VFMTF: Bring in the Choir! As our field director, Robyn Maguire travels around the state to visit with supporters at house parties and community events, potential volunteers always preface their passionate com- mitment to marriage equality with a dubious statement that goes something like this — “I mostly know people who already support civil marriage equality. They’re the choir. How can I possibly help if I only know the choir?” The answer is: Get the choir singingll Connecting with sup- porters through your personal network, the choir, is the best way to build support throughout Vermont and to educate those who are genuinely struggling with this issue. Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force recently had a house i party in Springfield. The host invited people from her personal network, which included co- workers, family members, and ‘ religious leaders. In one evening, we connected with sup- porters who are now actively involved with identifying more supporters (the choir) in the area. They are now asking their personal networks to sign our Marriage Resolution, finding venues for our trained speakers to address community audi- ences, hosting house parties, volunteering for data entry and helping with our work within faith communities. This is mean- ingful work that is a result of a VFMTF‘ volunteer who decided to give her choir a call and invite them over for a house party. - VFMTF urges community members to work within your personal networks to help gain full ‘civil marriage equality for same-sex couples in Vermon_t. To find out more about how you can support full civil mar- riage equality, go to www.vtfree tomarry.org, email Robyn Maguire at field_director@ vtfreetomarry.org or call 802.388.2633. Bennington 3 Pride Holds Forth Please join us at our weekly planning meetings at the South Street Cafe! We are thinking of community, venues, visibility," alliances and FUN! We will ~ continue to discuss better tim- ing to make these gatherings, including this one, more acces- Essex Junction — Immaculate two sible and time—friendly. Tuesdays: Bennington Pride Coalition Planning Group, 6:30 PM, South Street Cafe ‘ If you can’t make it please email bennpride@gmail .com with your thoughts, etc. All welcome! www.bennington— pride.org. And in December, we’re having a First Friday Kickoff / Bennington Pride Coalition Event on December 2 at the South Street Cafe at 7pm. We’ll be showing the documentary . film: Fish Can’t Fly. This timely documentary by the maker of last‘year’s Farm Family explores the lives of religious gay men and lesbians as they recall the often difficult journeys they have taken to ’ unify their sexuality and spiritu- ality. Focusing on their experi- ences with “ex-gay” ministries, the subjects relate how the “cure” these programs offered did not work, and how they learned to accept all aspects of their lives without turning their ‘backs on th‘eirafaith.:At times poignant and humorous, Fish Can ’t Fly is ultimately inspiring and enlightening. Also a report from the recent Transcending Boundaries Conference in Hartford, CT. Visit www.benningtonpn'de.org. V Are you a: Budding shutterbug? Hobby-shooter with time on your hands? Photography student in need of some publishing credits? OITM is looking to hire 2-3 volunteer photographers to help us illustrate news and feature stories in upcoming issues of the paper. Successful candidates will have a mastery of their own digital camera, a willingness to engage subjects for the ideal composition, a keen sense of lighting and an overall flare and enthusiasm for documenting the diverse people and places in our LGBT and ally communities. lf you are interested in volunteering 2-5 hours/month to your community newspa per and website, please send 3-5 color photos of people, places and things and a short description of your availability _. during day, evening and weekend hours to the OITM Art ' Director, Don Eggert at don@mountainpridemedia.org bedroom home in a great neighborhood with many e.\’tras including a ‘lxl-l Otter Creek 3—season room and dining room addition. kitchen is recently remodeled. 2—car garage. and huge side yard. $229,9()() lakctroiit Burlington — Spectacular property offering sweeping views of lake Champlain. Located in the highly sought after South Cove neighborhood. all you need to do is call the architect and plan your dream home. $595,()0() Burlington - Ten units within four separate buildings. great condition. and most have backyard space. Exc ‘ptional opportunity for an investor. 35 l .350.00(l 802.655.3335 WWW.TH E DESAUTELSG ROU RCOM 4 E DESAUTELS GROUP E KNO WHAT * HOME MEANS TO You! HIV/AlDS PROGRAM infg To learn more about: - HIV testing - Benefits of knowing your HIV status, - Treatment, support and counseling options Cali Vermont AIDS Hotline: 1 -800- 882- AIDS /;