u I was not who I am today. My sexuality just seemed to work itself into a lifestyle. I wasn’t comfortable with having a vise versa" sexual identity, so I chose the easy road, the one most traveled, or the only road I was aware existed. I have a healthy relationship and a unique marriage, one based on honesty, trust, open- ness, and individual strength. My husband has always known about my sexual pref- erences. Out of anyone I have ever known, he has always been undeniably accepting. of it and has embraced me for who I am, regardless of my sexual split. He supports me as a person and does not deny me my right to think, do, and choose for myself. We think very much “outside the box” as individuals, and as a couple. Although we share life together, we are unique individuals who have our own mind, heart, and life to nur- ture. We build inner strength together which allows us to be stronger as individuals. I can embrace myself now in Ways I couldn’t do before. My sexuality has not changed. I have not chosen one over the other. In the close-mindedness of society maybe it seems I have. I embrace what I have While I have it. Tomorrow that may change. What I know to be certain is that I will love to the best of my ability and give to others only the best of me. Boundaries in our lives do not exist unless we create them. Would I have done things differ- ently if I was back then who I am now? Without a doubt, but I'm sure I'm not the first person to feel that way. Do I follow be- hind others’ footsteps to ensure acceptance and a direct path? I'm miles to the side of every- one and my feet don't just walk an unbeaten path, they dance. I try to enhance the 1irnit— less possibilities this life‘ has for me. Admiring and desiring I both men and women can cre- ate intense emotionsand leave a feeling of void at times. I am still building and growing, learning and expanding. Surely as my life progresses, such voids will work themselves out in their own unique way. I have a profound and genu- ine love for the man in my life. I appreciate that he contributes to who I have become. He is unique in how he views life and respects mine. I am captivated by a woman in my life who is close to my heart. I adore her and desire her completely. I have much respect for her as a beautiful woman and my dear- est friend. I listen to my heart, feel its breath," and embrace its voice. I am with a man at this time in my life, I have a strong desire for a woman, am still growing with myself in knowing where my heart brings me, all of which are parts of my inti- mate soul’s journey. Ten years from now when I wake in the morning, will I look into the eyes of a man, or a woman, or maybe merely my own reflec- tion? Where my heart brings me from this moment to the next is what living and loving is. Choosing to not deny this and that out of respect for myself. Women and men are attrac- tive and delicious in various ways. What can be a woman’s Strength can be a man’s weak- ness and vise versa. What makes a man or a woman at- tractive to me is the uniqueness in their eyes and their inner beauty that lies beyond the surface of the skin. I connect intimately with the person who bestcomplements who I am. Do I have to make a deci- sion as to what gender I prefer? Must I decide one over the other for the rest of my life? I’ve been told by many that ev- erything in life works itself out, and I try to believe in that as one moment brings me to the next. Given the insecurities of social status and the emphasis placed on sexual identity, some- times I feel pressured to decide between men and women. But the only réal pressure that ever exists is the pressure we place on ourselves. Onlook— ers may assume I fall ir1t0 the category of heterosexual, or think I no longer have a choice to be anything other than a happily married heterosexual, due to the choice I made years ago. What may be seen by the blind eyes of society is just that. However, what is within me as a woman, as an individual, is a beauty yet unseen by those blind eyes. Nothing is ever certain, nothing is ever forever. Change, growth, and realiza- tions all come to us moment to moment as we live each day. I would be disappointed in my- \ self if I set limitations in my life and denied possibilities that I may or may not know even exist in the moments to come. I am queer, bisexual, driven, and full of intimate depth and voice. What you see at a glance in my direction makes me but a stranger to what lies within. I wish for us all to cherish the ability to love another, look deeper than the skin and embrace all the beauty that lies within all of- us. It is easier to embrace others when we first embrace ourselves. It was Ghandi who once said “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” I am being. V Heather was born in Burlington and now lives in Colchester. Her obsession is rock climbing and she loves to write, especially poetry. MAY zoos I out In the mnuntulns s {lVl0\"I‘ ’0U'l‘Il Plllllll Sat. May 6th 2006 Burlington, Vermont WWW-°utri9hfVf~0r9 featuring: a Queer Youth Speakout, Workshops, Mini Film Fest, and the ONLY Queer Youth Prom in Vermont. Saturday,June 3 9pm-2am 18+ Higher Ground Ballroom $10 in advance $12 day of event an ma mxmsz mm: an THE GREEN CLOSET - OLD GOLD - THE CLOTHING LINE Nancy Ellen :ludd, MA Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY §802?863 . 2084 2 CHURCH STREET. BURLINGTON VT 05401 TEENS I ADULTS l INDIVIDUALS I COUPLES Support the advertisers 5|llll'|"7* 1'5!