JULY 2006 I out in the mountains 3 VERMONT NEWS/POLITICS Now Who’s Turning Their Backs? < til li.“ Friday, July 21 I Saturday, July 22 _ 6-10 pm 12-4 pm rm.-I pm Waterfront Park, Burlington Admission: $25 Geneml Adinmion (520 Before July 1) 35 Designated l)/ivc/5 E Clnldmn 58. under Her: ‘ - The VIP Lounge: /'n‘vate VIP nrernbers-only tent fxprc.s;v <‘lieck—in [ Con/fmlrtble seating i Pn'vn1r= tastings fumiy juorls ! (.hm'!.e(I Numher 0] VIP Passes 5 Pie.-/me: Views f’ $125 VII’ (3 henium) Tickets are limited. Buy early! 0/rim (,1I1llIll.’(ll www.vermontbrewers.com or call 377.772.5425 v/ -v-~ Protestors Show Up for Governor's Talk BY LYNN MCNICOL COLCHESTER — As dark rain clouds threatened to chase everyone inside,‘a crowd of protestors gathered at the en- trance to St. Michael’s College .to protest a speech being given by Gov. Jim Douglas on the last day of May. Douglas was speaking at a di- versity conference, “Welcoming Communities,” at the college for teachers to expand their social horizons. . Ironically, for the GLBT crowd who recently witnessed the govemor’s veto of the Gen- der Identity and Expression bill, Douglas spoke at some length about actions he's taken to end discrimination, including safe schools and anti-bullying legis- lation. The bill Douglas vetoed (H.865) included a provision to protect students from harass- ment regarding their gender identity and expression‘. The protestors carried their signs toward the auditorium where Douglas was to speak in a few minutes, but campus security asked them to leave the signs .out- i side. They did. As Douglas spoke, about 25 people in the audience stood silently» and turned their backs to the governor, who continued PHOTO: LYNN MCNICOL speaking as if nothing unusual had happened. The storm out- side erupted into thunder and pouring rain as Douglas contin- ued to speak, and the protestors continued to stand. After‘ speaking for about six minutes, Douglas ended his dis- course on ‘eliminating discrimi- nation through scholarship pro- grams and enriching cultures, to light applause from the approxi- mately 50 people who remained sitting in the audience. The audience then slowly filed out, into the soggy spring air. The dark clouds had rolled away and the protestors stood outside again with their signs in the last falling drops of rain. V Day celebration this year? Douglas: I don’t know the an- swer to that. If requested, I'm happy to take a look at it. OITM: Will you attend the cel- ebration? Douglas: I’d rather see opportu- nities to include everyone, not categorize Vermonters by sexual orientation, and find a more in- clusive way to participate. OITM: As Governor, you could issue an executive order pro- hibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression, any way you want to define it, in state govern- ment. Will you consider this until the legislature revisits the issue? Douglas: I don’t know if that is true or not. We have laws on hir- ing and contracts with unions so ' I’m not sure if the basis of your question is correct or not. OITM: You oppose gay mar- riage and civil unions, won't commit to appointing a GLBT person to the HRC, didn't is-I sue a Pride Day proclamation last year, let medical marijua- na become law without your signature, and vetoed H.865. Why should GLBT Vermonters support your re-election? Douglas: I believe all Vermonters should support my re-election because I‘m focused on making this an affordable place to live for everyone. We've done well eco- nomically over the past few years and the state is fiscally strong, but I worry, about the affordability of housing, higher education, and property taxes. l’m focused on making this a place where every- body can live regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation or any other category. V Paul Olsen is the Vermont Correspondent for Boston's In Newsweekly. 9/; °'We’vo CaO"l' YOUR op.,',_,_,-D OPCI1 7 am - I1 PM 6 Your Community-Owned Grocery Store 802-863-365‘) . www.citymarkct.coop 82 South Winrroski Avenue, Burlington Alison will be signing copies of her new book Fun Home: A Fqmily Tragicomic Friday, July 14, 7pm peace RESCHEDULED! We welcmnc EBT, CA'l‘$cra1cli, Knight & (‘L(Z(La.sli Cards and m;mui':u.uircrs' tmiprms. justice store Open Seven Days - 863-8326 - 21 Church Street, Burlington