VERMONT'S VOICE 6 FOR THE LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL & TRANSGENDER mnun IIIIIS commuww SINCE 1985 EDITOR Lynn'McNicol ART DIRECTOR Don Eggert _' OPERATIONS MGR. Greg Thompson CLASSIFIEDS Greg Thompson CALENDAR ‘ Dan Brink SOURCE EDITOR Greg Thompson CONTRIBUTORS: Outright Vermont, Jason Whipple, Bob Bland, Beth Robinson, Leah Wittenberg, Heather Reed, Janine Kirchgassner, Arlene Istar Lev, Chris Ilstrup, Michel Dubois, Donna Iverson, Will Holden, Daryll McKeighan, Cynthia Potts, Clark Sheldon, Robert William Wolff, Stuart Granoff, Alison Bechdel, Greg Hanson, and Allan Neuwirth. PHOTOGRAPHERS: p.1 and news section by Editor, Lynn McNico| unless otherwise noted. AD MANAGER Greg Thompson NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Rivendell Marketing Co., Inc. (212) 242-6863 MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brian Cote, Greg Weaver STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of Out In The Mountains [OITM] is to serve as a voice for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and our supporters in Vermont. We wish the newspaper to be a source of information, insight, and affirmation. We also see OITM as a vehicle for the celebration of the culture and diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and ‘ transgender communities here in Vermont and elsewhere. EDITORIAL POLICY We will consider for publication any material that broadens our understanding of our lifestyles and of each other. Views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily represent those of Out In The Mountains. This paper, as a non-profit organization, cannot and will not endorse any political candidates. We reserve the right not to publish any material deemed to be overtly racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, ageist, . classist, xenophobic, or homophobic. Unless otherwise specified, all submissions of articles, photographs, graphics, and advertisements herein are the property of Mountain Pride Media, Inc. and any re-publication or broadcast without written permission is prohibited. We are not responsible for the return of unsolicited materials. All contributions are donated to Mountain Pride Media, Inc. for our use including, but not limited to, publishing in print and electronic (Internet, Web, etc.) versions, advertising, marketing, and archival purposes with appropriate attribution to the original author. No assumption should be made about the gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation of any contributor or any person named in these pages. OITM is not responsible beyond the printing of corrections for errors in any submitted materials. OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS (ISSN 1081-5562) is published on the last Wednesday of each month by Mountain Pride Media, Inc. It is printed by BD Press of Fairfax, VT. The paper maintains offices at 34 Elmwood Ave in Burlington, Vermont. The bulk mail subscription rate is $29 per year within the USA. . WWW.MOUNTAlNPRlDEMEDIA.ORG is updated to include the current issue of OITM, generally by the 10th of each month, in our online archive. OITM is available in alternative formats upon request. OITM is printed on recycled newsprint containing 30% post—consumer and using 100% soy-based inks. PO BOX 1122, Burlington VT 05402 802.861.6486 802.860.0705 (f) 2006, Out In The Mountains, All Rights Reserved is ulltfintlle Ilinlrmnins l MAYZOO6 l MOUNTA|NPR|DEMEDlA.ORG Vnuth Pride Iluv Schedule 11:00 a.m. Welcome & Rally at Burlington City Hall 11:20 a.m. Youth Pride Parade 12:00 p.m. Speak Out/Rally 1-5:30 p.m. Workshops and a Film Festival at Outright 5:30-7 p.m. Pizza Party at Outright Vermont 7-10 p.m. Outright Prom PHOTOS FROM OUTRIGHT VERMONT 7 .o""' ._.v- ,5- ., jg ~-'. '.~;\ Make Time For Youth Pride ay people are child mo- G lesters and pedophiles. Being gay is a health risk. Hearing an openly gay person talk about their experiences could influence a confused child. Out- right Vermont should be feared. 1989? Nope. 2006. They are comments overheard at the recent Williston School Board Meeting and at the Windham County Youth Surrunit, both places where Outright Vermont's invitation to present workshops recently came under fire. Recent events are a reminder that queer youth need allies. And part of being an ally is being vis- ible. Queer youth need to know that there are people out there who will support them, who will talk to them about being gay with- out that look in their eye and that tone in their voice. At Outright we were deeply moved to see how many people were inspired to write letters in support of Out- right and the youth we serve. Youth Pride is Saturday, May 6th this year. We invite people of ALL ages to come a.nd be VISIBLE and vocal in their support of queer youth and Ouuight Vermont. Up to this point many of you have written letters and checks, and we are grateful for that support. But I for many youth a letter to the editor does not get them through the day, a hug from a PFLAG parent at Youth Pride does. Now in its 7th year, Youth Pride is a full day of events in downtown Burlington for and about queer youth. _Gay/Straight Alliances, gaggles of queer youth, and their supporters invade the queen city for a youth speak out, rally, workshops, mini-film festival and the now legendary queer youth prom. In fact, the speak- out has become THE larg- est open and public forum for queer youth to be heard. Come hear what they have to say! 1* Lluvia Mulvaney-Stanak 8: Kate Jerman -For many youth a letter to the editor does not get them through the day, but a hug from a PFLAG parent at Youth Pride does. Outright Vermont remains the only queer youth organization working toward making schools, communities and homes safe places for all young people to be themselves. We continue to speak truth to fear and display love to hate. Come support the next generation of the queer com- munity on Youth Pride Day, Sat- urday, May 6th. The rally starts at 11am at Burlington City Hall and will be followed by the Speak Out at 12pm. For more details call our office at 802-865-9677 or go online: . V Kate Jennan and Lluvia Mul- vaney-Stanak are Co-Executive Directors of Outright Vermont.