"One of the 10 best gay/lesbian guesth0uses."_ -Planet Out highlandsinn-nh.com 0 Bethlehem, NH 877 LES-B-INN (537-2466) A Lesbian Parad , Nancy Ellen Judd, MA . Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor CO UNS ELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY §802§883 . 2084 2 CHURCH STREET. BURLINGTON VT 05401 TEENS l ADULTS l INDIVIDUALS l COUF'LE$ THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE WILLIAM COIL NATIONALLY CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST "- Deep Muscle Therapy 0 Sports Massage Chronic Pain Management 0 Stress Management Practice limited to male clientele. Gift Certificates Available: $40/L1 hour ° $60/1 1/2 hours 0 . 0 o . 0 . ~ . ..... .. . . . 9 » . 802.658.2390 - 800.830.5025 Susan McKenzie MS. Jungian Psychoanalyst Licensed Psychologist ——_ Master Specializing in issues of Ga;/, Lesbian, Quechee — White River Junction (802) 295-5533 Insurance Accepted Bi-sexual and Transgendered individuals and couples amedto sell your house ’ ationalaudience: . ms, 5: more! ese services are FREE ‘nn’t sell your home s the second anniver- sary of marriage equality in . Massachusetts has recently passed, it seems an appropriate moment to salute Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), the seven plaintiff couples who sacri- ficed their privacy in the name of equality, as well as MassEquality, the coalition that has preserved marriage after continuous attacks from the far right. . Since Nov. 18, 2003 when the Supreme Judicial Court ruled that loving gay and les- bian couples could not be excluded from the protections of marriage, so much has changed. In Massachusetts, nearly 6,500 couples have married since it became legal on May 17, 2004, and the national debate about equality for our families shifted on its axis. Certainly, those Massachusetts families are safer and more secure today because of marriage. Those couples now know that they won’t be shown the door when their spouse faces a medical crisis, and mothers and fathers sleep easier knowing their par- enthood status is recognized and honored. But these mar- riages go beyond the state bor- der. These families have taught not only their neighbors but all Americans an important lesson about fairness. The discussion around mar- riage is more than one of bene- fits. It’s a discussion about the type of society we want to live in. It’s the question of whether the “certain inalienable rights” of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are American ideals or simply nice ideas. It’s about what we want to teach our children. Annie Goodridge is a good case in point. Years ago, when she asked her moms why they couldn’t get married,rthey did- n’t have an answer. Yet, Annie’s simple but profound question helped ignite a law- suit that under Mary Bonauto’s leadership led to the historic Goodridge decision. Annie and other children,'no matter what their parentage, know that Massachusetts values equality and fairness. She and her schoolmates know that her par- ents are valued and recognized Two-Years of Fairness in Massachusetts boasts the lowest divorce rate in the country. Elected officials have grown along with voters as demonstrated by the over- whelming rejection this year of a constitutional amendment banning same—sex marriage. But as we celebrated the second anniversary of the Goodridge decision, we remember that we have a lot of work ahead. In Massachusetts, opponents have crafted a sec- ond marriage ban for the 2008 ballot. And nationwide, the far right wing is twisting marriage equality to scare voters and legislators from enacting even the most basic protections for the lgbt community. It didn’t work in Maine this November, but it did in Texas. We must be- In Massachusetts, 8 nearly 6,500 couples have married since it became legal on May 17, 2004, and the national debate about equality for our fami- p lies shifted on its axis. members of the community. And these children have learned that democracy works best when it applies to every- one. The Goodridge decision has taught us all. Much to our opponents’ dismay, no mar- riage has been negatively affected by Annie’s parents having full rights under law. The dire predictions of anti- gay activists have not come to pass — much like they withered away in Vermont after civil unions were enacted. In fact, a majority of Massachusetts citizens now support marriage equality, and interestingly, Massachusetts ever vigilant and continue to tell our stories to our families, friends and colleagues. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” We have seen legalized discrimina- tion defeated through ground- breaking court decisions, and Goodridge now stands among them. The are is bending toward justice, and Massachu- setts is ahead of the curve. V Seth Kilbourn is Vice President of the Human Rights Cam- paign ’s Marriage Project.