Marathon runner Ted Hobart SPORTS Let the ‘ Games Begin An epic tale of twolcpities. .competin.,g for athletes and the future of , LGBT, sports av MAX fiiniiotp f MONTREAL - As La Belle Province'.gea.1s up to,l:1o,slt _ - the largest athletic gathering here since the’ 1976 Summer Olympic Games, many are 7 wondering if the real com- petition isn’t just between ‘ the athletes but also with the entire city of Chicago. In the race for athletes and GLBT tourist revenues, Montreal’s first-ever World Out- games, from July 30 through August 5, is ahead with just over 12,000 participants signed up so far. Right behind PHOTO: GREG THOMPSON span ,_ _ _ morgvand fol wlmks 7 as a participant (see box). is Gay Games VII in Chicago, from July 15 through July Adding to the allure of both 22, with 10,620 participants. destinations is a dazzling array Although one could attend of stars (Martina Navratilova in Montreal; Greg Louganis in’ Chicago) and a swirl of parties, fairs, festivals and conferences associated with both events. The Gay Games VII was both events, it’s not likely many Will. Aside from getting time Off Work, there's the money required for travel, a hotel and, not insignificantly, to register Lollieilafnd ‘Julie Menforial.” MAY 2006 I out in the mountains I7 PHOTO PROVIDE av TED HOBART Terry Light Si Lmissiig; CL‘! {suit-3.: it tE?lTY@bLll‘lIllgli)i’lCal”S.C()i‘1i 1.800.833.5945 8()2,660.8099 x“l0'.7 999. 735.1 See Subaru. bVBlJi“llfiQUC)I‘l f3ul;>aru 333 Shelburne Road, Burlinglnn, VT, 05401 FUND OF VERMONT Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Vermonters and their allies contributing to a better world Paint Your Donations Pink! Make all your charitable gifts through the Gay & Lesbian Fund of Vermont. ‘ 0 When you use the Fund to support your chosen’ arts organizations, hospitals, alumni associations, and other charities, you draw attention to our community’s vital role in improving the world at large. 'a;aa%ar,a§i?tzritZ%»/rttrargg w ir2?ez£a‘igiiFt,rr%iat,r2rig Ma fies 52?: éiaratiraipit, 2!"? fifiéififi , RE7W*X vmna f’r0ft.£4y31;n.zls' .ss,s-_33.77x22,3l - (300).639'4-520*?/23 4 _JaekieMarin9@vea.riz9Iwxe% originally awarded to Mon- K F’ ._ 4 #1 Rm«i:s._x Minn ma: Zgttexfilso ::_)::ldaf:dCé1;y I 1 Professieinals for 20-05. Games Federation officials JACKIE. Mannie ‘ "Out" and sen ing our disagreed over the control community Since W89. of financing. From that came the founding of a separate JACKlEMARlNO@VERlZON.NET CONTINUED ON P.19 -)