4': “'4' '0’ “'0' 'r'o'«"=>"\-'4»“.»"s' K" T "- U‘ r‘ ~' " W//////fl//////////////////7////////7/////////////////////////WWJW/i% W%//%/flfl/flflflflflflfl “Watervi1le just embraced us,” Donovan said. “Our kids went to public school." Bouvier added, “I made the Jello for the deer hunter’s supper. There was never an incident” of name-calling or bullying related 0 women’s lesbian ‘ '13- When it came time «“We made one phone - ere were eight boys ‘ basketball teams] on 13913 to help,” Donovan _ really startedwith ” Donovan recalled. collecting vu-gjnia Woolf, Vita Sackvi]le—West,” and other women authors of the late- Victorian and early modem era. “Mary even worked at a used ' bookstore. We ended up with several thousand books in a little tiny farmhouse. “The irony is that when we moved here, we got rid of a lot of the books. And we still have hundreds of books in boxes that we haven’t yet found space for,” Donovan added. Innkeeping is a bit like teaching, the two women agreed. - “You’re on all the time,” Bouvier said. “But we're used to that. And we get breaks — we’re pretty booked on weekends, especially holidays, but during the week we have fewer guests or none.” “We like people,” Donovan added. “And We want to share the house. Throughout this [renovation] process, the house has been a presence of its own.” It was built in 1865, Bouvier related, by George Holmes, who had also built barns and covered bridges in the area. “We’ve got 3-foot-wide beams under here, I’m sure,” she concluded. » Fortunately, Bouvier loves to cook, and Donovan declared, “I love to make beds. I love to do - laundry and set the tables," all repetitive tasks of innkeeping. The Inn is listed on several travel and B&B sites online, where most of their reservations originate, including purpleroofs. com, iloveinns.com, and gayvermontinnscom. “We hope to be comfortable," Donovan said of their clientele,. “so anyone who comes can be comfortable here," whether they are gay or lesbian, bi, tra.ns or straight. V " ///X"////§.9.’I.'t_’n.’/lv’./,/_/./.'/././fl'I.7/,//If’II?V////[1/fflfl/6?/{/fl{%%///flflflM;4’/flfl///flfl//Vfltfl/'//////////W’////W’/Vflfl////A’ Paris With , _ 1 ’ XXX Valentine Gift 'Packag'_e includes: 1 toaster (any style), 1 Nonna grater, and 1 Nemo squid whisk A " $30.00 ‘ . Woerfs Weekends! Three select weekend's in February 8: March with prices starting at $100 per person. Stay at the Jamaica House with nearby winter activities at Stratton Mountain. See the’Lodging Link’ on our website for full details. Shop 24 Hours A Day! 7 Days A Week! _ monsoonvt.com ~ For the most fun shopping in the world! ’ it {.3 ' us‘ .g;._.g,.;;, Main Street. Jcmakmvornuont FEBRUARY 2006 I out in the mountains If V ‘T