4 out in the mountains I MAY 2006 |- MOUNTAlNPR|DEMEDlA.ORG law YORK,‘ N? be Evan B. Donaldson Adop- on*,l,nstitu’ce. released a new I port in Marchtliat finds there no child-centered reason to event gays andlesbians from becoming‘ adoptive .pa‘r"ents, and ’_ comrnénds that{the'y be utilized ’ or_e:.axtensively7‘to. provide rmanent, loving homes for the country, the Human‘ Rights ' paign reported.’ ch and growing experi- 0‘ ;. holds promise as an avenue rsimonrhsIgwiteneiedw ’ ida a_v;resear:ch~based contex ngoing debate in the " ~ nof children by g‘ays.and. sbifa‘ns,"according to the HRC. ormation to help shape the best mice; ,that:l"qc'U,$f on ‘providing oys and girls. in the "child welfare 'st__ern7w_it_h safe, committed and l»'1dUl‘lng:1‘a:’I_’Y1lll‘e:§"n ‘ onconfirrningllfioyernment ‘ lla Ce ofgro ps‘opposed-.;— rlitary n.'.t‘e°i$l<.. ‘ f 7 ‘ _ the_.$ervicemérnbers_lLegal ’ ense Network (SLDN), a " to ftdlilg discrimination against l..GBT=rnilitary personnel. The Department of Defense . , w confirmed the exis- ncewofva surveillance program \ mo itoring LGBT groups," said 'xonrOsbur.n, executive I r of SLDN_.. "Pentagon égrslihave also acknowledged of the informatloninlthe TALON ' atabase. That information . ho,Uljcl,—be destroyecl and no . ’ ‘A ‘ilar surveillance should be‘ uthorized in the future. Free ationsl security.” 3 : if . g , Vi/fc,lr1_r,enilivin.g in state care across V‘ v Based on the‘: available , _l ;,adoptio’njb‘y.-gays,_and les, " . - State.-s'c»».’¢;e'rt__he adop« V . _ he:_lnstitute seeks to develop ;in- . ..........,........s »b; iexual se_.r_vice__ , rsra¢6oidms to 8 resort .. 1 - then ourivv’orld V ’ HIV-positive inmates from its ; federal law. ‘ f , ' ‘California sent theletter after a ’ ‘couple who had been married " ..for’l’our years»was.excluded from ’ _ also wrongfully discriminates‘ on ‘ r,aising‘,‘,according-t“o a report _ from the”Gay 8; l;_esbian'Vu.-Itory - ‘ ’ jFund and:l.e§dershipjinstitute, ‘ ' ’ . : which hasl1elpe‘d,elect’h,undreds ‘meat acknowledging l2hat'$h§'.' A ' j , ,_.;_,was awareof hershusband’s HIV - ; status, the ACLU ‘reported; ; ' .. 0' they have HIV" not only irre para? ._ ‘-.,.'§?c>.a’ttr’aiff.i5. ’ “candiClat'es of r V g.'pr.o.g_ramIwill cover:.strate9y; - I . LOS ANGELES Visitationwith HIV-Positive V Inmates Allowed in response to a demand letter , from the American Civil Liberties V . Union of Southern California, the state Department of Corrections has concluded that ‘excluding spousal family visitation program " is discriminatory and contrary to ' The'ACLU of Southern “ /family visits, even though the wife agreed to sign a docu- - I ‘ 7‘We re=jpleased_1l~lat-the. A W $sd.¢i§"iiii%.wiré' ' es .;as.e7[ and issillegal.-I Cu‘x'tI,ng"orEf inmates. from their spjouse. ysfc’ because bly harms their relationship; but the basis of disability." colon The‘-four-day _.r>iannin9.'niess;agin9—and fund- gnprofit organization dedicated » ppropriately collecting some ' ression is not a threat to our \ i ’ . the.Nafional“B_’l_a\ck Justice Coali-7 * : *tion1:o__ he§lp"LGBT candidates of » color win elections atall ‘levels of g ‘government. — 2 ‘ ‘ S » _sloner-Kecia Cunningham-—of , P V " A day and work with their peers on ~ a-complex carnpaignsirnulation. ‘ ~ at .night,,The.slr'nulation models . a real campaign, complete with district bar:l