Faerie Camp Destiny PO 531 Winooski VT 05404-0531 Info@faeriecampdestiny.org First Cong. Ch.. 38 S. Winooski Ave. Burlington 05401. 862-5010. Home of the1st Church Civil Union in VT. First Cong. Ch. - Thetford. Open and Affirming Congretation. Tom Kinder, Pastor. 785.2915 First Uni. Uni. Society An Official Welcoming Congregation 152 Pearl Street Burlington VT 05401 Services Sunday 11am lntenrveave Monthly GLBT Potluck Information, 802-862-5630 www.uusociety.org V First Uni. Parish (UU) An Official Welcoming Congregation. Main Street, Derby Line VT. Rev. Jane Dwinell, 802- 873-3563 or 802-334-8831. First Uni. Parish of Chester 802.875.3257 First Uni. Parish of Hartland Beverly Boke 263-5487 Ohavi Zedek Synagogue Joshua Chasan, Rabbi David Steinberg, Associate Rabbi. Shabbat Services: Fri 6pg)4.§_qt{, 9am & 18 minutes before sunset Sat. Daily Minyan: Sun-Thu 7pm. (Hebrew School for Fams. w/ kids.) 188 N Prospect, Burlington. 864-0218 wvvw.ohavizedek.com ’ econd Cong. Ch.. UCC Bennington Hillside Street. Bennington. wvvw.secondcongbenn.org. St. James Epi. Ch. Awelcoming community of open heartsand discerning minds. Rte 7A, Arlington, VT 05250 375-9952- stjames@eenab|e.net St. Johnsbury Uni. Uni. Ch.. Rev. Brendan Hadash. 802-525- 3856. bhadash@sover.net St. Michael Epi. Ch.. Wed 12 noon Holy Eucharist; Sundays 8 ' a.m.: Holy Eucharist and sermon, 10 a.m.: An open and affirming congregation of the Epi. Church welcoming LGBT persons. 18 . Bradley Ave, Brattleboro. 802- 254-6048. _ ' Trijang Buddhist institute - Northfield. 485.4140. trijangbud- dhistinstitute.org Chanting: Weds and Sats 10 - 10:45. Unitarian Ch. of Montpelier 130 Main St. Montpelier 223-7861 Uni. Uni. Ch. 117 West St., Rutland VT Rev. Frederick Gailor 775-0850 Uni. Uni. Congregation I Upper Valley Bruce Johnson 649-8828, uucuv@va|ley.net Uni. Uni. Ch. of Springfield, 10 am Sundays. Fairgrounds Rd, Springfield 885-3327. Uni. Uni. Fellowship of Stowe. 4:30 Sunday's, St. John's on Rt. 108. Call Lynn 253-9313 FMI. United Ch. of Putney - UCC Open and affirming. Kimball Hill Road. Sunday Svc 10:30. Call Rev. Susan Tarolii, 387.6654. Vermont Gay Men's Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond Pl, Burlington 05401 Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce PO 1345 Middlebury VT 05753 opencircle.faithweb.com Vermont Organization for Weddings of the Same Gender (VOWS) Rev. Brendan Hadash 964 Beach Hill Rd, West Glover 05875 525-3875 vwvw.geocities.oom/bhadash STUDENT [See complete SOURCE listings: www.mountainpridemediaorgl resource.htm| SUPPORT American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), formerly GLB Veterans of America, PO 29317, Chicago, IL 60629, wvvw.aver.us ““""‘-Béfeavement (LGBTQ) @ Ru12 -- Every 3rd Thursday. FMl call , 802.860.7812 ButchIFemme Discussion Group @ Ru12 — Every 3rd Friday. 6-8pm Gay/BisexualIQuestioning Men's S.G.. Mondays 7-9 pm. Open Men's S.G. (open to all men). Sundays 7-9 pm. S.G. for Men Who Have Experienced Childhood Sexual Abuse and/or Neglect. Fridays 7-8:30 pm. Men's Resource Center, 236 N. Pleasant St, Amherst MA. Allan Arnaboldi (413) 352-9887 x 10 aamabo|di@mensresourcecenter:o ,rg Gay & Bisexual Men's S.G. Keene NH Shawn, 800-639-7903 Coming Out & Questioning S.G. for LGBTQ Adults age 23 +, free, open and ongoing. Mixed Group: 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 6:30 pm Women's Group: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 pm ' Lesbian Partners of Abuse Survivors. FMl call Anne at 763.8850 Open Men's S.G. (open to all men). Tuesdays 6:45-8:45. Senior Dugout/Games Room, Council on Aging Memorial Hall. 240 Main St., Northampton MA. FMI: Allan Arnaboldi at (413) 352-9887 x 10 or aarnaboldi@mensresourcecen- ter.org . R.U.1.2? Burlington, 860-7812, thecenter@ru12.org, ' www.ru12.brg Sex & Love Addicts Anon. PO 5843 Burlington 05402 SLAA Meeting (GLBT): Weds, 6-7pm @ Capital Dist. Gay & Lesbian Cmty Ctr, Albany, NY. Survivors of Incest Anon.. Mondays 6-7 pm. UCC Bethany Church, Blue Door Room (base- ment). Main Street. Montpelier. 802-229-2153 or 802-454-7822. Friends in Adoption 44 South St. PO 1228 Middletown Springs VT 05757 235-2373 VT Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) NE Regional Director Peggy Gage 12 Lincoln St. Exeter NH 03833 603-772-2113 NortheastRD@pflag.org Lake Champlain Area Lil Venner 23 Birchwood Ln, Burlington 05401 863-4285 Steve & Geneva Burroughs 878-2838 SW VT Area Meets 2nd Sundays, 2pm First Cong. Church UCC Williamstown MA 442-5557‘Straight Spouses of GLB Partners Keene NH Jane Harris 413-625-6033, eharis@valinet.com VT Lesbian & Gay Parents Meeting info: 658-’ 6045 TRANSGENDER International Foundation for women who play with women 617-598-1061 x1209, BostonMob@ao|.com Web: wvvw.mobnewengland.org Lesbian Book Group Meets monthly in Putney, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month. Novels, memoirs, poetry, and non-fiction books by women authors. Tatiana 802-387-2781, tatianas@sover.net. Sex, Lies, & Language Women's writing Group focussing on topics of sexuality, sensuality, and the erotic. Putney, 387-5452 Towanda! Women's outdoor group. Hiking,biking,kayaking. Towanda@together.net or www.together.net/~towanda/ Umbrella Women's Center 1107 Main St., Ste. 102 St. Johnsbury VT 05819 748-8645 Women's Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. Lebanon NH 03766 603-448-5922 24 Hour Hotline: 603-448-5525 Women of the Woods (WOW) ' 101 Harris Hill Worcester VT 05682, 229-0109 Gender Edgcatioh PO 5402291-:.~t;r..»_.~-Lleapnrpom@aol.com- rs-2-r—:-u vvanhanrnbxo2454 781-899- 2212 F; 781-899-5703, wvvw.ifge.org Transgender Radical Action, Networking, & Support (TRANS / ) PO 5687 Burlington VT 05402 472-811 5 MKMWEN Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area PO 6345 Keene NH 03431 603-363-4961 Amelia Earhart Underground Flying Society PO 746 Lebanon NH 03766 AUFS@rainbowre- sources-nh.org www.barney.org/amelias/index Burlington Women's Council ’ PO 0583 Burlington VT 05402 CRONES (For Women over 40) Alverta, 21 Hawthorne Cir., So. Burlington 05403 a|perk@sover.net Fiction Writing Circle. New informal group. Meets,in Burlington area to provide social support, editorial feedback, and career tips for women working on fiction and commercial creative writing projects. Vikcy: |ifelong@together.net Golden Threads Lesbian Contact Publication PO 1688 Demorest GA 30535 706-776-3959 Mary Davidson joydg2002@yahoo.com HIV/HepC: Peer support to Women living with HIV & Hep C & their families. Twin States Network PO 882», Bellows Falls VT 05101 888-338-8796 or 802-254-6716 Huntington Open Women's Land 434-3953 _ MOB New England BDSM and kinky social organization for YOUTH OUTRIGHT Vermont Resource for youth 22 and under. Support line: 1-800-GLB-CHA'|'; PO 5235 Burlington. info@outrightvt.org Check out www.outrightvt.org for all our groovy events and much more! Creating Change St Johnsbury VT Lore Caldwell 748-8645 Gaylstraight Alliances In W Hlghschools Bellows Free Academy S. Main Street, St. Albans 05488 Gail Grismore, 527-7576 homepages.together.net/ ~ekenyon/gsa/bfa/home Brattleboro U.H.S. - Prism -Fairground Road Brattleboro 05301 Andrea Carlson, 257-0361 Tracy Binet, 257-0356 Burlington H.S. - wvvw.bsdvt.org/schools/bhs/index. htm. aschwart@bsdvt.org Cabot Sch. P0 98 Cabot VT 05647 Charlie Wanzer, 563-2289 Champlain Valley Union HS 3 Bx 160 Hinesburg VT 05461 Meg Howard, 482-7182 _ Manchester HS Byron Brown TofuRights@aol.com Middlebury Junior UHS Charles abbreviations ‘ ’ ' ..;Anonymous. ‘ V , " Congregational Ctrl: Center. " Church A . V” Episcopal - Avenue Middlebury VT 05753 Howard Giles ' Middlebury Union HS - GAIGHT Charles Street Middlebury VT 05753 Susan Webb 382-1115 " ' 382-1117 Missisquoi Valley Union HS RR2, Bx 268 Swanton VT 05488 Paula Bowen 868-7311 x109 Email: 2gir|s@together.net Mt. Anthony Union HS - Students For Diversity Bennington 447-7511 x279 Putney Sch. GBSA Elm Lea F,’-arm Putney VT 05346 Rose Johnson 387-2044 Email: Rose__Johnson@pegasus.putney.com Rutland HS 22 Straton Road Rutland VT 05701 Karen McGurl 773-1955 Web: www.vermontel.com/~bishop/gsa South Burlington HS 550 Dorset Street S Burlington VT 05403- . 6296 Karen Grace Spaulding Union HS Ayers St. Barre VT Lisa Lemieux Marty Morris Julie Wilson Email: JLlND- SHS@Spau_lding.k12.vt.us St. Johnsbury HS 'Andra Hibbert andraoorin@aol.oom U-32 HS RD2 Montpelier VT 05602 Ellen Cooke 229-0321 G/Learn (Gay/Lesbian Education and Resource Network) PO 113 Norwich VT 649-5297 296-3858 North Country GLBTS Alliance Littleton NH LB, 603-444-0418 Email: xcountry.a||en@usa.net Outright Vermont Serving youth 22 and under PO 5235 Burlington 05402 865-9677 Youth Hotline: 800-GLB-CHAT (452-2428) info@outrightvt.org Web: www.outrightvt.org _ Woodstock Area Gayl traight Youth Alliance Outright Vermont 800-GLB-CHAT !-IS.: High School vSch.: School S.G.: Suport Group Uni.: Unitarian . Uni Uni.: Unitarian Universalist