E4 nut in the mountains I JULY 2006 l MOUNTA|NPR|DEMED|A.ORG Inthe IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS UIIIIIIITEEIIS IIBE THE SHIP! Volunteers l_ast month made for clear skies & smooth sailing! Ringing in the first summer issue without a hitch. We all had a great time. It was good to see some new faces and some that haven't been here in a while. The pizza time afterwards was a real treat. ' Also a special shout out to Liz for her tireless volunteering. Congrats on the newjob in Chicago!! You will be missed. ' Happy Pride everyone and hope to see you at the stuffing on July 26th!!! We thank the following volunteers who, in addition to our writers’ efforts, worked on last month's paper: IIEIIIIEIIIIIIE: ' ‘ . I . Thia Artemis, Rick Bersaw, Lynn McNicol, AIDS Project of Southern Vermont, Tom Bivins, Bennett Law, Daryl 8; Dennis DePau|, Kathy , Donna, Thom Fleury,‘Danny Gates, Keith Goslant, Liz Stedman, Frank Knapp, Nat Michael, Fran Moravcsik, Fred Pond, Rick Wold. D I omen uoiumeens. Michel DuBois, Marie Gervais, David Lynch, Kate Mctavish, Pam Avery, Kenneth Byers, George.Pg_1rker,_F_z ,Cuk_er,. and the special, lovely- - anonymc>luls«'l‘aidy (you_- who you are). ' umre Illllliltl-IIIIIIIEII: PHOTO SUPPUED BY OUTRIGHT VERMONT COMMUNITY ////// hrysalis COMMUNITY ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dra BY LLUVIA MULVANEY-STANAK Idol it is Pride season. This year the an- nual Vermont Drag Idol competition has teamed up withlthe Sisters LeMay and Higher Ground to present the big- gest Pride party EVER! With 135 Pearl's recent closing, this “Pride Beach Ball” will be THE place to be on the night of Pride, Saturday July 8th. For the first time EVER, the Pride party will have some- thing for everyone (no matter your age.) The 3rd Vermont Drag Idol will kick off the evening at 7 pm in the main Ballroom of Higher Ground. This event features the BEST of amateur drag performers from all over Vermont as they compete for the cov- eted title of DRAG IDOL 2006. This event is all ages and is modeled off of the popular American Idol Where the audience gets to. vote on who they like best. This part of the evening is a fundraiser for Outright Vermont, the states only queer youth organization. Contestants are currently being recruited for the two age categories for performers (17 and under, and 18 and above.) Visit the Outright Vermont website: WWWi out- rightvtorg for more information or call . the office at 802-865-9677. No experience is necessary and each performer is limited to one song (lip-syncing only please!) Come be part of the fim. Tickets are currently on sale for $12 and will increase to $15 on the day of the event. Visit Higher Ground’s website for_ticket information: www.highergroundmusic.com.V I t’s July in Vermont and that means # ommunity Closes Retreat Center Service Organization to Focus on Outreach POWNAL - Chrysalis Comrnuni- ty, an environment for people to learn and practice holistic meth- ods for, healing the mind, body and spirit, will now focus its efforts exclusively to outreach and will broaden its focus to all illnesses, not just HIV/AIDS. Since its inception in 2002, Chrysalis Community has- provided services to people with HIV/AIDS both onsite and through outreach programs. Given its desire to provide free or low-cost services and reach a greater number of people, and the increasingly challenging climate of fundraising, the‘ ex- ecutiye board of Chrysalis Com- munity has decided that pro- gramming should be exclusively focused on outreach This shift will permit Chrysalis Communi- ty to continue its efforts in ho- listic education without the time and cost involved in running a facility. Our programs will in- clude lectures and workshops at hospitals, clinics and com- munity centers in the region. As a result, eflective June 1st 2006, Chrysalis Community will terminate its lease on its Pownal, Vermont facility. Speak- ing on behalf of the board of directors, founder and director Sunshine Wohl said “We have been blessed by the contribu- tions of many wonderful and generous people in the area ‘and through their generos- ity have helped many people over the years.” She continued, “Our focus on outreach pro- grams will allow us to reach even more people in the com- munity moving forward.” V Press release from Chrysalis Community. Founded in 2002, Chrysalis Community is a nonprofit organization with 501 c3 status. It is dedicated to teaching people living with illness holistic methods for healing the mind, body and spirit. Contact info@ chrysaliscommunityorg or call 802-823-9309.