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As a Financial Advisor, my goal is to meet your needs in a relationship based on trust and professionalism, working closely with your attorney or CPA to develop a strategy based on your unique situation and objectives. Call me for a free consultation. Mitch Rosengarten Financial Advisor (802) 775-4371 90 Merchants Row, Rutland, VT 05701 ¢ cltlqroupl SMITHBARNEY IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: Citigroup, Inc., its affiliates, and its employees are not in the business of providing tax or legal advice. These materials and any tax-related statements are not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used or relied upon, by any such taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties. Tax-related statements. if any, may have been written in connection with the "promotion or marketing" of the transaction(s) ormatter(s) addressed by these materials, to the extent allowed by applicable law. Any such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from._an independent tax advlsor. @2006 Urtigroup Global Market Inc Member SIPC Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigoup Global Markets Inc. and its affiliates and is used and registered throughout the - world. Cl1llGBOlJP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc or is affiiliates and are used and registered throughout the world. TONGUElNCHEEK BY KEVIN ISOM Going Dutch THERE'S A LOT MORE TO going Dutch than you might think. No, not making your guy or gal pay for his or her meal on your next hot date. I mean becoming Dutch, as in becoming a citizen of that fine nation. You know, the ultra-liberal country that's gotten all the ridiculous flack from those editorial cartoons depicted the Islamic prophet. The Dutch have always been way ahead of the curve on a variety of issues. Like the oldest profession, for example. Yes, it might be nice if there were no such thing as prostitution, but no matter what efforts government has made at eradicating it, it has never gone away. So the Dutch made it legal — and regulated it. Problem solved. Same with marijuana. You can go into any smart café in Amsterdam and choose from a list. of available blends. There is no black market for pot, because there is no need for it. Again, the Dutch simply made it legal and regulated it to solve the problem. And of course, the Dutch provided legal gay marriage to resolve the prob- lem that committed gay and lesbian couples had in being deprived of the legal protections and recognition of legal marriage. Like I said - way ahead of the curve. V It seems that the Dutch have now become con- cerned about the increasing number of n0n-as- similated immigrants of the Muslim faith in their country — the kind of immigrants who come to the Netherlands and instead of saying “Wow! Look Ma! I can pay for sex, smoke pot, and legally marry Johan now!" prefer to riot over cartoons instead. So the Netherlands is taking a radical approach. In order to become a citizen, you have to pass a tolerance test, a test that will determine whether a prospective immigrant is ready for lib- eral (and by liberal, I mean light years ahead of the radical right elements in our own country) Dutch culture. What does that test consist of‘? A video too extreme for American broadcast TV. A video that would make Girls Gone Wild blush with embarrassment. A video that would make Pat Roberston predict another hurricane to be sent by God to devastate Florida. According to the Associated Press, the images in the new video include two gay men kissing in a park and a topless woman coming out of the ocean water at the beach. If the prospective im- migrant can’t handle the truth, then there is no need to apply No other country has ever come up with a test like this one, which recently became required for all immigrants to the Netherlands, with certain exceptions. Not everyone in the Netherlands is thrilled, saying that the video might offend some Muslims, but according to the AP, the chair- man of a national Muslim association actually defended the film; suggesting that since homo- ‘ '* u—'- 'Ii-r*lI'c"wi*"- uh--¢v-_'.- -.-. «-_.—— —'v_~ ‘7fi¥V 17i;V-?_¥n— -_ In order to become a‘; citizen, one must passffi a tolerance test that “it will determine whethefh the prospective . immigrant is ready forl liberal Dutch culture. sexuality is a “reality,” all immigrants should “em- r brace modernity” _ Speaking from the perspective of my ownl’ reality, I say, “Go Dutch!” It’s about time some? one stood up and said, “Look, if you’re wanting to come to a liberal democracy, then you have. to accept that the mullahs will not rule, and” that all peoples rights are to be protected a.nd§ cherished." Come to think of it, it's about time": ‘someone said that to Pat Robertson, Focus on. the Family, and other Americans of their ilk. And I wondered —— can we give this _test toll’ George W. Bush, Bill Frist, Condoleeza Rice andg (heck, why not?) Hillary Clinton to see if they: would pass? Can we have that Dutch Muslim leader speak with them as well? But back to the issue of immigrants, I this test is a step in the right direction. I can of nothing more dangerous to gay rights than reli- ,7 gious radicals assuming political power, whether, . Muslim or Southern Baptist. While in our part of the world, God just sends the occasional huni—x' cane or two, at Pat Robertson’s request, j-ust in‘:-_ time for Gay Days at Disney; in the Muslim paflj of the world, gays are imprisoned and ldlled. if the Dutch are telling irn.m.igra.nts in this videflffc “this is our culture — accept it or leave it," thelgd they’re on the right track, and they’re talcing anio other step to protect gays and lesbians in flit,“ Netherlands. ‘ Now if we could just, get them to send a cop! to Pat. Robertson. V "2!" D"“B‘ Er.‘ ‘#1 ,1] S Columnist Kevin Isom is the author of It Only Hurts When I Polka and Tongue in Cheek and Other Placesfg available at bookstores and online. He may be reached at isomon|ine@ao|.c_:om or Kevinlsomcom. ‘