i¢.7'.“=._v --..'«>..:.t» iW:~"~#. 2006 Season Schedule June 2 l-24 June 28-July i July 5-8 July l9-22 July 26-29 August 2-5 August l 6-] 9 August 23-26 ;,W..,;_ [Ax ' August 30-Sept. 2 “September 27-30 A October 4-7 _ _$(;.1,)(2//. October 1 1-14 All performances are at 8:00 PM Town Hall Theatre in Stowe, Vermont Comfortable Searing Air Conditioned 0 Handicap Accessib/e ‘/ "ll/1/2‘/'*/zz,'/zz 2...; Reservotions - 253—396l 0 ticl;v;;,-tn-.u-.1v£uy:. . 51.; 5;.-r, . ,-u I im¢-:l- ‘:.ir.~e:I, livlilmgl-~:: |il‘(l(.1’