APRlL2006 MOUNTA|NPRlDEMED|A.ORG -- . .'..~u.f~"..~ .‘3‘.¢‘_. t: r'~~v p . ~...../" 1’ worldéffiutgamelé REAL ATHLETES, REAL GOFXLS, REAL DREAMS. 16,000 participants from over 120 countries Sport has the power to transcend culture, nationality, R E 5; S T E 3 3 33 W g religion - in essence/’difference’.’ lt levels the playing _ _ _ _ www.montreal2006.org field; not Just In sport, In life. From 26 July to 5 August 2006, the 1*‘ World Outgames 0 will do just that in an international celebration of sport, 15* wofldoutgames culture and human rights. , O Montréal 2005 35 sports l 6cu|tura| activities lntemational Gmsa Conference on LGBT Human Rights § Opening and Closing Ceremonies l 3 Official Parties by BBCM www.|ibertytrave|.com V r.<.»...a-w._.,,.s...»......,.,. ;