. FhstUnLPafish(UU) The Ch. of Our Saviour, Epi.. An inclusive and affinning congrega- tion. Mission Fann Road. Killington VT. 802-422-9064. , College Street Cong. Ch. Open and Affinning Across from the YMCA in Burlington 864-7704 Faerie Camp Destiny PO 531 Vlfinooski VT 05404-0531 lnfo@faer1'ecampdestiny.org First Cong. Ch.. 38 S. Winooski Ave. Burlington 05401. 862-5010. Home of the1st Church Civil Union in VT. ' First Cong. Ch. - Thetford. Openand Affirming Congretation. Tom Kinder, Pastor. 785.2915 First Uni. Uni. Society An Official Welcoming Congregation 152 Pearl Street Bur1ington'VT 05401 Sen/ices’ Sunday 11 am lntenrveave, Monthly GLBT Potluck Information, 802-862-5630 www.uusociety.org An Official Welcoming Congregation. Main Street, Derby Line VT. Rev. Jane Dwinell, 802- 873-3563 or 802-334-8831. _ First Uni. Parish of Chester 802.875.3257 =:!i.’:=~":JrT;I.=.. -‘ . . . First Uni. Parish of Hartland Beverly Boke 263-5487 Ohavi Zedek Synagogue Joshua Chasan, Rabbi David Steinberg, Associate Rabbi. Shabbat Services: Fri 6pm, Sat 9am & 18 minutes before sunset Sat. Daily Minyan: Sun-Thu 7pm. (Hebrew School for Fams. w/ kids.) 188 N Prospect, Burlington. 864-0218 www.ohavizedek.com econd Cong. Ch.. UCC Bennington Hillside Street. Bennington. wvvw.secondcongbenn.org. St. James Epi. Ch. Awelcoming community of open hearts and discerning minds. Rte 7A, Arlington, VT 05250 375-9952 stjames@eenab|_e.net St. Johnsbury Uni. Uni. Ch.. Rev. Brendan Hadash. 802-525- 3856. bhadash@sover.net St. Michael Epi. Ch.. Wed 12 noon Holy Eucharist; Sundays 8 a.m.:'Ho|y Eucharist and sermon, 10 a.m.: An open and afiirming congregation of the Epi. Church welcoming LGBT persons. 18 Bradley Ave, Brattleboro. 802- 254-6048. Trijang Buddhist Institute - Northfield. 485.4140. trijangbud- dhistinstitute.org Chanting: Weds and Sats 10 - 10:45. Unitarian Ch. of Montpelier 130 Main -St. Montpelier 223-7861 Uni. Uni. Ch. 117 West St., Rutland VT ~Rev. Frederick Gailor 775-0850 I Uni. Uni. Congregation I Upper Valley Bruce Johnson . 649-8828, u_ucuv@va|ley.net Uni. Uni. Ch. of Springfield, 10 am Sundays, Fairgrounds Rd, Springfield 885-3327. Uni. Uni. Fellowship of Stowe. 4:30 Sunday's, St. John's on Rt. 108. Call Lynn 253-9313 FMI. . United Ch. of Putney - UCC Open and atfinning. Kimball Hill Road. Sunday Svc 10:30. Call Rev. Susan ‘ Tarolii, 387.6654. Vermont Gay Men's Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond Pl, Burlington 05401 Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce PO 1345 Middlebury VT 05753 opencircle.faithweb.com Vermont Organization for Weddings of the Same Gender (VOWS) Rev. Brendan Hadash 964 Beach Hill Rd, West Glover 05875 525-3875 www.geocilies.oom/bhadash s‘runEN1' [See complete SOURCE listings: wvvw.mountainpridemedia.org/ ' resource.htm| _ HM .‘noned!=~,_l .\N "3 9*? *5? American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), formerly GLB Veterans of America, PO 29317, Chicago, IL 60629, www.aver.us Bereavement (LGBTQ) @ Ru12 ' — Every 3rd Thursday. FMI call 802.860.7812 ButchlFemme Discussion Group @ Ru12 — Every 3rd Friday. 6-8pm GaylBisexual/Questioning Men's S.G.. Mondays 7-9 pm. Open Men's S.G. (open to all men). Sundays 7-9 pm. S.G. for Men Who Have Experienced Childhood Sexual Abuse and/or Neglect. Fridays 7-8:30 pm. Men’s Resource Center, 236 N. Pleasant St, Amherst MA. Allan ' Arnaboldi (413) 352-9887 x 10 aamaboldi@mensresourcecenter.o ' '9 Gay & Bisexual Men's S.G. Keene NH Shawn, 800-639-7903 Coming Out & Questioning S.G. for LGBTQ Adults age 23 +, free, open and ongoing. Mixed Group: 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 6:30 pm Women's Group: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 pm Lesbian Partners of Abuse Survivors. FMI call Anne at 763.8850 - Open Men’s S.G. (open to all . men). Tuesdays 6:45-8:45. Senior _ Dugout/Games Room, Council on Aging Memorial Hall. 240 Main St., Northampton MA. FMI: Allan . ‘ Arnaboldi at (413) 352-9887 x 10 or aamaboldi@mensresourcecen- ter.org , ‘ , R.U.1.2? Burlington, 860-7812, thecenter@ru12.org, www.ru12.org Sex & Love Addicts Anon. PO 5843 Burlington 05402 SLAA Meeting (GLBT): Weds, 6-7pm @ Capital Dist. Gay & Lesbian Cmty Ctr, Albany, NY. Survivors of Incest Anon.. Mondays 6-7 pm. UCC Bethany Church, Blue Door Room (base- ment). Main Street. Montpelier. 802-229-2153 or 802-454-7822. Friends-in Adoption 44 South St. PO 1228 Middletown.Springs VT 05757 235-2373 VT Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) ’ NE Regional Director Peggy _ _ Gage 12 Lincoln St. Exeter NH 03833 603-772-2113 . NortheastRD@pflag.org Lake Champlain Area Lil Venner ’ 23 Birchwood Ln, Burlington 05401 863-4285 Steve & Geneva Burroughs 878-2838 SW VT Area Meets 2nd Sundays, 2pm First Cong. Church UCC Williamstown MA 442-5557 Straight Spouses of GLB Partners Keene NH Jane Harris 413-625-6033, ,,,_,;Neha'r' ,,@,\‘r"alinet.com VF »‘esbian'&--"v'