tnmmunitv tlussif Announcements _, ’ New Burlington area ‘GLBT Bacchus Club; a celebration of the pleasures of wine and _ life. More than a wine tasting group; a way for responsible Burlington Area GLBT who are not into the bar scene, to meet new people, socialize, and have‘ fun. All are welcome, novice to expert or your just want to‘ meet people. (l'm a novice.) FMI or or 802.579.5137 Classes Bennington Beledi Tribal Bellydance in Bennington, Vermont: Offering professional American Tribal Style (ATS) Bellydance performances by Sahidi Sisters for civil unions, weddings and other - special occasions. Basically improvisational in style, ATS brings together steps, music and costuming elements reminiscent of tribal cultures. We custom design on-site dance workshops and offer on-going instruction in our Bennington dance space. Our student troupe is also available for performances. Contact us for rates and information at PO Box 4161, Bennington, VT 05201, by phone at 802-442-5331, or by email at benningtonbe| Add some shimmy to your life with Bennington Beledi! Employment "Volunteer ‘ " Proofreaders Wanted: Do you have a sharp eye for detail? Are you looking for a place to use your talents? Join us for the final proofreading session before OITM goes to the press. Volun- teers please contact editor@ or call 861.6486. Fame (not fortune) Awaits! Out in the Mountains is in search of writers to voice the concerns and issues of our community. ,We especially need people to interview others on a topic, to cover news stories, and a special person to compile news ’ . clipsrelevant to our community, A from around the nation and the world. Contact Editor Lynn McNico| FMI on this Vounteer Opportunity. Groups P.R.l.D.E Vermont Organizational Committee meets the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:15 at R.U.1.2? Community Center. Log on to http://wvvw. for more info. P.R.l.D.E Vermont Organizational Committee meets the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:15 at R.U.1.2? Community Center. Log on to http://www. for more info. The Rainbow Support Group for Developmentally Disabled LG BTQ individuals will meet the first Thursday of each month at R.U.1.2? Queer Community Center. Please call Max Henson- Stroud for more information: 660-0198 Coming Out? Married and confused? Already Out and want support? Join others with similar experience every 2nd and 4th Thursday (6:30pm) at RU12 in Burlington for support from peers and mental health professionals. See calendar listing in this paper or call 802.860.7812 FMI. "Beyond Men and Women" '-- Gerider Diversity Group, meeting in Brattleboro/Putney area. Personal sharing, exercises, games, discussion, reading, writing. Six weeks: Wednesdays, April 12 through May 17. Topics to include: How gender is constructed; the differences -- and-relationships -- between sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexuality and orientation; alternatives to the binary (men/women) gender system; gender and religion, spirituality, media, culture, class, economics. Open to adults lllhnt are vnu looking for? E-mail your ad to c|assifiecls@mountainpridemedia,org, mail it to PO Box 1122, Burlington, VT 05402 or fax it to 802-860-0705. Sorry! We cannot take classified ads over the phone! Businesses, for profit ads, and commercial rrrlurt-st rule: will lw L lltll\](.'(l $1‘ "iL?._’5;ié1§-E37 i‘a\17;¥.5fi@§. 17 :..w’:- ,-=..<;‘+v .‘-r«» x ml ml lllll.l\.\/«rltl‘~-ll l~w-ii) per month. We reserve the right to refuse ads. PlEl(.t.‘ or mspoinl In an .l