_ ____' __‘._ g I .1 34' flight" 7I~'~a«'r'u.‘ 74?‘? hi‘ FIN‘ l c’;':. ‘ .'~/‘u '.-""‘(jL1—‘l is out in the mountains lFEBRUARY 2006 l MOUNTAlNPRlDEMEDlA.ORG If you're in high school or college and have something to say, this page is for YOUR stories, commentary, toons, art and pix. Contact editor@mountainpridemedia.org. 7/. Ethan! Burks WASHINGTON — The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force began accepting applications in January for its Messenger-Anderson J oumalism Internship/Scholarship Program for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students. Self-identified LGBT V undergraduate college students who plan to pursue a degree in journalism, communications or a related field at an accredited 4-year college or university are encouraged to apply. The Messenger—Anderson Scholarship Award is $5,000 for the first year, followed by $2,500 each year for the to pursue journalism and by assisting them with their studies, the Task Force hopes to improve the way the LGBT community and movement are covered. Get the Point with mtull ’ CHICAGO, IL — The Point Foundation, the first and largest national foundation to support academic achievement in higher education among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students, has opened its 2006 application season by announcing more than a dozen named scholarships, including a new partnership with the Matthew Shepard next two years! Foundation‘ . ' bringing the The Point Foundation will also mg;1l:‘:er_Anderson award total continue its partnership with mtvU, Scholarship to $10,000. MTV’s 24-hour college network. 9 $5,000 year 1' Applicants must The Foundation anticipates 5,000 ‘ ur p|u5 $2500 X 2 years re-apply each apphcants this year. In 2005, one out www.thetaskforce.org/ are required Scholarship. BY W“-L HOLDEN aboutus/messenger.c'fm. to participate A point schmarship is 9 . . . . . —-—-——-A——— in an 8-week comprehensive, in most cases covering Sittin in the darkened room crying, scratching to get out. . . . Theregwere no fights or sound in this room, and the air was old and stale now. TH E POINT 1j:I:(S1senger' the. co::gfb2::§)I;;:::pk0S&:‘t1££‘11::a ~- ~54 ‘ = FOUNDATION erson §°9m - » _ , _ ‘ ' If only I could get out of here, or at least know someone could come in too. ‘gauze: 5heP|°‘j":l ilc:e(:1a‘;sr1:p am 1S1:;::)“;l;_:p:rI;s::$‘tI:h::fi1£t011n;nI::tI::rS _ I don’t want to be alone anymore. °”" a '.°"' °"-" gr . . . . . . Foundation Scholars at the Task from the professional world who serve Thmgs to thmk of whfle the walls began to close In mtVU'P°l“" F°u"datl°" Force’s New as positive role models and provide What kind of room was this? Why was it here? Why am I here? Scholarship _ _ . York City personal, support. None of these questions answerable, but all needed to be asked. Four $10 000 grants . . . . _ . . ' . office during The Point Foundation, in partnership A httle place made Just for YOU, and YOU alone. ::tfrice°):‘plFa)Iri:llFI‘rei'g1srii\:1ernber the Summer. with the Matthew Shepard Foundation’ is Not true! Not true! Sing the word not true! POW‘ _5Ch°l3'5hlP5 ghedfiicfupflk gllffigng s§:01aIS:i1I))S.Of §.10’0g0 E10 three It is not so, it mustn't be! Sing the word Not true! De3dl!"°‘ MaY1g20°6 ea _ e, or _ a ew epar _ om mm a on - thepoIntfoundation.org/ applications ls Scholars. The Matthew Shepard . appIy.html. Feb. 24, 2006. Foundation was founded by Dennis and Then why do I remain alone, and stay by myself? The Judy Shepard in memory of their 21_year Why can I not stand or speak, or find the door to leave If I am not a bad person, deserving this torment, then why am I here? None of this true! You are not alone my friend, for we all see you there. And though you’re in this room alone, there are others everywhere! We have seen that cold little room, and have found the doortoo! But all I can do is hint you out, and the rest is up to you. Stand my friend, stand up straight, and rightfully you do. Once you learn this is ntft your fate, you can leave too! Deadline: Feb. 24", 2006 year. Wumers Messenger—Anderson Scholarships allow students to hone their skills in several areas of communications practice. Responsibilities include writing and editing . press releases, updating Website materials, tracking and archiving news coverage of the Task-Force, researching media opportunities and assisting with rapid of 100 applicants was awarded a Point old son, Matthew, who was murdered in an anti—gay hate crime in Wyoming in October 1998. A A named scholarship in the amount of $10,000 is being supported by mtvU. The mtvU-Point Scholarship is available to students attending any of mtvU’s more than 730 affiliate schools; the application A _, response to breaking stories. and additional information can be found In th , H t , d -t t th b . Applications for 2006 can be at mtvU.com. - e room gh now grows an 1 seems 0 ease e S0 S downloaded at: www.t.hetaskforce.org/ “mtvU and the Point Foundation The walls return to normal, and feeling shows a door knob. lt’s easy now, to leave that is, but what of outside? ‘\ Maybe there are monsters there, and I will have to hide! Who are you out there? Please tell me voice in air! I am beyond this door, and I’m waiting with your fiiends. » Once you open your door, a new journey befins. Please do not fear what you cannot see. Come out just a little, and you can talk to me! The door swung open, and what a lovely surprise. _ People smiling on their friend, who now needs no disguise. Will Holden is a junior at Fairhaven Union High School. . aboutus/messengencfm. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply. The Messenger- Anderson Scholarship was donated by Larry Messenger and Jim Anderson in memory of Lawrence and Selina Messenger. The Messengers believed that there was a pressingneed to encourage LGBT people to become more involved in shaping media ' coverage. Fair coverage of LGBT issues insists upon the basic premise that we are all created equal; however, media coverage today often begins with the discriminatory notion that equality for LGBT people is somehow a matter for debate. By encouraging LGBT students imderstand that paying for college isn’t easy, and that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students face imique challenges that can make covering this financial burden even more diflicult,” said StephenFriedman, General Manager of mtvU. Annually, the Point Foundation selects a range of students who are racially, ethnically, geographically and academically diverse. The application deadline for this years scholarships is May 1, 2006. The application process is open to all DGBT students and student allies nationwide . regardless of level of education. For information on how to apply, please www.thepoint:founda1ion.org/apply.html V . 3.»... ‘«7A.¢...12:li m‘.r._‘_x‘.L9Itc.rA;.rA;_.~;-.s.l.... .