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I mean, yes, I did come out as a bisexual girl, with absolutely no bias towards one gender or the ' other. If you believe that sliding a little on the sexual identity scale is possible — well, I suppose that's what I've done. If not, then I guess you might call it realization. But I'm finding, recently, that I just" don’t know what to call myself anymore. The dictionary defines “lesbian” as “of or relating to homosexuality between females.” Yeah. I kind of fit into that definition. Certainly, I find girls attractive, and can pic- ture myself spending my life living with/married to a girl much more easily than I could see myself with 3 guy- On the other hand, “bisexual” is defined as “sexually oriented toward both sexes.” Once again: yes, I fit, and no, I don't. It's true, I admit it. Guys can be pretty attrac- tive too, but not in the same way. Ijust don't see myself ever being with one. Urn. .. ever. Of course, I'm only a teenager, and this could change. For good- ness’ sake, I've already shifted around a bit to find my comfort- able place since my coming out, which- even though it seems AGES since- was only just over a year ago. But it's kind of a pain, not to fit in a box. I feel as though I'm not telling the truth unless I give this lengthy explanation. The lengthy explanation is more trouble than it's worth, too. Last time I tried to explain it to someone, they said, “Well, if you're not a lesbian, aren’t you still bi, then?” ...Well, no, I'm not, since Ijust said I wasn't. Sheesh. _ There are also those who might say I have absolutely no Meet Llu and Kate, Co-Directors of Outright utright is getting bus- ier these days. In ad- dition to the regular Friday night and Saturday night groups, tl1ere’s another group meeting on Thursday nights to get ready for Youth Pride 2006. ‘V I S.’ 9 3. WI 1‘- z E 0 2 m W When you call Outright at 1-800- GLB-CHAT (1 -800-452-2428), that's either Kate or Llu who picks up the phone. Llu is the masked person and Kate has the hair. That’s the biggest event of the year organized by the folks at Outright, and will- happen this year on Saturday, May 6th. Outright is still looking for a new parttime development director, someone who will write grants and be in charge of the newsletter. Meanwhile, Kate carries on her outreach Work in schools while Llu takes care of much of the fundraising to keep the center going. Outright is there for young people age 22 and under and always wel- comes new participants and volunteers. So, give them a call.’ You'll be glad you did. V idea what I'm talking about. Both “homosexual” and “bisexual” have the word “sexual” in them, which pertains to sex, which I've happily abstained from. Thus, I might not know anything of my own sexual- ity (gasp, there it is again) at all, as of yet. ...Then again, I certainly hope that you don’t need to have sex to know your own orientation. That would be risky, for one thing, and for another, I'm starting to tread on treacherous ground, so I'll move onward in this rambling little essay of mine. .So what am I, exactly? Am I a lesbian, or am I bisexual? Could I really be a silly teen- ager who knows nothing yet, or am I simply traveling from one point to the next? Or am I really somewhere in an undefined in- between? What do I tell people, when they ask? I can't give a sim- ple answer without either A: Not really telling the truth, by saying “Lesbian!” or “Bi!” or B: Sound- ing kind of dumb by saying, “Oh yeah,‘ somewhere in between lesbian and bisexual.” Altema- tives are C: Worming my way out of the question by saying, “How should I know?” and D:- Giving a long-winded explanation of how I came out as bi, and have slowly been edging closer and closer to the lesbian end of things, like some ominous bit of driftwood. Or a hungry dog. .. .Actual1y, not the hungry dog. Driftwood is safer. And doesn’t drool. Usually. So Isuppose that besides being a think—out-loud session for me, this article means to ask, are there more of you out there who don’t fit in a box? Or maybe you've been in the same spot, and have eventually Wiggled out of it? As it is, I suppose I'm going to have to make peace with this weird little square of identity ground I find myself standing on. It's somewhere between bisexual- ity and homosexuality, and maybe some of the grass growing in it is the confused-teenager variety. I'll sit down here and figure it out. Or leave it be and let it figure itself out. Or maybe just sit here. And finish this bit of writing. Now. V Maryanne Bolalek is a sophomore at Black River High School in Ludlow, Vermont. Vnuth PULLING FIRE TRUCKS Outright Vermont wants ycu to form a team for our first ever and Burlingtoris 3rd Annual Fire Trui:,l: Pull! Teams of ‘l2 are rieecled to raise money to support Oiitiiriht Vermont's work and to co in a contest to see who c Fire Truck up Church St. tl . ast- estl (really!) Put a team together today and help make sure q youth in Vermont are sup ed through Outrights work in schools and our peer social and support groups. Be sure to catch the fun on Saturday, April 29th at n on th": Church St. l\/larl«e1- Deta and team sign up . -imaiiori are on our website rui.rightvt.org ‘Vi P‘<'l’:)E VT: fl/l/ft." A 7th /-xririual , Uebration in , . d of Ver- th and their sup- . Pride feature: a iily, worrshops, filrn , our fabulous queer . prom Plarinirig takes throughout April and everyone is invited » especially GSAs (high school 8: college) from around the state. ii/|arl< it on your calendar and checlr out our website for further details: www.outrightvt.org. GLBT NATIONAL YOUTH TALKLINE 1-800-246-PRIDE (i~800—246-7743) This San Francisco-based hotlirie serves GLBT youth riatioriwide by providing telephone and email peer counseling, plus of- fering information and resources about cities and towns across the country. Telephone volunteers are in their teens and early 20's and speak to teens and young adults up to age 25 about LGBT~ related problems and much more. The hotline provides information about support groups and LGBT- friendly religious, sports, and stu- dent groups. YOUR EVENTS LISTED HERE: is your Gay-Straight Alliance or other group holding an event? Send a schedule to editor@mountainpridemedia.org by April 14 for the May issue of OITM. We'll be seeing you in the next Youth Zone! new: EX-GAY l\/lO\/EMENT TARGETS YC'.‘i'u"l'l-l The N.‘itir:ii‘i:il (3% T-‘fish l:0l'..'_' i"<)lii'y ii‘.illlLll“ bioiiglit to liiiiit ‘il‘ii-3 r-r iriovs-rni,-rit':. rir~ _ ‘ one case ril .. ll being sulzir;-ct gist who 'llu and trr,-ritri'ir_~r’itsr lrisllt :. NGLTF E/I-iii.‘ 7: r ;€‘/ marriage YES TO SUI»/Ill/lEP C .. i’JEV~/ /OPV Camp for happen Stillwat red by /cutlw "1 ily Servicr-r of New './or‘/r an, Cay /uai 7/ Trar Corrirriuriity Cer.i,r:r The . long camp provide: ;upr,or'. help erripoi//er young pr.- with the l/riowledge and they need to talre charge .17’ their own lives ir healthy way: During the year, the center’: Youth Eririchrriern. S rvices l‘/ES; also provides free rv‘ including 12-s ' .iori from www. gayceriter or’-