calendar: october To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e-mail it to, or write us at: POB 1122, Burlington VT 05402 F" For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglcalendar_index.htm Body of Christ, to reach out in ministry to ies: ‘Program. 10:O0«1_ the Norris Cotton wine before heading out to a local restaurant bian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people A Cancer Center, Lebanon,. NH. Sponsored by _ for dinner. FMl contact Randy at 863-3669. _— NH _ Human Rights .watch _ both withinand outside of our congregation. .A ~ the American Cancer'Society, Cosmetic, . BURLINGTON _ Outright VT __ Friday Night j Filnn Festival. The Colonial:Theat?e‘.will host Christchurch Eresbyterian is located on «UVAM Toiletry and Fragrance Association, and » , A A QOUPA -,_3:30em at 187 St Paul St: A youth A - §giéctions—fiom the Human RigA}i‘ts»vvAatch Redstone Campus between the water tower F National Cosmetology’-Association. First seeielleupeert group met meets no matter the _ » international Film Festival 913541015. Each and the Catholic Center. ' A ._ A -» Tuesday of each month. Please register in " « weather or hefidey Come meet other lesbian . §*l9‘.‘59ht3¥’°m the L°“d9‘l‘.3‘“d New Y°'k C ’ CARVER, MA’-l— Gay Days — Out in The ‘ it it advance by °am”9.D°'i$ .W"’“S°“‘3‘ 603448‘ gay, bisexual, transgender 8. questioning feswas are p‘'ese“ted 35 3 T."a."e"“9F"m» Court at K_ing_ Richardfs Faire. 10:30am to 3 I .. 6417‘ i " "H V in ' youth ages 22 and under! For more informa- C F . W ’ A ’ " A . tion call: 800~GLB—CHAT or check out our . website at: - .. .: —‘BETl-tLEHEMl,'lNl-I 4. Hunran Rights Watch ST°‘”E ‘ 5‘°‘”° Thea“ G”"“ ”‘ F“““V scum BURLINGTON"-—A vesA»—A‘voiieyi;a ; A’ ’i'-”es_Ati\‘ta‘l:A.‘The‘ list of aims is air, . ._ A . _ , . . _ ’ , ’A 6:00. prn.www.OutlnThePark.'comIoutinthes»A ‘- ‘WW-36s“‘*°“¢mC°'°“'a'~°'9= T.*‘*$’W"‘ be I ’ court. Be seen, Wear PURPLE! lt’s oificiaw -7“:°'“‘3m'N3W'E”9‘3"d'5 °“*V-."9‘.‘““eVf-°r_*hi"5 Special Coupons Available! * » “-importarstAand_ provocative festival, . ' ’ AA Outright W rd-ay A at.ChrAsA thewng SCh0oAAAAA36 Locust SA A Fri? Festival. See SAatAur,day 1st for moreA infor- ;‘A!A')<:Ariey- See Wemiesday i3th for more informa A -- .N‘9"“"S?9*3*§‘?’3=3°Pm a.‘=13i7 5*-‘":P‘3”‘ 3*‘ ' — i ‘ "iupher Shelburne Rd.) 6_—8i>m, $5/nigiri/me_ . ma on‘ 7 . . ” . F - ‘ ' :3’.‘?¥"»"-L5°,"€ia'/h.a"9 Wt ‘9*°UP.''F’.‘§1fv”?9et$ ‘ bers, $10/night/non-rnenibers,Save Money: .. iB.RATn-EBORO A/—THE:Me“’5 P~'°9’am — . ‘Wei? Saturday featuring .m9Vi°a-nights: b°3'd. 1 VGSA membership only $20.00. Come for an; 3. ‘ 9°79 G'°”P- 5P‘“ *' CORE GROUP? He‘? . 3V _ . ‘ F ‘@1639! afivenmfes 3* I“°f9*i ‘3°"‘e eveningof challenging-(yet low.-Akey and runs) ‘Guide THE Men's P'°9'fa""i ‘MEWS '°’°9’a"‘ — BRATTLEBORO — THE Men's Program —- “ volleyball. We have agreat time, anclAweloo_riAtej.-- I-C°l_“lm““itV R0‘-°m’ B’?-am~e~b°r°3 FM Mex $02‘ Foliage BBQ..1pm on ——- FOLIAGEBBQ; BBQ . , new playeArs‘.:FMl Contact Guy at 802-2724‘ = -.254’3263;jefi§Sh@S9r¥e"“et' V " ‘ inja beautiful location with great company! "i = —A 2000.“ ' ' — ,fHanover,vANH.;-VA— U\i?:7Raysj.iASAAc>ccer.»]'i1e upper » FMl'Al'ex 802425448263; ef{ * 3?'a993f5—.GL5T3‘.S°°9°"-*5“? PWS eV.9?Y . ' aukuuerou ~— Outright VT — Saturday ' WedwsdayfF':Pi3Yfi5V.‘Qpén‘:iota“ ‘Web 5 Com‘ ‘ Nignt7Socia|s.:See Saturday ’|st for more C " V e novwesio.advanwné.~or=¢omvetitive;a iinforrriation. F r F * C STOWE ~_—‘4 Stowe T’hea_tAre7Guild - Funny 7 A ‘Money. See Wednesday 5th for more informa— A m=CAR.E . .BURALINGT_OAN ——.Christ Church. .-.rAesbyteArian7. “‘°'°r“‘“ ° “'3 ‘ C sALmdax2r1di9r,m9r9. . ‘raifiiirrgi ’i2AAcArAii‘rA_iAC‘:_i‘i'i6;_ qssiiiaini ’si.,;'E__ieAn“ ‘ ‘Open. rneeting.jot__ ' A VA meaningthat anyonewith a desire to st’ 6 " 2' A lk. ,n_h¢’u,s‘»‘e’,,é,y.». aw’ -_— A unday A5en1.ioe' See:_ W0 A A _ liooking your ideas, interests, and input for i lnexifiahrv ah§1‘we.ne9d YOU!“ . . . " o'u‘r.H*a‘uRLIN¢ro.n.—;siir—; . V A ‘VoilAeybali.’AA:.See Sunday 2nd for more—infonnaT-F H ‘boot R§iim.'t=_am¢ in d roe. tron _ .ii=;iii$i‘ii»i‘:'sj32%i‘:r§.l;.;‘x'i;é<;. ‘fi¢_;«;;Ar§r_;;iig:,riioiig.~.._ Gay, ;L1esbian;.Bi.sexuai, .Tr.anJsgend “ ‘ ' " °'id»'¢‘Y‘3?1 Wine 8; Dine. evenings. Burlington College Community 1Ai¢§ meiife, membership, and leader- \ HANOVERILEBANON NH -American _ A ‘ ' Meet at Wine Works on upper St. Paul St. in Room, 95 North Avenue. ship of this church, and strive, as-parrot the . - _ Cancer Society ~ Look Good’... Feel Better F ' Bwiinston at 7pm. Enl0Y 8 glass or two of . » -