73 HILLSIDE TERRACE, SHELBURNE WWW.SFWVERMONT-.COM 3°?-93-”'°2°° SHELBURNE*FlNE wooowonxme [BECOMING] Young ideas on gender, identity, and sexuality Edited by Gina de was and Diane Anderson-Minshall Foreword by Zoe Trope wvvw.x|ibris.com/becoming Liz Churchill A « 802-999-7848 _ l.churchill@wildmail.com ‘For couples, individuals, families é‘ organizations. ’ Prir/ate’Consultations, Workshops é‘ 3rd Party Mediation. Based on the Nonviolent Communications” work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg \ 0 emountainiariugme-dia.e g Sting that he 2006 Tobacco Tax Resolution is repro- duced below. This reso- lution is being circulated by a growing collaboration of tradi- tional (American Cancer Society, Coalition for a Tobacco Free Vermont, Heart & Lung Associations) and non- traditional anti-tobacco organi- zations, like Outright Vermont! Essentially, this resolution is an impor- tant piece of a larger cam- paign to address, pre- vent and stop tobacco use here in Vermont. Our hope is to have the tobacco tax increased on both ciga- rettes and chewing . tobacco by the end of the 2006 legisla- tive session. (The last A increase was in 2003 for cigarettes, but other tobacco products haven’t had a tax increase in 10 years!) It has been ' proven that one of the effective ways to decrease smoking rates across the board, is to V continue to make the tobacco products out of the price range of those who might tion education, outreach mate- use them. Plus, the revenue raised by the tobacco tax can and does get returned to tobac- co prevention efforts. These efforts help round out the holis— al orientation or gender may tic approach that is needed to complete prevention work (quit according to the most recent uri‘ht’s New Year Resolution Youth Risk Behavior Survey results (2005) that queer youth are two times more likely to smoke than their heterosexual peers? And that overall, more than 1/2 of all sexually active queer youth in Vermont smoke? For these reasons and many more, Outright Vermont is part of this collaboration and it is . Coalition for 3 Tobacco Free Vermont Resolution to Reduce Tobacco Use and Improve the Health of Vermonters WI-l'ERF.AS, Every year, I600 Vermont children lxxome ’ "cred to tobacco and H.000 kids under 18 alive today in Ven....... will die prematurely from. ' ing‘; and WXIHIQEAS, increasing Vermont’; cigarette tax by M cent: to $2.00 wanlrk significantly reduce the number of yomzh who smoke, would save :1 pmjected SI623 million in long term health can: costs. and would gamvide 1*" ‘mm. ,' ' ‘,,an ‘$19.5 million in FY2007": and WI l1£RliAS. currently 12% of high school boys (up from 8% in 2003) and 2% of high school giris {tip from 1% in 2003) use chew/spit ' . 3 ‘ V ~ \lr‘HliRl:'AS_. cumznlly (lay, 1.4.-sbian, Bisexual mail Questioning (GLBQ)yuuth inc inure than two 1:inu:s more likely to snoku than their heterosexual pours‘; WHEREAS, currently lire. smoking rate oflow income Vermonters is Signifmantly higher lhan Vcmwnkzrs in p higher income groups. and continues to rise where other populalionsxm: dmnminf; ' ' ~" ‘"3’ ‘ " WHEREAS, Vermont has the and Quebec; and Wlll~'.RF..v\S. fund: from the tax increase would support state programs that will advance the health ‘of all Vernmirters. , ' - ' l()VVCl\‘f cigurettz: tax in the region including all ofNcw England, New York Bli Fl"?! iiilu-Zl-'t)Rl-2 l{l“S(')l,Vl-ll). that ti»: ‘ . '9 ‘ nrganiration endorses: 0 Increasing the Vermont cigarette tax by S1 cent: and all other tobacco products ((rrv) tax f‘mm4l'.‘/u m 90% of wholesale price (fin-st increase since H195); ' I Using money mixed by this ‘ ‘ in the cigarette and other tobacco taxes to fund state pwgruxns llml will advance the health ofvermunt citizens. BE IT l-'UR‘I'.l~ll;Tll. that the ‘ ' organization will: I 0 lnibm its mlcmlxzls am}, ifpossiblv, Ihu gcncml public ofits ‘ oflhis Resolution; and, - lnfmm the Ouvernm and nmnbem oflhc Legislature ol'i1s endorsement of this Resolution, to the canon! pcnuilled by law, and urge its constituency to do so. Signed on by (dale) (autllolizcdsigltmum) Name of (‘n G ' Number of Mszmbclx (if applicable): (Sonnet Vernon: Contact Person’: email: Phone: . flue: ‘Mailing .* ’ ‘ Please return to: Coalition for I Totmcen Free Vermont I'.0. Box I460, Wfllsston, VT 05495 Fax: 872-6399, or email at: tnfnzirfigahaecnfmcvemmntnrg ftiaunpaigu 1'urTub:au:o- Free Kits, “Ilse Toll o$'Tub:u.-m its Verizmist”, 2005 5 Campaign for ‘tobacco-r‘mc Kitfs. “Benefits from {I Cigarette ‘lax increase in Vermont. 2005 “ Vermont \’rmI’o ‘Rial: Behuvisvr Ssnveys, 2903 elrui 2605 f \’cnxmrsL Ytmlls Risk Beixaviur Survey 2005 Weunont Behavioral Risk Factor: Surveillance Systmr 199X—2W=t Deco/rite 24105 my hope that the many folks" who support Outright will get rials, etc.). their organizations and busi- I am sure I don’t need to tell nesses that you work for/with you that tobacco use is harmful to sign onto this resolution. no matter what your age, sexu- Simply print it out and mail or email it back to Tobacco Free Vermont. Thanks everyone. V help, support groups, preven- be. But did you know that