GAY MARRIAGE Massachusetts Court Denies Rights to Nonresidents BY BETH ROBINSON BOSTON - While upholding the right of gay and lesbian Massa- chusetts couples to marry, the Massachusetts Supreme Court in late March authorized the state to discriminate against non—resident same-sex couples. The Massachusetts court’s decision came in the case of Cote-Whitacre 1). Department of Health, and concerned a 1913 Massachusetts law that said that a Massachusetts clerk should not issue a marriage license to nonresidents who are prohib- ited from marrying by the laws of their own state. After the Massachusetts Su- preme Court ruled in 2003 that that state could not constitu- tionally deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the State of"Massachusetts invoked the long—dormant 1913 law to deny ‘marriage licenses to gay and les- bian couples from other states. In the March 30 decision, the court concluded that the state's actions were not unconstitution- al. The court left the door open to plaintiffs from Rhode Island and New York to show in further proceedings that they are not actually prohibited from marry- ing in their home states, but al- lowed the state to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples from the other New England states, including Vermont. The court did not back away from its 2003 decision in Goodridge v. Department of Health, and gay and lesbian Massachusetts couples still have a constitution- ally-protected right to marry., Nor does the Cote—Whttacre de- cision automatically invalidate marriage licenses that were pre- viously issued to non—resident same-sex couples. Vermonter Sandi Cote-Whita- cre, one of the named plaintiffs in the case, acknowledged her disappointment, but expressed renewed commitment to the cause. “We know how impor- tant it was to us to get that mar- riage license. Our work won't be over until gay and lesbian citi- iens right here in Vermont and throughout the country have the same opportunity,” she said. Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force Field Director Ro- byn Maguire agreed and noted, “The court didn’t back away from equal rights for gay Mas- sachusetts residents, but left the door open for other states to discriminate against their own citizens. Vermont should reject the court's invitation.” A bill to eliminate the dis- crimination in Vermont’s mar- riage laws (H.742) is pending in the Vermont legislature. V Beth Robinson was co-coun- sel to the plaintiffs in "Baker v. State" and is chair of the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force. COl\/H\/iUN|TY NEWS Flood Washes Out SafeSpace BURLINGTON — Safespace and R.U.l.2? have discussed sharing office space in the near future, but didn’t expect it would happen so soon. Two months ago, flooded offices found SafeSpace staff looking for temporary headquarters until major re- pairs could be completed. Safespace staff camped out at R.U.1.2‘?~ Queer Community Center part of the time as a result. “The flood happened over the weekend of March 11th and 12th, and it was due to a water main break in the building which came through the. ceiling of our office,” said Connie Beal, VISTA Resource Coordinator for SafeSpace. “We expect to move back in within the next week or two - once they’re finished repainting and carpeting the space. One of the benefits was that SafeSpace staff got to pick a new carpet color!” (Actually, Safespace workers finally arrived back in their offices in late April.) _ “I think it’s really important that the community knows that Safespace programs and services are still as they were before: (support line M-F 10am- 6pm and M, W, TH 9am—9pm),” Beal said. “Also, as we move back into our space - we hope that our community can send us donations of of- fice supplies (paper and envelopes), bookshelves, and/or a financial contribution to help us get the office back up and running.” , “Also, SafeSpace staff would like to thank R.U.l.2? for allowing Safespace to use office space ' at the Center," Beal added. V Water from flood reflects on floor of SafeSpace offices in March. PHOTO BY CLARK SHELDON Sunday. June ll 7PM - IZAM Best Western (I‘.0nference ("enter I076 Williston Road South Burlingnon F ood. cash bar, and great giveaways! Spmmored in part by (lsp. inc.. Stowe .\luunl:|in ‘Statue. Inn :1! Iissex. r :l'0llIl(i.liI1i\’(‘| Mall. Slm\v'.s'. lien 8; .lerr_v s S G ‘iC:urz<.'i<;2’%%t.>."x C2: '2 MAY 2006 I out In the mnuntulns 5 Theatre on a Shoestring presents The 2006 F0 ny Aw a rd s Viewing Party Limited Iic'Imr.\' mwilalile.’ $10 :1 person H|ll‘()lI;.',lI l\/lay 3| ) #3 IS a person (June I-8) ]Lis‘lts;l:e;. www. ‘,t|ieatres|mc. ” emu 'l’ic/rr'I.s' will I1r1lI)r'.i'rIl(l at the (law: m C! I’ C! ‘ v i‘Zit’){‘t? Supporting the Vermont GLBTQ Community. vH<::wtTa Contact Us: 90 main street p.o. box 1263' burlington; Vermont g 05402-1263 ’ p. 802-860-6236 f. 802-860-6315 .info@samarafoundationorg i z i E l