I’.-:24-"réI'IIIt-lnitlie-Iillililntnliis I APR-ILZOO6 l MOUNTAINPRlDEMED|A.ORG : cu :n =3 2' ‘E -= & :2 a Prnmnte our event ere! We Saturday 01 BRA'l'l'LEBORO - The Men's Program - Bowl for Kid's Sake to support Big Brothers Big Sisters. Join the local Men's Community in bowling to raise money for BBBS in Windham County! FMI Alex or Howie, 254-8263. BURLINGTON - Outright VT - Saturday Night Socials. 7-8:30pm at 187 St. Paul St. in Burlington. A youth social/hang out group that meets every Saturday featuring movie nights, board games, outdoor adventures & more! Come meet other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & questioning youth ages 22 and under! For more information call: 800-GLB-CHAT or check out our web- site at: www.outrightvt.org. Sunday 02 BURLINGTON — Christ Church Presbyte- rian — Sunday Service. Every Sunday from 9:30AM. CCP is a "More Light" church. We welcome all persons. regardless of sexual orientation, into full participation in the life, membership, and leadership of this church, and strive, as part of the Body of Christ, to reach out in ministry to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people both within and outside of our congregation. Christ Church Presbyte- rian (CCP) is located on UVM Redstone Campus between the water tower and the Catholic Center. BURLINGTON - VGSA — Volleyball. Vol- leyball: @Christ the King School, 136 Locust St. (upper Shelburne Rd.) 6-8pm, $5/night members, $10/night/non-mem- bers. Save Money- VGSA membership only $20.00. Come for an evening of chal- lenging (yet low-key and fun!) volleyball. We have a great time, and welcome new players. FMI contact Guy @802 272-2000. VERMONT - VPT - In the Life. 11:30 p.m. on Vermont Public Television. There's good news for viewers in southern Vermont. DirecTV now carries Vermont channels, including VPT, in Windham and Bennington counties. Monday 03 ARLINGTON - Alcoholics Anonymous - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Meeting. Every Monday from 7:00-8:00 PM. At the Turning Point Club, 465 Main St., Bennington. FMI 802-442-9700. Open meeting of AA, meaning that anyone with a desire to stop drinking can attend. BURLINGTON - Ohavi Zedek Synagogue - Bubbles, Babies and Bagels. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue is sponsoring a free Jewish playgroup for families of all backgrounds for parents/grandparents and children between the ages of birth through three years old. It meets every Monday from 10:00-11:00AM at 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington. The first half hour is filled with Jewish songs and stories followed by noshing and shmoozing. For more information, call Sarah Klionsky 864- 0218 ext 26. MONTPELIER - Survivors of Incest Anony- mous — Meeting. 6:00 PM. At the UCC Bethany Church in Montpelier on Main Street (on the right, just past Ben 8: Jerry's if you are coming from the interstate). Ev- ery Monday in the Blue Door Room, come in front door go to the Basement, stairs on left, then to the end of the hall to the room with the blue door. FMI: 229-2153 or 454-7822 for more info. SHARON - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) Meeting. Support meet- ing to help those with excessive weight, bulimia, and anorexia 6:30-8:00pm at Sha- ron Congregational Church at the junction of Rte 14 8: Rte 132. FMI: (866)977-4700. Tuesday 04 BENNINGTON - American Cancer Society - Look Good Feel Better Program. The first Tuesday of every 1 month from 1:30- 2:30PM. At the Southwest Medical Center in Bennington. Sponsored by the Ameri- can Cancer Society, Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, and National Cosmetology Association. First Tuesday of each month. Please register in advance by calling 802 447-1403 or 802 447-3587. BENNINGTON - The Turning Point Club - Overeaters Anonymous. For more information, go to: www.oa.org ...Or come and check out the meeting for yourself Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Turning Point Club, 465 Main Street, Bennington, VT. Or call 442-9700 for more information and/or to be connected with someone from OA. ' BRATTLEBORO - AIDS Project of South- ern Vermont - Syringe Exchange. 6-9 PM. At the Brattleboro Drop-In Center, 60 South Main Street. Anonymous. For more information call 802-254-8263. BURLINGTON - SafeSpace - Take Back the Night: Rally, March, and Speakout. Time: 5:30-9:00 pm. Location: Rally @ University Green, UVM Campus; Speakout @ First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington 152 Pearl Street, Burlington VT Contact person: Hannah Hauser, 863-0003. Event details; Take Back the Night is an inter- national rally and march that is organized in local communities with‘ the purpose of unifying people of all genders in an aware- ness of sexual violence in all of our.lives. The local event is for interested persons who are ready to take a stand against violence and make the night safe for everyone. Event includes a Rally, March, and Speakout. BURLINGTON - TOWANDA - Women's Volleyball at Mater Christi School on Mansfield Ave across from Planned Parent- hood in Burlington, on Tuesday nights from 6-8PM. New players welcome. Call Sally at 802-878-3953 for more info. HANOVER/LEBANON, NH - American Cancer Society - Look Good Feel Better Program. 10-11 AM at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon, NH. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Cos- metic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, and National Cosmetology Association. First Tuesday of each month. Please regis- ter in advance by calling Doris Watson at 603 448-6417. Wednesday 05 HANOVER, NH - Food Addicts in Recov- ery Anonymous (FA) Meeting. Support meeting to help those with excessive weight, bulimia, and anorexia 7:00-8:30pm at Hanover Friends Meeting House (next door to the Hanover High School). FMI: (866) 977-4700. ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont CARES - Nee- dle Exchange. Needle exchange walk in hours every Wednesday 3-6pm at Vermont CARES 1235 Hospital Drive Suite two. For more info call Penni at 802-748-9061. ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont CARES — Oral HIV Testing. Free Walk in Anonymous Oral HIV testing available every Wednes- day 3-6pm. at Vermont CARES 1235 Hospital Drive Suite two. Other times are available by appointment. For more info call Penni at 802-748-9061. Thursday 06 BURLINGTON - UVM - Movie & Discus- sion. The Dean of Students Office is Proud to Present Daddy & Papa. A documentary film by Johnny Symons about gay fathers in . America. 2-4 pm Location TBD - depend- ing upon RSVPs. RSVP to deanofstudentsag uvm.edu. What if your most controversial act turned out to be the most traditional thing in the whole world? A discussion will follow this one hour film facilitated by Dennis 8: Daryl DePaul. BURLINGTON — SafeSpace - Talk: Drug- Facilitated Rape. Time: 12 pm to 1 pm. Location: UVM Women's Center 34 So. Williams St Burlington VT. Contact person. Windy Paz-Amor, 656-9538 or Dana Kaplan, 656-2925. Event details: What drugs are out there? What do they look like? How do I know ifl have been slipper. a date rape drug? What do they smell or taste like? How do I know if I'm at risk? What you need to know to keep you safer. Join us to dialogue on current trends, perceptions of safety and what you can do if you have been drugged. RUTLAND - VTCARES - Oral HIV Testing. FREE & ANONYMOUS. First Thursday of every month from 12 noon to 4pm At Asa Bloomer State Office Building (On Merchants Row, Rutland) 1st Floor Clinic provided by VTCARES. Be Safe. Be Smart. Get Tested. Knowledge is Power. No needles! Walk-in testing hours at VTCARES every Wednesday 10am-1pm 27 South Main Street 775-5884. Friday 07 BENNINGTON - Bennington Pride - Queer 101. Special performance by Pe- terson Toscano for the youth community. Unitarian—Universalist Meetinghouse, 108 School St., Bennington, VT. Morphing into a cast of characters, while drawing on the inspiration of poets Audre Lorde, Langs- ton Hughes, Walt Whitman and Federico Garcia Lorca, performance artist Peterson Toscano, playfully explores what it means to be queer in the 21st Century. Through this one-man performance piece, Toscano delves into the passion and confusion-of Internet dating, plumbs the depths of queer history, and humorously exposes the conflicts and contradictions within the queer community today. From the world's oldest queer story to the gay ABC's, this piece is filled with non-stop comedy with ;: generous sprinkling of compelling insights. Regarded for his.s.killful,,o_n-stage transfor- mations, Toscano introduces his audience to characters who tell original stories in unique voices. Edgy, funny, insightful, "Queer 101" seeks to open minds and hearts to a wild new queer world. FMI: Bennington Pride: bennpride@gmail.com; www.benningtonpride.org. For details on the performer: www.petersontoscano. com. BRATTLEBORO - The Men's Program - Gayme Night. 7pm, at the Menspace, Brattleboro. Bring your favorite board game, orjust your sense of fun and join in the laughter of men playing games! FMI Alex or Howie, 254-8263. BURLINGTON — Outright VT - Friday Night Group. Outright Vermont's Friday Night Group from 7-8:30pm at 187 St. Paul St. in Burlington. A youth social/support group that meets no matter the weather or holiday. Come meet other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & questioning youth ages 22 and under! For more informa- tion call: 800-GLB-CHAT or check out our website at: www.outrightvt.org. KEENE, NH - AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region - Love Bomb. It's da Bomb! Great dance band. Favorites from 605-905. Tix $15 advance, $20 door. Door 7pm. Moose Lodge, Park Ave, Keene. AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region 603-357-6855. www.asmron|ine.org. Saturday 08 BENNINGTON - Bennington Pride - ‘Doin' Time in the Home N0 M0 Halfway House—-How I Survived the Ex-Gay Move- ment!'. Unitarian—Universalist Meeting- house, 108 School St., Bennington, VT. Peterson Toscano presents his "hilarious and controversial one-man show. See for yourself what happens behind the doors of America's zaniest ex-gay residential pro- gram." Tickets:S8.00 in advance, $10.00 at the door (58 for students with ID) Through five characters Peterson takes you on a tour of the Homo No Mo Halfway House, a Christian residential 12-Step program that attempts to save men from the “evil snares of homosexuality" through bizarre rules, a masculine resuscitation I regime and brain numbing reconditioning Based on Toscano’s real life experience floundering in various Ex-gay ministries, he weaves together humor, program jargon { and outrageous eye witness accounts to " form a piece that is hilarious, poignant and inspirational. From the daily rap sessions on appropriate male dress to the surreal Family and Friends Weekend, prepare yourself for a rocky and raucous tour of the Homo No Mo Halfway House, and see for yourself if our hero comes OUT alive! FMI: Bennington Pride: bennpride@ gmail.com; www.benningtonpride.org. For details on the performer, go to www. , homonomo.com. ' i BOSTON, MA - Glee.-Boston - Gay Life- style Enrichment Expo. Saturday April 8,2006 10:00 am — 8:00 pm and Sunday Q April 9, 2006 10:00 am — 6:00 pm. Bayside I Expo Center, Boston, MA. 617-744-1750. » info@g|eeboston.com, www.gIeeboston. com. BURLINGTON - Outright VT - Saturday Night Socials. See Saturday 1“ for more information. Sunday 09 BOSTON, MA - G|eeBoston - Gay Life- style Enrichment Expo. See Saturday 8”‘ for more information. BURLINGTON - Christ Church Presbyte- rian - Sunday Service. See Sunday 2"“ for more information. BURLINGTON — VGSA — Volleyball. See Sunday 2"“ for more information. i RUTLAND - Rutland Vistas - Mexican ' l Cuisine Potluck & Game Night. Rutland Vistas, a group in the greater Rutland Area for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgen- der and questioning community will host a Mexican Cuisine potluck and game night on Sunday, April 9th from 6-8:30 PM at Grace Congregational Church (8 Court St.) in Rutland, Vermont:‘Please bring aboard game and a main dish (Mexican.Style) to share. For more information, call David at 802-746-8142 or email pjbjr33@aoI.com. Mb‘n‘d‘a'Y1"1(i.‘i‘:’ ' .. rt:’“""~ ARLINGTON - Alcoholics Anonymous — Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Meet- ing. See Monday 3" for more information. BURLINGTON - SafeSpace — Movie Mon- day: KIDS. Time: 7 pm to 9 pm. Location: Spectrum Drop-in Center Burlington VT. i._ Contact person: Elle Petcavage, 864-0555. ‘ Event details: Free movie featuring the story of a group of New York City teens in their ceaseless quest for sex, drugs, and a good time. KIDS offers an unblinking view of HIV/AIDS, sexual violence, and the party scene in New York City. A workshop will follow the movie, with special presen- tation by Vermont CARES (Committee for AIDS Resources, Education, and Services). BURLINGTON - Ohavi Zedek Synagogue - Bubbles, Babies and Bagels. See Monday 3" for more information. MONTPELIER - Survivors of Incest Anony- mous - Meeting. See Monday 3" for more information. " WINOOSKI - American Cancer Society — Look Good Feel Better Program. At Appearances in Winooski. Sponsored by , the American Cancer Society, Cosmetic, I Toiletry and Fragrance Association, and I National Cosmetology Association. Sec- ond Monday of each month. Please regis- ter in advance by calling 802 655-2000. SHARON - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) Meeting. See Monday 3"‘ for more information. Tuesday 1 1 BENNINGTON - The Turning Point Club ~ Overeaters Anonymous. See Tuesday 4’ ' for more information, BRATTLEBORO - The Men's Program - Potluck dinner. 7pm, at Howie's place. Bring a dish to share and enjoy the com- pany, FMI Alex or Howie, 254-8263. _ BRATTLEBORO - AIDS Project of South- gm Vermont Syringe Exchange See Tiiegrjay 11"‘ for more iriform-fation. BURLINGTON - TQWANDA - Women's volleyball Tuesday 4"’ ier more iniorrnaiirgn i I l I . v --— ~ -—. -- - - — ~ -4~.._. ...s