who Mountain Pride Media welcomes its readers, supporters, advertisers and volunteers to attend our... Open-House &. Community Forum Saturday, November 12, 2-4pm At MPM/OITM offices at R.U.i .2? Queer Community Center ' (34 Elmwood Ave. Burlington). Refreshments served. A heartfelt thank you to our supporters for all the help A you've given over 20 years! Now, what about the next 20? V Come celebrate. you and share your valuable input. The future is in your hands! "Mountain Pride Media We want to thank our supporters for theirpast help, give them a chance to give’ their input on our future_ direction and announce our exciting new project: Youth Page: by and for young adults. [U UT IN THE MOUNTAINS 23’ J V l » ‘ ~A ’ it v ii » -g".‘} l 4;(The following org’ anizations have,'|arge|y through cash a l ' * doAnations,vmade 2004 and 2005. possible .forthiVs project. k s We ‘thank you dearly from the bottom of our hearts and ‘ Media thin v°"’re it-st on ‘behalf of those whose voioes we ‘all-too‘-often times do nothear, our closeted Brothers and Sisters. J . Barony of All Vermont, Concept II, ' a Cover To Cover, Hea|thyLiving,l I Kimbell Sherman e&i Ellis, ORC Property Management, T Physician’s Computer Company, of Vermont, Upstairs Antiques; A J Vermont Communityr;gyF‘ofundation-,. it ; Vermont Desig'n Viilory|(gfs,ei. J i V is V Vermont Nlodularelg-lomfes.iy A very special. lthankvs T goes...out.vto our Assistant-rEditor, Susan McMillan. -who volunteers her time andfiwhio most recently wentabove }and beyond in fillingin on Thank you, Susan! i Samadhir$ingers,s$amara Foundation g « proofing day for our esteemed’ Editor while she was away. A