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WGDR 91.1 FM Goddard College Stream it live at www.wgdr.org FIRSTPERSON BY NAT MICHAEL ///////I//////////////////////////flWflflflflflflflflflflflflfl Butch Bathr Pee-ing in Pub|ic.P|ac'es s a middle—aged, garden- A variety butch dyke, 1 have my collection of bathroom_tales. I’m never ques- tioned while in one with a femmy friend. -But going solo can be an- other thing all together. My M.O. is in/out, with an occasional, “Yes, you’re in the right one,” when a woman stands gawping in the doorway. Burlington’s Fletcher Allen ‘Hospital has several lobby rest- rooms I’ve used for years while driving for human resource agen- cies.One time while rubbing my hands under the dryer this wom- an timidly walked in. Her head was down and she was clutching her purse to her chest. Raising her gaze she gasped, “Oh! I am SO sorry!” and she scuttled out again before I could say anything. She had a row of fresh stitches over one eye. I dashed after the poor thing and found her stand- ing, bewildered, looking at the other door, marked MEN. She gratefully let me escort her back. I hoped the rest of her day went much, much better. Montreal’s Trudeau Airport has the women's and men’s side by side with a common entrance. Running in to make a quick pit stop, a business type in his three- piece suit veered in my direction and fell in step right behind me. Decisions made in these mo- ments are a ratio of embarrass- ment to urgency. Urgency won. Ijust plowed ahead to a stall. I could see him in the mirrors as he came to a dead stop, so obvi- ously surrounded by — women! They all stared at him as he slow- ly turned round, mouth open in disbelief. I almost felt bad about it, but was more relieved I hadn't been called Monsieur. The story ends wit.h us coming out opposite doors at exactly the same moment — wouldn’t you just know it‘?! He came to a dead stop VOICE: "Sir!! That's the Ladies’ Bathroom!!" It was one of the Statehouse guards in his immaculate green uniform. The chase was on. again. I fled into the terminal. At a London Pub called The Bishop In Residence, a tall fellow in a camelhair coat and I nodded our matching_Harris tweed caps at each other and courteously held open doors. He went to the right to the pub. I went to the left to the 100. As I pushed on the door I heard a clatter and bellow on the stairs.‘“Oy!Oy! That‘s the lasses’!!” But by then I was in, with him following close behind to catch my arm, and I heard him choke when he realized that he’d crossed the final threshold and it was all pink tiles. Back in the pub, I wouldn’t have recognized him without his coat and cap, sitting with his_mis— sus — except for his beetroot-red face. I considered sending over a pint, but wasn't sure about the etiquette for the situation. My favorite is still the wom- en's bathroom at the Vermont Statehouse in the downstairs hall. It was the second round ////////////////////WW/flflflflflfl/W/W/flflflfl/flflflfl/flflflfl oom Blues of Civil Union hearings. We had all been on edge for so long- now. And the place was rapidly filling up. My immediate goals were bathroom and a seat in the V balcony. Focused, Ipushed on the bathroom door. There was a commotion far away. I turned my ” ' head. Down the other end of that long, elegantly carpeted hallway was a frantic Voice: “Sir!! That’s the Ladies’ Bathrooml!” So close, "I almost leaned my head against the door. It was one of the State- house guards in his immaculate green uniform. The chase was on. I watched his green hat bob- bing and weaving through the expanding crowd. I debated. The long drive in the snow, nerves on edge, that big trav- el mug of tea. I watched the geen hat. He was closing in. Some of the throng were taking an interest. I considered the possibilities for a real comedy routine with the big- gest audience ever. And more were spilling in with each swing and icy blast of the outer doors. I finally just turned around and waited as he made his sprint to the finish. He pulled up short in front of me so I was able to watch him try to take in a deep breath at the same time as he was realizing that I was at the right bathroom. His face! He breathlessly began apologizing, very embarrassed, very red, very gracious, very aware of our little sideshow. Impulsively I put my hands on his shoulders and said in all sincerity, “This is going to hap- pen ALL evening!’ We got a laugh from the audience. I peed. The rest you know. V a Nat Michael lives in Underhill.