transition is to listenvto her and to assess her array of symp- toms. Her age and prior—year menstrual history provide a clear picture of where she may be in the transition process. Menopause is not a disease. N oabsolute requirement for treatment exists. Each woman f determines-whether or not she needs treatment. If her quality of life remains unaffected by ' her symptoms, she may not need any treatment. However, some asymptomatic women may need treatment due to the increased susceptibility of post—menopausal women to other conditions. Ifrisk factors or family history exist for these conditions then preventative measures must be put in place. These conditions include osteo- FAMILY Foster Families Needed g BY TORY OLIVER, MSW ‘ hat does family mean to you? Are you in- terested in opening your home to a child or teen that is in need of a nurturing and supportive environment‘? It may be easier and more acces- sible than you may have real- ized to become a foster parent within the state of Vermont. Children come ir1to the state's custody for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include abuse or neglect bytheir caregiv- ers, or most often teenagers come into custody because they either commit a delinquent act or are beyond their parent's control. Because children who come into care come from many differ- ent backgrounds, it is important to find diverse foster families. In order to become a foster parent, you must be at least 21 years old. You can be single, married, living with a partner or joined through a civil union. Applications are considered regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion or sex- ual orientation. You must have Sufficient income to support your ‘ family and you can live in either porosis, arthritis, breast cancer, and heart disease, which is the number one killer of woman. Many treatment options’ ex- ist for those seeking help in- cluding (in ascending order of invasiveness): diet and lifestyle changes, homeopathy, supple- ments and herbal remedies, and bio-identical hormones. I do not recommend synthetic hormones at all due to recent evidence of increased health risks including breast cancer, WflWWWfl%Wfl/ placement therapy for symptom management. Diet and lifestyle changes, herbal preparations, and vitarnin/mineral therapy adequately address symptoms in the majority of my patients. These therapies treat the under- lying cause of the many meno- pausal symptoms including - adrenal fatigue and burnout.V Dr. Renée Lang is a licensed naturopathic physician JULY 2006 l out In the mountains II A MOST WONDERFUL VERMONT EXPERIENCE! *-=.~*‘\\\»-&> ::«><2~\ Nloix/wt no INNKEEPEKS MARY aouvmk Ex MOIKA oonovxu 'Q_UlE.T. ROMANIIC GETKWAY ‘LOCATED lN TH€ HEART OF VERMONT’! {Kl INDUSTRY "ClVlL UNION HAVEN! WWW.DONOMAlKlNN.COM 802-64-4--2937 J£FF£MoNviLLe, Vt ...pr_escribe any oral hormone re-7. practicing at The Healing Way clinic in Brattleboro. Dr. Lang provides naturopathic options for women's health, cancer, heart disease, and stroke. These increased risks may be associated more with the Synthetic progestins than the chronic illness, mood and sub- Synthetic estrogens‘ However’ stance abuse disorders, and I Wont take the nsk W1/ch my digestive disorders. Visit her patients’ health by using either website at wvvw.thehealing- of them. In fact, I rarely need to or call 802-254-4369, ' "fog more information. a house or apartment, as long as you have enough room to house a child. We are looking for people who enjoy being around children, who will treat children ir1 foster care like their own and stick with them even when they act out; people who can provide direction in a nurturing way, people who are able to ask for help when they need it, and parents who are wiH— ing and able to work as a team in order to best support this child and his or her specific needs. Does this describe. you? Foster parents open their hearts and homes to children in need - for a few weeks, months, years, and sometimes a lifetime. By becoming a foster parent, you ‘ could make it possible for a , local child to stay in his or her own community and school. If you are interested in mak- ing a difference in a child‘s life, then please call the Vermont State Department for Children and Families to find out more.V Tory Oliver, MSW, is Resource Coordinator at the Hartford District Office. You may con- tact her at 1-802-295-8840 or 1-800-658-1 _198. 802.658.2202 - Puppy/Kitten Packages - Vaccines - Micro-chipping - Health Certificates - Geriatric Exams - Euthanasias - Multiple Pet Discounts 4 i 6v‘ E "97'ennvAmr se\N‘°‘$' “Books make up no small part of human happiness." — Frederick the Great Books, Unique Cards, Maps & More. Special Ordering Service 27 N. Main Street, Randolph Mon-Thurs: 9-5:30 0 Friday: 9-6 Saturday 9-5 0 Sunday ll-3‘ (‘April-December only!) . (802) 728-5509 ‘ Susan McMillan, DVM 0 Becky Roberts, Mgr. P.O. Box 5785 0 Burlington, VT If computer information technology is to serve a broad and diverse population, it should be created by one, too. If you're a woman thinking about a great career, Virtually everywhere you look, you'll see Information Technology at work and play. That’s why the world needs people who create the applications most of us take for grantedxwith the right education, you could be ready for a career in healthcare, marketing, automotive technology, game development or systems management. In 2004, the average salary for a software engineer was nearly $77,000‘. Find out how to earn a degree in Infonnation Technology or Software Engineering at one of several Vermont colleges. Call Diana at 728-1297 or go to In partnership with: . National Science Foundation WM!!! IIICOVIIIII IIIIN "lI.S. Depamnentof Labor, Bureau of Labor Statzirtirs. J