, . _,.TfI'. . _...,.. .-'- WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH Award— Winning Supporter of Gay Rights: Coretta Scott King BY DR. G. PENNY NIXON ith the passing of Mrs. Coretta Scott King, we have lost not only a woman who stayed in the struggle for freedom but also a leader who embodied the ideals and true values of that freedom. And in her passing, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans- gender (LGBT) community has lost an advocate and an ally. Mrs. King's vision of freedom deliberately — and sometimes controversially — ir1cluded_her advocacy for the rights and equality of the LGBT community. In November of 2002, I met Mrs. King when she made a rare trip to San Francisco to accept our Circles of Hopeaward from the Metropolitan Community Foundation. The award hon- I ors outstanding contributions to the advancement of LGBT civil rights. People from every walk of life, from within and beyond the LGBT community, ‘ \ 73 HILLSIDE TERRACE, SHELBURNE WWW.SFWVERMONT.COM 802-985-8208 SHELBURHNE-FINE WOODWORKING Susan Groh R E A LT o R Helping you find your way home. C""“”’2I. A Jack Associates B U s 1 N E s s (802)652-9803 Ext. 2170 T O L L - F R E E (800) 637-6341 Ext. 2170 C E L L (802) 578-6303 E M A I L susangroh@c2ljack.com Nancy Ellen Judd, MA Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY %’802?863.2084 2 CHURCH STREET, BURLINGTON VT 05401 TEENS I ADULTS I INDIWDUALS I COUPLES EF|LE4LESS Tax preparation. EIC Filing. Act 60/Renters Rebate. Instant Refund Loans, Quick Turnaround, Best Prices, Experienced with Civil Unions. No extra charge for extra paperwork. Call Jeff Towsley 644-6680 or 238-5454 The Reverend Dr. G. Penny I Nixon is Senior Pastor of Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco Susan McKenzie MS. Jungian Psychoanalyst Licensed Psychologist —- Master "Specializing in issues of Gay Lesbian, 8i-sexua/ and Transgendered individuals and couples Quechee -.-- White River Junction (802) 295-5533 Insurance Accepted