community compas Calling Volunteers for Safespace Volunteer for SafeSpace at the fourth animal Phone-A-Thon. . On January,23, 26, and 30 from 5pm to 9pm. Help end physical, sexual, emotional, and hate vio- lence in the LGBTQQ communi- , ty. Volunteers with great phone, administrative, and organization skills are encouraged to join this year’s crew. A brief orientation will be held, free dinner will be provided, and small prizes will go out to the top callers of the night! Please contact Connie at or 802- 863-0003. An , L Outrighteous Website! Outright Vermont is proud to armounce the launch of its redesigned website at The website redesign was supported in part by a Verizon grant in 2005. The new website maintains Outright Verrnont’s effort to stay connected and available to les-. bian, gay, bisexual, transgender & questioning or queer youth & their supporters around the state. We know that young people are the most ‘wired’ generation and therefore we understand the critical importance of being visi- ble on the web. There is so much misinformation on the web for LGBT/queer youth. We hope that our website will connect youth and their supporters with our services as well as direct them to additional, accurate resources available online. The redesigned website was ‘designed by Vermont Design Works, a full-service graphic design, intemet marketing, and ' hosting firm located in the 0 Burlington, Vermont area. For more information about Vermont Design Works, please visit Arts Grants Guidelines. A program of Creative Capital and supported by the Rockefeller Foundation the Multi-Arts - Production Fund (http://wwwmap- supports original new work in all disciplines and tradi- tions of the live performing arts. Every year, the fund supports up to 42 perforrnance—based works with awards ranging from $10,000 to $50,000. The goal of the fund is to assist artists who are exploring and challenging the dynamics of live performance within our changing society, thus reflecting the culture’s innovation and ’ growing‘ diversity. MAP seeks especially to support work that brings insight and vibrant’ cri- tique to the issue of cultural dif- ference, be that in class, gender, generation, ethnicity, or tradition. Deadline: February 10, 2006 Applications for MAP support must come from U.S.-based organizations that have current nonprofit federal "tax status. In addition, nonprofit artist—services organizations may apply as fis- cal sponsors on behalf of unin- corporated artists or ensembles. Both the organization and the artists involved in the project must have at least a two-year V history of professional activity. Visit the MAP -Fund Web site for complete program informa- tion and application guidelines. An online application form is available January 2, 2006. Completed applications may be sent electronically between February 1 and February 10, 2006. RFP Link: 5002089/mapfund. Clergy for Marriage- Equality It is no secret that conservative and radical religious institutions often leverage theirorganiza— tional structure and financial resources in attempt to claim moral authority on just about every social issue, including civil marriage. They employ tools of fear and shame to demo- nize our families and actively work against marriage equality for same—sex couples. Because of vocal radical groups, we sometimes do not hear the people of faith who genuinely struggle with the issue of civil marriage equality for same—sex couples. They‘, become 19st in the fray, fearing that by HINA MILLER ........M...............w..._. .._.,................,.,..,.,........ Vermont Your vote is cruciai. These times call for Vision and Experience. -committed to keeping Burlington livable, financialiy strong, vibrant and inclusive o A dedicated public servant — Chitténden ’ 1 County State Senator since 2002 '0 Innovative Entrepreneur - Co—founded a sportswear company that played a major part in revolutionizing women's sports. _. 0 Experienced Manager — As president/CEO, grew Jogbra into a muiti‘-miilion dollar business ' that provided hundreds of Chittenden County jobs for over twenty years » - Committed community Member - Coordinator of the Vermont Million Mom March and founding board member of the Child Care Fund of These times call for Hinda Miller. Your vole matters! Bring a fresh perspective and keep dynamic leadership in City Hat! by participating in the Democratic Caucus. in the test mayorai caucus, the winner was decided by a five vote margin. The Democratic Caucus Thursday, January 5 For more information go to: Paid for by Hinda ietiéier :0: Mayor - Claude Sczrwessg. Treasurer