calendar: november To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e-mail it to, or write us at: POB 1122, Burlington VT 05402 heatthe'win- V n “ Play is open to all levels l Noncompetitive play-— l fun and exercise. Email us V. the last 20 years, your ideas of what is and" .com for directions or more Tuesday 08 . » . . . ” /1 l ABENNINGTON — The Turning Point»Club—« V RUTLAND .~ VTCARES — Oral A 2-4pm; like to isn’t working today. and suggestions on how we can continue to evolve as your community . paper. . - . ' BURLINGTON -— UVM 4- Janice Perry Overeaters Anonymous. more information. BRATTLEBORO — AIDS Project of Southern Vermont — Syringe Exchange. See Tuesday 1st for more information’. See Tuesday 1st for “ HIV Testing‘. FREE & ANONY- V . ‘ ‘ V - MQUS. FirstvThursday of Every. 4 V Mmth (Nextone is-December 1) 7 12 noon to 4pm’ At Asa l Bloomerjvstate ,Office' Building. (On Workshop. Writeland develop performance pieces that can stand on their own or be joined together to create longer works that address identity, gender, social justice. and -.....-....-......V..-...<.----..»....-........—...—... - r.-.v..r.._-.-.—- -------—..-----_-_r---..----_- -.-. ..--_....--- - --