\ _' FEBRUARY 2006 -. A .-t- ~.--stat-‘~31-. V ‘.'n.‘ I.- I i Who’s Who in the OITM Zoo‘? These are the people who produce Out in the Mountains for your edification and entertainment every "month. Lynn’ McNicol is the new editor of Out in the Moun- tains. She has writ- ten frequently for the paper, begin- ning with a front- page feature on the Meadow Dance community in March 2003, and fol- lowing that with another dozen articles covering the environment, health, community profiles, organiza- tions, civil liberties, and other topics. Her background in journalism in- cludes a six-year stint as a correspon- dent and reporter at the Auburn, NY, daily newspaper The Citizen. She's been a delivery driver, sold ads for OITM, and worked in social services. She has also produced shows for VCAM, channel 15. McNico| is an avid gardener, bicyclist, and hiker, and is a member of Sambatucadal, Burlington’s Latin-flavored percussion band. Susan McMillan has beentlrle volun- - ~ tee-{Assistant Edi- tor for the last two years. An amazingly energetic woman, she has traveled to Alaska and Canada (where she and her spouse, Becky Roberts, were mar- ried), juggled two or three jobs, clone relief work for veterinarians, started two businesses (The Clean Team and Vet 2 Pet), and bought and renovated a house, all while writing articles, proofreading final pages, and compiling The Rest of Our World for OITM. She and Becky were major players in packing up and moving our office from spacious but dowdy second-floor digs in Richmond to a cramped but homey and centrally located room in Burlington’s R.U.1.2? Queer Community Center. In a move to return some breathing space to her life, she is regretfully giving up her work with O/TM as of this issue. Dan Brink is the quintessential num- ' r bers guy, so maybe it makes sense that he does the Cal- endar for OITM. A budget analyst for IBM, he became a » ‘ - member of the MPM Board in December 2000 and suc- ceeded Roland Palmer as president in 2004, stepping down at the end of his term in 2005. For the Calendar, he gathers a ton of information, edits and formats it, and ships the docu- ment to us for the paper, a job that is unpaid and under-appreciated, and the results of which are incredibly visible and useful. Don Eggert, our art director, has come full circle in his profession with Out in the Mountains. It's an interest- ing story that he tells best himself: "OITM was my first real graphic Wl'l-l"S E N D BY LEAH WITTENBERG design job. I started as a volunteer and then got a small stipend after a few issues. I learned a lot about publication design by working for OITM for about four years under two different' editors in two differ- ent office locations. I designed the logo that we started using in 1997 when Chris Moes took over as editor, and I also named ‘The Source."’ He credits the graphic design experience he got at OITM with getting his next two design jobs. - In addition to being the full-time Art Director and Webmaster for Sev- en Days for the past 8 years, he vol- unteers at Outright Vermont, helped found R.U.1.2? Queer Community Center, and served as its board co- chair until 2003. Don says he's "very excited" to update our publishing software and roll out a new design this issue. "There's so much great content in OITM, and it's my job to make it shine, to bring the stories to life and use my skills to get the paper picked up and read by as many folks around the state as possible." Don has a BA from Middlebury College where he studied Russian, Eastern European Studies and Wom- en's Studies. He lives in Burlington with boyfriend Shawn Lipenski (the Men's Health and Wellness Coordi- nator at R.U.1.2?) and their Maine Coon cat, Portland. ‘ Moqe Duct 1’ AW: SoL_u—r\op.)s To Lust: THREAT Ewmle PRo1?>LEH$ Nc1?'t9l8£Ré-© :i.ao4 , o 0 who «XE:-'03 Y€