employment opportunities at » OITM Editor Outin the Mountains is looking for an editor to be the voice of the — I . GLBT community in Vermont." Salary: $20,000/year. Position begins mid—January. . - Position open until filled; ' Job Requirements: The Out In The Mountains (OITM) Editor » _ ] shall have: - A degree in Journalism, V Communications, English or equivalent experience ’ Out in the Mountains is currently looking for ° Knowledge 0t the GLBT V positive, self-motivated, aggressive, part— ’ Cginrnunlt)’ ln Ve"n°nt , time people throughout Vermont tojoin ‘V Pt0leCt Q/lanageinent and/0|’ our Ad Sales team and sell ad space in this i 5UPeTVl5l0n experience , newspapen - Significant experience in many of the following areas: publishing - We would especially welcome people lndU5ttY: neW5 °r feature Writing, from outside Chittenden County. C°PYedltlng: Piootteadlng and - The Ad Sales Representative position taCt'CneCklng ‘ is paid through commissions and - requires direct customer contact, The out in The M°""t0i"5 meeting dead|ines,and being the , (OHM) Edit“ Wt“: customer advocate to ensure that their Be Ultlrnatel)’ re-5P°n5lble tel’ all requirements are met _ areas of the production of OITM ‘ The Ad Sales Representative will need including: Planning: Publishing and ' substantial access to~»a computer with C0ntent- internet service and an e-mail account ' Wtlte m°ntnlY editorial as well as telephone access. ' W°Tl< Wltn Ve"n°nt GLBT organizations to ensure their voices are heard in our paper , - Vermont "Unity Project Youth Grant For either of these positions, - which envisions a youth page email resume and cover letter Written '0)! and f0i Y0Ung adUlt5 - by Monday, December 19 to ' Highlight positive stories that search@mountainpridemedia.org i celebrate GLBT lives and successes - Ensure sufficient news and feature or man to: content to maintain balance of out in the Mountains news, columnists,and fun features Po Box 1 122 _ (comics, horoscope, crossword, Burlington, VT 05402 advice column) versus advertising, asset by the Mountain Pride Media Board of Directors V