VERMONT'S VOICE FOR THE LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL & IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS Z'élr”.i3r'3'.“r'3E" SINCE 1985 ' EDITOR . Lynn McNicoI ART DIRECTOR Don Eggert don@mountainpridemedia. org OPERATIONS MGR. Michel DuBois, Greg Thompson CLASSIFIEDS Michel DuBois, Greg Thompson CALENDAR Dan Brink caIendar@mountainpridemedia. org SOURCE EDITOR Michel DuBois, Greg Thompson CONTRIBUTORS: Elizabeth A. Allen, Leah Wittenberg, Dilsey Gibson, Jeffrey Hammerberg, Baruch Zeichner, Kevin Isom, Lee Lynch, Jacob Anderson-Minshall, Maryanne Bolalek, Jacsen Callanan, Ernie McLeod, Robert William Wolff, Paul Brogan, Merle Exit, Stuart Granoff, Alison Bechdel, Robert Kirby, PHOTOGRAPHERS: 1A (cover), 1, 2, 3 Lynn McNichoI; 4 Jim Flint (Joanna Cole); 5 Renee Madore; 6 Greg Thompson, 11 from Baruch’s blog; 15 Kate Van Wagner; 17 Dana Kaplan. . AD MANAGER . Michel DuBois %”'lzliBlIl£lIlHi5iIPIll'EBl'I’TsLl§£li§ii"hl5Z°°“l'i"'°UNTA'Ni’RlDEMED'A-ORG‘ ‘r i r “ i ‘ ' ‘ i April is Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Vermont and Across the Country afespace is one of many anti-violence organiza- tions planning events in I April to raise awareness about the prevalence of sexual vio- lence and to increase support for survivors of these crimes. You may ask why should the queer community be concerned about sexual violence? Isn’t that only something that hap- pens to straight girls when they and cultural oppression, queer survivors of sexual violence are often left invisible and struggling to heal from sexual violence alone. Safespace organizes against all forms of violence, including sexual violence, because we want this to stop. We want our queer and allied community to embrace all survivors of violence, to be- lieve them, to support their heal- — Everyone is affected by sexual violence , bssause .it,.n<>r .<>niy afieds the.victim's family, friends and community often suffer as well. drink too much at a frat party? Or maybe you do have a queer NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Rivendell Marketing Co., Inc. (212) 242-6863 MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brian Cote, Shawn May, Greg Weaver STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of Out In The Mountains [OITM] is to serve as a voice for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and our supporters in Vermont. We- wish the newspaper to be a source of information, insight, and affirmation. We also see OITM as a vehicle for the celebration of the culture and diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and ing, whatever that might look like, K3” Del-°°"a"‘ll5 I and never blame them for becom- transgender communities here in Vermont and elsewhere. frlen;jHWh?) toliliyollll ze llllad been ing‘? on the Indifiguafllmlselg . t . . . I . . . . O . EDITORIAL POLICY We will consider for publication any sexu y a use tgv (Zn. Sly were Enrlon . IS expzilenculllllg a t toe ls Ivl u C 0 material that broadens our understanding of our lifestyles and Younger; 01' 3110 91' men Con‘ Ste-3 Y use In Sex“ 3533- t5 110 Ilse V10 ence. «i of each other. \fiews and opinions appearing in the paper do fidedin you about a really “bad every year. Last year, Safespace 0n the Commumty level — not necessarily represent th9se_°i Out in The Moflntains This date” they once had. But still experienced a 25% increase from change is supporting surviv” 5:;°;';":g:::;’:'iL"E:;;i°:1‘; you wonder how common could the year before of the number of and challenging matenal deemed to be evenly mist, 5ex,5t_ a,,t,-5em;fic‘ ageist, these experiences really be? survivors we worked with. The and violence of all kinds. " ciassistr xenophobic. or homophobic. . There are many myths _about Women's Rape Crisis Center expe- On the Institutional level Unless otherwise, specified, all submissions of articles, the realities of sexual violence. rienced a similar increase of 29% — change isjustice for survi-g Photographs. graphics: and advertisements herein are the Did you know that one out of in the same year. The Vermont vors and holding offenders l°'°l’e”y °l M°“”lal" Pllde Media‘ l"°' a"d my '°'p”b"°all°" three girls will be sexually abused Crime Information Center re— accountable. l or broadcast without written permission is prohibited. We are not responsible for the return of unsolicited materials. All contributions are donated to Mountain Pride Media, Inc. for our use including, but not limited to, publishing in print and electronic (Internet, Web, etc.) versions, advertising, marketing, and archival by the age of 18?'Or that one out of every five boys will become a victim of sexual violence by the ported a 58% increase from 2003 to 2004 in the number of rapes committed in Vermont. On the Cultural level — changél is not condoning violence as if acceptable part of humanity. purposes with appropriate attribution to the original author. No age of 1_8? _ _ These increases of Violent _ _ _ _ assumption should be made about the gender, gender identity, Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- cnme are Of grave concern, mmtes you togfi or sexual orientation of any contributor or any person narned gender, queer and questioning and lead us to grappling with us in speaking out against se V, the p""l'"9 °l people are affected by sexual reasons for the rising numbers violence in our community. We violence just like the rest of the of sexual assaults. Many of us hope to see you at one of the ‘ OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS’ (ISSN 1081-5562) population, in fact we may be do not believe these increases many powerful events during St Efiiglgbiljzjg il:‘;:r?’r:’t‘:‘:i"f::"lBa'g f";‘;;g‘Xb>\’/'T“?'_;‘1:la'" more targeted because of our are merely about more women, ual Violence Awareness Month, paper maintains offices at 34 Elmwood Ave in Burlirlgton, Identities. Everyone is affected men and young people reporting including the Take Back the Vermont. The bulk mail subscription rate is $29 per year within by sexual violence because it not the violence perpetrated against speak-out and march 111 Burlmsri ‘he USA only affects the victim; but the them. ton on April 4th, and Safespacell‘ WWW.MOUNTAlNPR|DEMEDlA.ORG is updated to include the Vlcllmls flllllllyr lllelllls and °°““ We belleve Vlolellce may be R‘lllAg3ll‘sl Rape 0“ Aplll 29”‘? current issue of OITM, generally by the 10th of each month in munity often suffer as well. on the rise due to many fac-g You can find more information our online archive. OITM is available in alternative formats upon Sexual violence is about power tors in our commmfities, in and 3, full calendar of events at ‘ request. OITM is printed on recycled newsprint containing 30% post-consumer and using 100% soy-based inks. PO BOX 1122, Burlington VT 05402 802.861.6486 802.860.0705 (f) © 2006, Out In The Mountains, All Rights Reserved and control, not about sex. Just like our queer identities are about who we are as whole beings, not only (or at all, some would say) about who we choose to have sex with, or partner with. Because in both realms of “taboo” topics there are elements of shame, fear the broader culture, and in the world. We believe that the many changes that need to be made to end sexual violence in our state - and community need to happen on every level and in many dif- ferent ways. www.Sa.t'eSpaceVT. org, or by ing Safespace at 802-863-0003. V? _._{i Kara DeLeonardis, LICSW, been Executive Director of SafeSpace since the organlfifi u'on's inception in 2001.