is out in the mountains I MAY 2006 I MOUNTAINPRIDEMEDIAORG ( 'zrtm'imarI':l .”u‘t~. Nnrtllnemstt Kingdom RAINBOW IFIIILM IIFIESTIIVAIL M. a y S -I I s(.‘l~lI:‘.i)l,fl.,tL Fl'irl:xy 6:30pm D.~l;\.’(ili'l\’()l?.S' LII 'I.\'(}' with dinaeml‘ John 5tn;:lioll‘i 8:39pm TIM NS.-»iMI:‘KICA Saturday 7:00pm & 9:00pm TIM2\’S.'tMl:"li'I(T«1 Sunday, ‘l:3l)pm TRAAiY.4;l1l:‘l(l(I‘.»i 4:0l)pn1 TIIIS Lil. 7'1.-4!,-[TE Lli‘SBl..4.=\:' Sl10_(g'__['__§((fi;}j(__./iI:‘.977I541. 7:00pm Bl_?I:',-IKIC-18'!‘ l').=V' l’I.l;”I'() ‘ Munday 7:{!0pm Wl:'ARI;‘ Dxil) Tuesday 7:00pm U;\’VI:‘1l.[:‘D Weclnesdsty (n:30pm Sl=}ll:l'II;"R .S'T()K.l1 3:15pm l.(‘)(i(ib'RlIlc"AI)S g . Thursday 7:00pm Fl.()()RI§l) I9)'l.0l 31..-’(’I1 (iI1‘.l:‘,=lT.I..()VI§ . All arlinissiuns $5.01). A «lcluiiml fl;/er clvserilaing the films is €lWi§l§il.llE: by caliirxg ‘ Czslamoiim :~\n:~ 8l)2~748-2600 or :41 www.uazzxnimmtzxrtscmn. The Ncirlhcasi Kingdom Film tbsxix-ail is lmi.l'b‘l'W:'llixlD by Zl generous grant Fmm The Samara Fmmdatinn and support from here! Network. yoga 9 83;; . ,4 COMMUNITY flflW flWflflflflfl fl%%# O MGHS 8tC€ ‘ Brattleboro Men’s Program Thrives sv JASON WHIPPLE Southern Vermont started up the Men’s Program to concentrate on HIV prevention work with gay and bi men in the Brattleboro area. Today, the Men’s Program employs I n 1995, the AIDS Project of two % time coordinators. Alex I . Potter, a lifelong Brattleboro resident who began volunteer- ing with the Men’s Program back in 1995, is the Newsletter _ and Social Events Coordinator. Howie’ Peterson, a resident of Chesterfield,‘ NH, is the Small Groups and Outreach Coordi- ‘ nator. Alex and Howie handle the everyday aspects of the Men’s-Progr'a'm}biit’look to the? Core Group - a small group of I; ,. P_HOTO: JASON WH|P,F:L ,_ . «M. 4:,~;_ " Additions, Disability Modifications 802-310-7579 Today’s Technology, Yesterday’s Craftmanship » Kserving Chittenden County and Surrounding Areas \ "One of the 10 best h1a"®fl"n gay/lesbian guesthouses." l _ since mas! A Lesbian Paradis -Planet Out 0 Bethlehem, NH 877 LES-B-INN (537-2466) 1mm‘ Exes-egg» 1:42.-3:. gay and: bi men’s community in the area I recently stopped by the new Menspace and had a chat with Alex and Howie. JASON: Let's get right = .to the point." Why do we need the Men's Program? ' I Why is it revlevant? _ _ HOWIE:‘ Treatment for HIV in- fectionlhas gotten so much bet- ter, but it is still a very serious disease that I want to help guys avoid. We need the Men’s Pro- gram because it’s really irnpor— tant for gay and bi men to have opportunities to meet, connect and have fun with other guys, and to build community - a community where guys support each other in staying healthy and connected and practicing HIV prevention behaviors. . Alex: We’re a fabulous, vibrant presence here in southern Vermont, and the community is richer for our existence. We also hear from men outside the central Brattleboro area that the Men’s Program is relevant to their lives, through both the newsletter and the events. Some guys drive quite a ways to come to our events, just to so- cialize with the men of this area, as we're known as particularly friendly and welcom ing. Other men have gone out of their way to let us know that receiving the newsletter is their one tan- .:. v _ . fiwmfi 1.“! J ._’MV_'$_; . l :5 =,. 5.5.1, ,_._,,»,,.,..‘.._;L . . A,“ i: , , , , Home ImprOVement> Inc’ "What'|Td re"all'y"li|”(‘é”t'o' 30 is reacl1V‘r’nore*and KITCHENS .‘ BATHS . REMODELING Program».-canfur‘tli‘ertheposi-" ' more-guys.who don'tfe_el—at all connected . . tive impact it has had’ on-the " A l I to the local men's community, and help them, get connected with atleast a few other gay" and bi guys for friendship and support." I ’ »‘ I ’ HOWIE PETERSON, OUTREACH COORDINATOR gible connection to a gay com- munity in their small rural town. JASON: What types of programs and services do you currently offer? ALEX: The first service I always _ think of is our monthly newslet- ter. Previously HotFlashes, this publication was just recently renamed Connections by our Core Group, as they felt this name better represented our mission and purpose. Free and anonymous HIV Counseling and Testing is another service offered through our program. We offer Orasure, the oral test, which is safe, easy, and accurate and does not require any needles. No names are taken, and all tests results are provided by number. HOWIE: We’re also holding eight to ten monthly events that bring guys together where they can socialize, have fun and have access to condoms and information about healthy living. We have occasional larger events like the Harvest Fireball and the Belle of Brattle- boro Cruise. We do outreach at community events like the annual Bear Film Festival and the upcoming Green Moun- tain Rural GLBT Film Fesu'- . val, providing info aboutthe Men’s "Program as well as HIV prevention info and supplies. JASON: What "types of programs and services would you like to offer? ALEX: I would love for us to be able to offer more events of in- terest to a younger age range of gay and bi’ men. We know from feedback we are receiving that younger .men are not getting the HIV prevention information they need, and that at the same time are often feeling fatalistic about HIV and future infection. We are making a large effort to determine what sorts of events and gatherings might bring in a younger range of guys. HOWIE: Yes, We’re really looking to hear more from the younger gay and bi guys in the area We’d also like to hold events geared to other segments of the community — for guys into bears, leather, working out, theater and art - whatever! CONTINUED ON R22 -9