Sky’s the Limit for Vermont Freedom to Marry in the early days of staffing a VFMTF booth at the county fairs, there were egg throwing assaults and stealth bible placements in our booth by the opposition. Clearly fair goers weren't sure what to think about GLBT folks and why we believed we should have the right to civilly marry. Five years later, with over a 1,000 same-sex couples joined in civil unions, the sky is, well, There are no excuses when 1' t com 85 to yo or health still in the sky. The only differ- ence Vermont has experienced since the legalization of civil unions is that some Vermont families are better protected and no one is harmed by that fact. What did people say to us at the fairs this year? “So, when . will Vermont have marriage equality?" Hmmm. Now who has civil marriage on the mind for same-sex couples? There is a sea change in Vermont, and as someone who has worked on this issue for a few years, i believe that volun- teers and advocates are the heart and soul of that sea change. Just think where we would be if it weren't for a brave volunteer, sitting at the Take time for a Mammogram “ No one in my (6 county fair in 2000, waiting for the next egg to be thrown. There wouldn't be civil unions. And there certainly wouldn't be civil marriage. _ We thank those who volun- teered this year and the years before at the county fairs, those who talk to family, friends, and colleagues about this issue, and those who qui- etly donate to our organization. Together, we have changed hearts and minds. Now, let's ' move Vermont fon/vardl! Green Mt. Leather There's a new club in town and it's all about leather. The “Green Mountain Leather Club" is the brainchild of Bill "Furby" Cross, who was “Mr. Empire State Leather" for 2004. Furby envisioned a Vermontsocial group that would include every- one and everything associated with leather. With the help and ideas of many friends, new and old, the “Green Mountain Leather Club” was born. This club is about playing, strutting your stuff, education, and fundraising for community causes and charities. Leather has a reputation that's not always positive. Bondage and sadomasochism‘ are part of this club but not all ’ of it. It's not just about men, either. It's for anyone who. wears it. Theonly hard and “ l clon’t luwr: ‘'ance. l crL11’tafforcl it.” Egmm macl1:inc5_ are cold and it hurts. ” family has lareast cancer.‘” Breast Cancer Awareness Let’s face it, thert: are million. €.\’CUSt3$ why you won’t have a manmrogmnt. But only one important reason why you should~—it can save your ltfel Breast cancer is the most freqtierttly diagmosed L‘.é1l‘lCCI‘ in US. wornen as well as it is the second leading cause of death. Gifforcl. Medtcal Center encourages all women over the of 40 to have a mammogram and 21 clinical llarcast exam. every year. A mammogram. c2m’t p1'cvc:nt cancer, lmt it mu rs:-we lives by clctecting C211‘:Ct‘.1‘ early‘. ll.-‘(D Still €.(;l'l..I YO U1.’ U1€;lI11I"I1()gl'Zl IT], call 7282214. ’, /" Gifford _z‘.v1t:Ll..i<:a.l. Cent-2-':_.r 44 Sout.l'1 M:air1 Street, .l{ar.1rlc.>l.pl1., lVerrr.1ont _8O27/'28-2214 www.g‘£ffl')rrlrneclorg true rule is that you have to be 18 to join an participate in our socials. The educational part of" this club is about how to do things right in the BDSM scene, fine- tuning skills and showing the curious public what it's all about. We hope to put on demonstrations and classes to put people's minds at ease, and stir up others enough to join us. Some people get very uncomfortable around people in leather due to its association with bondage and sado- ’ masochism, but leather is not always as it is perceived. Some people dress to the nines and go to dinner or to the theater. Others dress up and stay home or wait until they're out of town. You might get away with wearing your leather on the streets of Montreal or in some of the gay villages of the U.S., but not in any village in Vermont that we know of. Now, though, you will have not only a place to go, but people to go _ with. Our hope is to have socials all over Vermont so everyone can come out and play without having to drive halfway across the state. For future gatherings and such, you can find us at MSN groups; type Vermont Leather in the search box or email Furby: MRESL2004@aol. com. V To learn ' more about: - HIV testing - Benefits of knowing your HIV status - Treatment, support and counseling options, ‘I-- = Im E L113 (.9 C3 E (I) Q § E Call Vermont AIDS Hotline: 1 -800- 882- AIDS